Ready to give up

I bet this guy plays story games on easy mode.

You wasted your first post in this thread with that comment?

I’d be embarrassed if this was my post.

Maybe go play super mario or some other nintendo game for 10 yr olds.

I don’t believe people when they claim they bought an expansion for new races alone. They add nothing in terms of new gameplay…

You can look this stuff up in your achievement tab…

Not confusing, but repetitive and grindy. Why do I need to do weeks of Tanaan dailies just to be able to fly through areas that I outleveled months ago? I haven’t even started on unlocking Legion flying because of the grueling chore that was WoD flight. I recently resubbed, and even though I was able to get my character from 90 to 120 in about a week (I didn’t take the boost because I actually wanted to play through the content), I can’t be bothered to level any alts because the tedium of grinding through that content again on foot is not appealing.

I don’t have problems with the exploration and questing requirements. My main issue is with the reputation requirements. Reputation used to be something extra to do when you level capped and had completed everything else that you wanted to accomplish in the game. Now it’s a requirement for core features of the game like flight and expansion quests. Why???

In Wrath all you had to do to get flight was hit level 78. After that, your other characters got it at level 72. Everyone was perfectly fine with that. Why are you guys imposing stupid requirements that didn’t exist before? It breaks immersion. The narrative, “Even though you’re more powerful now, you have fewer abilities,” isn’t convincing.

Why do you have to insult the OP’s intellect, anyway? He’s obviously not confused. He’s annoyed. You should understand the difference between the two.


I was so excited to hear about the new races today to find out its another rep grind…

Sure, this would’ve been an easy feat ten years ago when I had no job, no responsibilities and 8-10 hours a day to kill. How does Blizzard plan to target those that are not always on and have other responsibilities? Those that pay the same amount of money and buy the same xpacs to enjoy this?

This three-week grind sounds like it would take me three months to achieve just one series of unlocks. Is there something I’m missing that would make this much more attainable?


Maybe instead of just having rested XP, there might also be a rested Reputation?


So you… don’t want to play, you want to get to… the part where you play?

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Op,suggestion,forget about fighting it ,you’re not going to change Blizzard’s mind set you are fighting a battle that you won’t win.As you can see the companies fellowers would discredit you at every turn.

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They don’t want to repeat the same quests over and over for weeks on end before getting access to the new race. I don’t see why that was so hard for you to understand.


Except, for WoD 6.2, you could use Medallion of the Legion to get 1000 rep (21 tokens) and if you were Human, this made it 1100 rep (19 and 1 quest or 20).


I’m a returning player with several toons that are leveled to which ever expansion level limit I played them in, didn’t play Legion. I was happy just leveling a new player in old content but saw the races and from reading I assumed there was some quests and specific requirements to get access, however if I had known it would be a rep grind (and I can only play 1-2 hours a day) I wouldn’t have purchased BFA. I’ll Likely never get the rep to play the races I bought the expansion to play. Its really all my fault for not reading all the stuff but it isn’t really clear how much time it might take to get all the rep to open the races. I think its crap to expect a casual player to put this much time in to play a race that it seemed like came with the expansion!


The longest rep grind here is the Zan Troll rep and that is because it is gated behind the amount of rep you get by questing and finally again behind WQ/Table Tokens (not BoA for some reason) because getting a tarbard at Friendly rep and spamming dung’s at your own pace (Que times) is just crazy talk at Blizz nowAdaze. (cc what I did there).


Plus not a single change matters till they remove SCALING from this RPG.


I have found that the Kulfat humans are the longest grind, because at the end of the grind you have a bunch of dungeons to do as well.

So form a casuals point of view, they also need to be in a guild or have some gear etc.

This week may be easier in that regard as people are doing 4x different dungeons… :stuck_out_tongue:


And in 14 years races and classes DID come with the expansions but this time blizz put out an underwhelming expac so to keep you putting money in their bank they locked the content you purchased. Like buying a car and being told you can’t use the stereo until your first oil change after reaching 3k miles and subscribing to car magazine


Thats not exactly true. That stupid mounted Norwington garbage with the horse and targets to 150 points is not a grind if you can’t complete it in the time it allows you will never EVER get to play Kul Tirans. I haven’t been able to beat it yet so what Blizzard is telling me is that if you are a person with perhaps “special needs” who cannot perform timed events perfectly because of a disability will not be allowed to join any of their friends in creating new allied races.


I bought the new expansion to immerse myself into the warcraft world and find out new things, experience new quests and kill alliance. So far so good. I can’t fly and don’t care much. It’s what we signed up for. Take a mulligan.

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I think a fair middle ground going forward with Allied Races would be to keep the scenario unlocks, but remove or reduce the reputation requirements. Especially for previous expansion allied races, rep grinding would not be fun. I say this as someone who unlocked them when they came out in Legion, and have 2/4 of the BFA ones unlocked. Race is something you choose before playing a character, so large unlock requirements feel too burdensome, especially when “full” races have never been gated in this way.