Ready to give up

Simple solution bro, go and play Elder Scrolls Online. I played WoW for 12 years, never thought I would give it up. Recently watched Nixxom’s video and said finally “i’m putting wow down”, this coming from someone who stayed through WoD and loved Legion. So far in ESO I am having a blast, the world is fun, amazing and engaging, unlike WoW that just offers you soul destroying world quests… Seriously, the base game is like $20 non subscription and you will literally get over 1000 hours of play time. You will also begin to realize just how lazy Blizzard is after playing other games that have less of a budget than WoW. Really try it for 1 week and you will be like “damn, what have I been doing on WoW”.


I explained it in my original post you replied to try reading it and as i have not unlocked it in WoD or legion i am doing fine without it

So being forced to use your 110 boosts just so you can start playing whatever race you actually want at lvl one is ok? Have you lost your mind?

I have 2 lvl 120’s and I just checked and there are at least 3 achievements you must have to unlock a single allied race, and I can’t unlock any of them. Also, the achievements are different for each one. You are seriously being misleading and you know it. You need to actually go work on them and spend your time specifically for achievements (which includes exalted reps) for each and every race you want to unlock.

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So insulting a new player who was misled by a Blizzards advertisement makes you somehow better than them? I don’t remember ever having to unlock any other race. Though I had to unlock a single class that was gated by a level req that at the time I already had when the Xpac was released. I’ll take the pleb over the Elitist who thinks they are special because they are so hard core.


I never said I was an elitist or that I was hardcore. I’m not either. But I am someone who is willing to put in the effort for something that I want. Please refrain from putting words in my mouth.

ESO is about as interesting as watching paint dry, and offers even less engagement than that.


The dumbest part about the 25-step questline is that doing the Dungeons in M+ doesn’t count to complete the quest. Who in their right mind at Blizz came up with this rule?? Seriously, on my main, I realized about a week ago that I hadn’t completed it. I saw a random quest that wouldn’t clear for a dungeon I had done multiple times and just thought it was a random old quest that wouldn’t go away and deleted it many months ago.

How was I supposed to know in game that it was part of this 25-step questline?

The only reason I even looked was because I realized I was tracking something I hadn’t completed (the Jaina story) and I went to find out why since I had completed everything else. Without that reminder set, I still wouldn’t have completed it.

Yes, it is the player’s responsibility to figure these things out. But when you say that a quest is tied to a dungeon, and then a player completes that dungeon, but then still doesn’t get credit because it’s M+ (NOTHING tells the player this), well, that’s what makes this all a bit more frustrating.

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If you mean the raid, then you don’t need to do it to unlock Zandalari Troll.

I think grind is ok, but grind plus waiting for part 2, which means not being able to make use of the reward while it’s most useful for the starting zones, just makes the reward, well, not as useful.

Since WoW doesn’t allow your character to change class, they’re saying they could be forced to change character if the class is changed not to their liking.

What are you having problem unlocking?

I can have your stuff and gold?

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I’m saying it’s disingenuous to say you have a 110 unlock and that makes it ok that they gated all of these races behind months of grinding. When BFA came out there were many people still working on leveling their newly unlocked race because they had to spend their first month getting exalted grinding reps and achives when the first raid tier had newly opened. That was BS.

There is a reason BFA is largely considered the worst Xpac ever due to these kinds bait and switch advertisements and carrot on a stick tactics to keep people subbed that Blizzard used to sell a product. There is no simple get 120 and unlock the new races right away. You are going to spend weeks doing this when you should have been spending all that time leveling and gearing the character you wanted to play in the first place.


Call the Wahbulance.

I was talking about having one part, not supporting 2. I am not in support of two parts.

I think they did.

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its kind of silly at this point, classic is coming out for all the flying haters and world pvper. you can go out and buy other mmo games and be flying in current content within the first month. blizzard seems to think they know best what players want, and they are proving time and time again they don’t. at least they caved in and are releasing classic wow, id like to see them actually think like a player of the game, i don’t think they have done that in years.

so many of their changes and additions are so needlessly obtuse they don’t even look good on paper.


People will get bored of Classic WoW in weeks, if not days. I’ve already seen people crying on Beta saying, “that’s it?”.

Yep, that’s it.

I am a new player myself, and while there are so many great things that will keep me playing for a while, these are some serious problems I have experienced as well. The Allied Races are rooted in achievements that essentially just measure the amount of world quests you have done for each faction. The inability to fly in these new zone is infuriating. Even the main quests of the BFA questline are hidden behind many of these world quest-esque type of activities. This game is very fun, but having seen what other expansions have offered, and what this one has taken away, I could understand the disappointment, as I find these annoyances very inconvenient as well. I hope Blizzard provides a major patch to solve these issues (which I don’t see happening), or they update this in the new expansion. :roll_eyes:


are you serious? Its ancient systems stacked on top of ancient systems + ancient achivements stacked on top of other achivements thatyou need to look at archives to figure out. Just make the grinds in one direction stop making it endless check list that you need to read wow head comments to figure out and grind a old system just to begin grinding the allied race.


You must not have played Vanilla because the achievements you need to do now are nothing like a lot of the quests back in the original game.

Maybe it’s time for an upgrade?

You know what? I agree with him completely. It’s not dumbed down to make you do achievements to get flying. Used to all you needed was the gold. So how is it “dumbed down” if they make it an even larger task? And I assume that even once you get the achieve to earn flying you’re still going pay an outragious amount of gold AGAIN to do it. I also agree on the new races. The fact is you can fill a quest log in about an hour with the friggin quest, just in ONE zone. I paid my money also to play the new races I’ve purchased every expansion and I still have yet to earn flying the last 2 xpacs, not even including BFA. I see a buttload of people raggin on this guy for legitimate post. Hope you got your 5 minutes of fame over when you posted and maybe Blizz can take a serious look at the man’s, and MINE issues.