Ready to give up

Given the absolute cluelessness of this response, is it any surprise that BfA is in the state it is, still after almost a year of release?


Welcome to World of Wowhead, where you pay for a game so you can go to a website (that’s notorious for questionable ads) to actually be able to play the game. Cause apparently it’s just too much trouble for the game developers to put anything in the game about how to actually get the things that they used to advertise the new expansion.


Usually the map has a large ! telling you what you need to do.

Flying should have NEVER been introduced. Blizzard should have just fixed their horrible flight path system early on then been done with it then they would not have felt a need to introduce flying in the 1st place

I leveled a 120 character alliance side to be able to unlock KT Humans and DI Dwarves. Having already unlocked all of the horde side races, it was my understanding that once I was done grinding out the appropriate reps that I would get to go through the unlock scenarios and get the alliance allied races as well. WRONG. In order to get the one race I wanted most, I find out I have to do not one, not two, not three, but FOUR dungeons! Guess what, I don’t do dungeons. So essentially, these races are now cut off to me. Why were the horde allied races not gated behind dungeons? This seems really screwy to me that one side would have to do all of these dungeons when on the other side, all they had to do was some scenario and quest chain to unlock all of the races.


Your Armory profile betrays you. But is there a specific reason why certain content is a detriment to achieving this goal?

The dungeons I’ve done this current expansion (Atal’Dazar, Waycrest Manor, Underrot, Temple of Sethraliss and The Motherlode) were duoed by myself and another person, or with a couple of people they knew and those people do not play alliance side. I do not do dungeons using group finder due to bad experiences in the past. People don’t care if you’ve never done the dungeon, have only done it once or have a specific quest you need to get done. They just want to rush through facerolling everything and expect you to do the same. There is a distinct difference between reading about encounters and watching videos of encounters and experiencing those encounters in real time. At least for me. I don’t play with anyone alliance side nor do I have a guild to run with. Therefore, I will not do the dungeons. I’m not blaming Blizzard or anyone else for that, as it’s a personal choice. You’re missing the point that on horde side, no dungeons were required for any of the allied races to be unlocked. However, on alliance side, I need 4 dungeons to unlock KT humans. Seems odd.

Leave it to an MVP to feel it’s their duty to “smoke out” a player for expressing frustration.

You go guy. Tell those players that their opinions and feelings are wrong. That will show them!


Are you sure you need to do that many dungeons. I don’t normally do dungeons and I don’t recall doing any.

What are the dungeons required for ?

Those magical words we hear a lot: Horde Bias!

I initially heard some people talking about it in trade chat Alliance side and I looked it up. This is what I found:

“For Kul Tirans, you have to complete the achievement “The Pride of Kul Tiras.” It’s a 25-step storyline that includes runs of Tol Dagor, Shrine of the Storm, Waycrest Manor and heroic Siege of Boralus.”

If that is incorrect, please (PLEASE! LOL) correct me :slight_smile: I would be more than happy to hear that the information I found was wrong! I was incorrect in one aspect, it’s 4, not 5. For some reason I thought I remember Freehold being on the list but it doesn’t appear to be.

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I didn’t think they made those dungeons part of loremaster but you are correct that website shows you have to do those dungeons. There is no expiry date on these races though, you could just wait until next expansion and solo those.

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True, that’s when I do most dungeon/raid content. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Well, you guys are the officially sanctioned corporate faction. Me, I prefer underdogs with non-genocidal leaders, so I’ll stay alliance.


I couldn’t agree more. Changing mains becomes a nightmare, why aren’t all achievements and rep grinds account wide?

If blizzard over buffs and over nerfs classes, they almost force us to change mains, so why not make this easy to find what achievements we need and reps by making all of it account wide!!!

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I think they also show up for some quests that are not part of the chapters and I don’t remember if they show up for all quests in the chapters, but if they do that’s a good start.

I believe it is 1 dungeon for 1 race and 4 for the other. So 5 in total for the 2 races, compared to nothing for the Horde.

But to be fair, as Zandarlari Horde we get to give something to Jaina that she wants just after she murders our King and dooms our race to serve Bwonsamdi.


I spend a lot of time in mythics and will start raiding again, soon. Even for someone like myself, who doesn’t bother with grinding a lot, I still completed pathfinding pretty easy. I took my time, knowing that flying wasn’t going to be right away like it used to be, however, when we do get it (after all the “emursuve!!” nonsense ends) I will fly and be happy. I just don’t understand how tracking any of this is a full time job. Good luck finding an MMO that doesn’t have achievements and grinding. It’s what this genre is made of, and build upon. If you just want to run through a game, get things quickly, and not have much of or any grind, than shooters are more in your wheel house. Back in vanilla/original WoW, we didn’t whine about mounts or getting the next level of armor like people do now.

Yeah, it’s a grind. Always has been and will be. Welcome to an MMO.

Huh? No one is forcing you to do anything. Get off of the victim wagon, already.

Why is that? You do have a choice, after all.