Ready to give up

I’ve read a lot of posts in this thread… not all… and want to comment on the new races advertised as parts of the expansion.

I’m a new wow player, my bro bought me legion but I never played it or subbed until friends talked me into it last summer with the bfa release.

Now I didnt sign up to play a particular race or class but coming from a new player perspective, when I found out that none of the new races were available at release and that I would’ve had to level up a separate character fully and do a boat load of quests just to start from scratch again with another race I said to myself: if I had really wanted that dark dwarf or troll or whatever I would be so pissed and prolly never touch this baiting game again.

Now I still play and enjoy wow, but I can see completely how that whole thing with the races would stop a new player from investing his time and money in this game

Bliz has forgotten that there are people out there who havent played their game, and it seems they are only creating new expacs to retain players and not attract new ones.


I came back a few weeks ago, excited to jump into a new race and try out a new class I hadn’t attempted before. I generally take long breaks from wow, often years at a time. But I was very curious about the changes and the new options.

I get back and find out they’re somehow locked. Ok I thought, let’s hit 120 on my hunter and gain a little rep and we should be good.

Nope, it’s get to 120, play for hours upon hours to gain rep on a toon I’ll never play again once I unlock the races I want.

Yeah I shoulda done more research into the exact amount of rep grinding, but usually completing areas puts you close. Not in bfa.

It seems silly to push the allied races so much when for anyone out there returning or starting fresh (so lucky I leveled this one to 110 in legion) has to play what they don’t enjoy before they can enjoy the game. I’d suspect it probably has turned a lot of people off staying with it, because I know some nights I don’t want to log in, because I know I won’t be playing that class I want to on that race I want to.

It just seems really badly thought out.


Tough, that is your problem. People have been playing for months now to gain the rep necessary, because people ‘GASP!’ actually pay attention! It was always clear for the requirements of certain races: Complete the Warcampaign, and get exalted with their faction. It is by no means difficult or even THAT time-consuming when comparing it to legendary grinds and what not. You have just gotten used to blizzard craming new races down your gullet, so now you are crying when they actually start pumping out Allied Races that everyone wants to play but actually make you work for it. Guess what buddy: You had 6 months to work towards that exalted rep you need for Zandalari, it took LITERALLY 2 hours or less for me to unlock Zandalari the moment they were unlockable, All I had to do is complete the Warcampaign and do the recruitment questline. Cause guess what: I put the damn effort into it.

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i leveled one allied race this guy and i started my zandalari troll heritage armor but i cant even log in because its so boring.

unlock allied races and leveling for heritage armor is not good content if you consider it that.


You want to play the game, then actually play the game to accomplish what you want from it. Since you don’t want to do what is necessary to get the rewards, but still want those rewards, then one can deduce that you have an entitlement mindset.

How was it hard? The quests are on Argus, and are labeled Argussian reach, so open you map up, and mouse over the world quests that are labeled Argussian reach. Now, if you can’t see any world quests, then you follow the quests that point you through the zones that are within Argus. This is not hard if you actually read the entire quest, which you should do to enhance the enjoyment of the game, because there’s a story.

Oh of course, the way they advertise it clearly states it’s all time gated and nope, you won’t be trying anything out until you’ve played what you gave up on long ago to finally play the reason you came back!

How thoughtless of me!

Stop trying to be a bullyboy and use some rational thinking. Using buzz phrases and trying to flex to someone, especially someone my age doesn’t work in the slightest, Bucko.

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Waiting till half way through first big content patch to make them playable so people will pay $$ to race change rather then fall way behind re rolling new ally race…

Please don’t talk to us like we’re stupid.


Such an absurd comment. The flying achive is not a puzzle that must be figured out. In fact, people in this game love puzzles, just look at how the community pooled it’s resources to figure out the hidden artifact skins in Legion. But no, you know damn well that is not what you have to do here, you are not “figuring stuff out” as you suggest.

In fact what you have to do is go to a 3rd party site and waste your time. Blizzard forcing people to wast their time is the #1 reason this game has been failing and why BFA is hated. LOL, “Might be playing the wrong game”? You act as if this game is on the up and up, LoL.

This is the first day I have played since Nov 1st of 2018. And what has changes since Nov? The fist thing I did today when I logged in was look at my map to see what there was to do. What did I find? Nothing new, AP grinding (which I loathe) and gear rewards that are garbage and useless to me. So I see this Forest Lord quest in Dark Shore that will finish my level for my HoA and I decided to go do that. I fly to Dark Shore join a raid party and kill the Forest Lord. I get my HoA level and boom I unlocked a new ring which the game keeps reminding me of every 30 seconds (at least it feels like) and keeps making me click to close the multiple reminders that I have an new power unlock, because now I need to go to a 3rd party site to figure out WTF is the actual value of these mindless buffs options.

This is not the kind of “figuring stuff out” the game needs. Figuring out how to beat the Mage Tower, now that is the kind of thing this game needs, but having to go to a 3rd party web site and sim my character to figure out if this HoA power is good or not (because there is no way to tell without a sim) is nothing more than forcing me to waste my time.

Nearly nothing has changed in 6 months, I logged in and within the first 10 min I already need to go to a 3rd party site.


Oh, the all time favorite ‘B-BUT I WORK!’ phrase. Wanna know something. I work too, cry to someone else. I leveled my Zandalari in a manner of 4 days and had him geared within 2 weeks. If you do Mythic+s and Raids, gearing is not hard. If you are just a plebian casual then don’t expect to have the same progression as someone who plays this game religiously EVEN THOUGH HE HAS WORK.

I found the best way for me was to pick the race I really wanted and at the time was high mountain but my a.d.d changed that real fast lol
Pick the zone do every somgle quest there until all are done! Unlock world quests and then start the rep you need to get then pick the next zone and repeat.make sure you get every quest in a small area usually they are all leading into the same area anyways takes about 20 minutes each little spot.
Flying i did the same exact thing. Did the quests and they give very good rep! Then moved on to rep and the achievements needed.i used this way to unlock every allied race in the game took me a few months but at the end it was worth it.did bfa pathfinder too for whenever that comes out lol

With looms, buy herb and mining. At 15 spam dgs no need to quest… But if want to do that. Anyware inbetween is fine.
I just play as a excape from my days akes pains and worries. End game is a job…
All i know there are a lot of nice fokes in the game. Good with the bad…
Dont tell…
Rock paper sizzards way…

How about adding actual pvp objectives to get people to land? Pvp towers and similar objectives would do just fine. In stead of forcing players to land how about giving incentive for people to land…

But that would require coherent world design and would be a bit more challenging. Cant expect them to do that, not like they make a crapton of money off us, right?

Buying BfA supplies a 110 character boost, though.
So you only have to play in the new expansion for 10 levels, and then look for and hit the unlock requirements.
People keep forgetting to mention that 110 boost built into the BfA purchase. If you want to you can skip every prior expansion’s content.

Ah the privileged plebeians. “Well I bought the game and I pay the sub, that means I am entitled to everything within the game” No, thats not how this works.

The boosts were, at the time, exemplified as a way to get new players into the game and on par with their friends so as to play unimpeded on equal footing without the weeks of leveling and awkward dance of the veteran making a new character / waiting until their friend got up to par.

Is it a convenient bonus for any existing veterans every time they buy an expansion? Absolutely.

But it’s not an excuse. It’s irrelevant to the issues at play. Allied Races specifically have a mechanic / reward, Heritage Armor, that serves as a cost / barrier to using that very boost even if you did save it. It’s all skeevy design, no matter what scope you’re examining it from.

  1. Complete story quest in each zone (if you hit M, you’ll see these quests on the right, it’ll start out say like 0/7 or something).

  2. Complete War Campaign. This is also on the right if you hit M.

  3. Earn Exalted in the faction that unlocks the specific race. Let me know if you need help with how to do this efficiently.

just fyi from wowhead comment thread:

Okay, but I’ve done all these things on my Alliance character and still no Kul Tirans. Do I have to do both this set and the Horde equivalent to unlock both the new allied races?

Draklon on 2019/03/13 (Patch 8.1.5)

Pick up the questline at the Embassy in Stormwind :slight_smile:

Wexen on 2019/03/15 (Patch 8.1.5)

As usual not a single indication from the game itself.

Adnarime on 2019/03/22 (Patch 8.1.5)

Thank you, Draklon.

By katherinne (5,161 – 1·19·90) on 2019/04/08 (Patch 8.1.5)
After getting all three of the criteria, nothing for the race unlock shows up on its own. You have to go to the Embassy in Stormwind and pick up “Made in Kul Tiras”

It’s a chain so will take some time.
Last edited by katherinne 13 days ago (Patch 8.1.5)

Actually, those are zone storyline chapter achievements, not quests. I don’t think the game actually tells you which quests you need to do to complete each of those chapters and which are unrelated quests.

People want something for their sub tho, they want to get a little extra, not just the right to play.

I don’t have a big issue with the Allied Races being locked behind things. But, I’ve done the 3 Alliance zones on 3 different toons. I didn’t do it on a single toon. This seems like a pretty stupid requirement to me to be able to unlock the Kulfat humans.

The questing is a bit boring and I will do it eventually, I just find it stupid that the unlock of a race isn’t as easy as being Exalted with the faction. Then, there should be multiple avenues to help you get to Exalted (we do have the WQ, boat, questing, but we do not have Raids/Dungeons/PvP). The first raid should of given me rep per boss as per Nazmir, and the second as per Zuldazar (with the appropriate Alliance cross-faction).