Ready to give up

You don’t think killing 25 demons on Argus is worth an achievement? :wink:

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The TLDR version will be the last paragraph.
Been a Horde Paladin since the day BC came out. I was the world’s first level 80 Horde pally(Sanjeet-Aggramar). I chose to play this particular expansion with an Air Force friend deployed in Japan as an alliance player then switch back to horde so that I can raid. I will not be able to play as a troll paladin. Thanks to the zandalar forever achievement requirement step.

Is there a particular aspect of the achievements that you find confusing? What type of content do you prefer to play on a regular basis?

I’m not confused by it, just extremely daunted. I enjoy dungeons, raids, and general group stuff. Questing by myself always triggers or exacerbates my depression for a long time now. That’s why it made sense to team up with my Air Force friend. Even if it required playing some pretty crazy hours, since in Japan he plays on Australian servers normally. We could have a rather lengthy discussion on why I identify with both the trolls and paladins so much, but it’s safe to assume that they both mean a tremendous deal to me.

For a while now I have been waist-deep in the middle of a severe depression, all I do is sleep and cry. I just don’t have the mental or emotional health to play through that much questing by myself. I’ve been paying $30 a month since burning crusade came out, for two accounts, my wife and I. I would be willing to buy 10 character changes right now if you could just offer an alternate path for this one requirement.

The loneliness from questing and farming by myself has gotten so bad that I started buying coins to sell for gold so that I had money for repairs, potions, food buffs, and flasks so that I could raid appropriately. My wife only has a small window of time for recreation and we already obligated ourselves to help our guild with raid progression. At this point I am paying to have access to the game and also paying to avoid having to play the game. In the past couple of weeks, I have felt so guilty about buying gold to buy supplies that I haven’t even logged into the game.

What you are asking for in the Zandalar Forever achievement, is fair, I do understand that, but I have found it incredibly difficult to find a questing partner who wants to do it with me. Is there anything else I could do for it instead?

But, you’re in a guild… why not group with guildies rather than pugs?

If the guildies aren’t of any help… maybe it’s time to re-evaluate your guild choice?

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There shouldn’t be requirements period.

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Yay, lets all get 500 ilvl gear set/weapons, all achievments and a huge “You Win!” message on login :stuck_out_tongue:

February … I chalk this up to an apprentice necromancer’s work. You must just be learning your craft and able to bring back only recently dead threads.

No, let’s just pay to change your gear/weapon instead. $10 per change per slot should be about right. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sorry for the late response on this. The reason for this is because my guild members as much as I did enjoy raiding with them at the time do sometimes tend to act like an elitist group of people and only tend to think for themselves and only do runs with people they know and been playing with for so long, so when someone who comes late to the party or is no longer raiding with them, you are mostly tossed to the side to do things on your own.

Yeah, doesn’t sound like a good guild to be in if it’s members are going to act like this, but when it comes to raiding with them, they do get the job done with no complaints. So it’s more of a personal reason why I stay with them.

One word for you, mate: WoWHead.

Ya’ll can go around defending this for players who played through Legion. That’s fine, it makes sense. Most of us already had the rep raised or just had to go back and grind a little. But for returning players who missed an expansion or two, or for brand new players, THIS WAS A REALLY, REALLY STUPID IDEA, BLIZZ. Like, the worst decision I’ve ever seen you guys make, hands down. YOU DON’T MAKE NEW PLAYERS GRIND OLD CONTENT TO PLAY ON THE NEW CHARACTERS FOR THE NEW EXPANSION. You just don’t. Literally the dumbest thing ever that has happened on this game and no one will ever convince me otherwise. Yes, it makes sense with the story line, but why couldn’t Blizzard just make it so at least new players could grind the rep for the factions WHILE playing the new expansion somehow? Like an updated way to grind rep that people who played through Legion didn’t have to do but brand new players could do while playing BFA. I’m sure they could have figured it out. A lot of bad decisions have been made concerning this still very fun game which I still love, but this will go down in history as the worst. At least for me it will.


You don’t NEED and axe to chop down a tree either, but it sure beats banging your head against it until it falls down!

I’ve found the quest chains that unlock the countless things in BfA that require quest chains to unlock them to be a convoluted mess. Even unlocking world quests was a nightmare. Upon setting foot in BfA I was spammed with a million thousand kajillion quests, one of which was to choose a destination for my first foothold. I chose it, it told me to travel there and I did… but I could instantly tell this was taking me off the main story line quest arc so I returned and left it for later because I had only just started a different main story arc.

When I got to cap I couldn’t figure out how to unlock world quests. I kept seeing earn friendly with a bunch of factions and finish the 3 footholds. What are footholds!? I see nothing in my quest log about footholds! After many frustrating hours of running around in game and searching through guides online, come to find out, there is this one NPC at the very back of the ship in the harbor who is hiding behind a massive steering wheel that is completely eclipsed by a ginormous sail, that will take me to the promised land of foothold hold heaven I’d been seeking.

That’s just one of countless wild goose hunts BfA has sent me on.


Game is being dumbed down for players like this.



…with an addendum as warning!
That site is still notorious for aggressive invasive software: if you must, make sure your firewalls and other protections are up and current.
Flips hair


You’re complaining about stuff that’s been around for years and/or announced ahead of time on the forums? Sounds like you needa stick to a game that takes no effort…Try Pokemon Go…Or would you complain that you need to leave your house and search for pokemon?

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I’m very much looking forward to Poke a Mango 2: Peekatchu’s Boogaloo getting announced on mobile this Blizzcon :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sharding ruined the game. No revenge, No sense of community from the opposing faction nothing.


Yeah especially for us returning from beginning of WoD I mean come on that’s literally 2 expansions ago

World of Warcraft is not for everyone

Apparently he did give up. After starting this thread it seems he stopped playing. Did you achieve your quota of chasing paying customers out of the game?


As someone who has played since vanilla i love that they are adding lots of new races— but this unlock crap is for the birds. Mind you i have 4 of them unlocked, and am about half way to unlocking the rest. It’s not hard… it’s just long and tedious—it’s a time gate to try and keep you playing. A carrot on a stick…

God could you imagine if they did this for Death Knights when it first came out, or Blood Elves— people would have rioted… so yea it’s stupid but blizz is pretty set on this decision. So complaining really not going to help at this point…


I think the most important thing about this is that the grind to get those races unlocked ISN’T fun, its long, its tedious, and it is only there to force you to log in every day and do dailies… if you need to force us to do content that sounds like a design flaw to me.

Also what happened to the days when i could just do dungeons for the stuff i wanted to get— why all this focus on dailies… and reputation grinds… lord everything has a rep now… it’s mind boggling , and the main reason i always unsub after just a month maybe two of playing. I wanna play WoW with friends, do dungeons raids, you know have fun! but this tedious grind is like a wall that bars off the fun parts of the game… and yes new races is a fun part of the game…

The only requirement should be completing the questing zones story lines… and why are so many quests locked behind rep grinds—it’s just such a bad design in my eyes.

I’ve played since 1.6… roughly between this account and my EU account, from way back in the day. All i can say is while i love the cinematic and story of legion and BFA this new focus on rep grinds and dailies is really really a mood killer…between that and the mindless aoe spam that is dungeons i just cant wait for classic…