Ready to give up

This being said, I feel a catch-up mechanic for flying in those zones should be implemented and the ancient mana mechanic should be removed from suramar because that is a time gate in itself…

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So why can’t sharding be removed? and flying does make interaction between player to player very little.

Bornakk, in no shape or form should players have to rely on outside sites to figure out how to unlock a race. they certainly don’t in game give you a clue you are working towards that goal.


Rep grinding is not fun. Especially when those reputations are locked off by faction divisions and cannot be completed on my main, yet are required to unlock advertised content that has historically been available simply by purchasing an expansion.

Personally I don’t mind doing the reasonable portions of Pathfinder to unlock flying. Follow the story, explore the zones. Cool.
I’m almost done with the questing portion of Draenor Pathfinder. I will probably grind the rep to unlock rep gated vendor mounts, but grinding reps to Exhaulted to get flying feels like an extraneous chore, busy work.
I got Legion flying easily enough because I enjoyed the content while it was current. I’m sure I’ll have BfA flying soon enough after BfA Pathfinder part 2 becomes available.

However, I totally sympathize with people who lament the switch from buying flying for gold to unlocking it in each expansion with an achievement. While I personally appreciate being able to do the achievements and not having to pay ridiculous sums of gold, I can see the value of giving people the option to just pay gold and be done with it.

I feel everyone’s game experience would be improved by giving players the choice of paying gold to unlock flying on each character individually or completing an achievement to unlock flying for their entire account. I also feel everyone’s game experience would be improved by removing or at least lowering the bar on rep grinds to unlock certain things that we feel are base features, like access to flying and new races.

I prefer to have the choice to do whatever I want to do rather than being forced to meet seemingly arbitrary milestones to prove I’ve engaged with the content enough, especially when one of those milestone requirements forces me to participate in repetitive content for meager or even outdated rewards.


historically? what other expansion ever has had allied races? Oh none, thx

This unlock process sucks… the fact that if i’m alliance I can’t reasonably switch and use the horde races is absurd… I have to level through a few xpacks, then re-grind out rep. Then I have to re-level again. unless I want to fork out money for a faction change. This pointless gating behind non-fun content (world quests and rep grinds) is just making me hate wow more every day. I miss when the player came first, now its only ever $$$. Sad.


So glad you asked!
BC added Draenei and Blood Elf, races that had not been playable before and could reasonably be considered to have been “recruited” at the beginning of that expansion.

Cataclysm added Worgen and Goblins, who from a lore perspective absolutely fit in the context of an Allied Race because Gilnaes walled themselves off from the rest of the world and left the Alliance and the Bilgewater Goblins were basically recruited to the Horde by Thral after their island blew up and they rescued him. The starting zones for these races are clearly the origin of the whole recruitment idea that has persisted for each new race added since.

Pandaria gave us Pandarens who could choose to ally themselves with either the Alliance or the Horde.

These were all given to us without being gated behind leveling a character to max , progressing through the current content story, and grinding reputations to Exalted. A brand new account can just create a lvl 1 character for any of the above races without a massive time gate to recruit them.


totally not the same thing as allied races, of which we got 8, not 2

you have had 6 months to prepare and we knew all along that they would have rep requirements, it wasn’t some kind of secret.

Eh, mounts should be reworked anyways.

Land mounts should be at 100% and 150% respectively.
Flying mounts should be slower flight speed (75%/125%) but with the advantage of ignoring terrain.
Water Striders should move slower (100%) on land but faster (150%) on the water.
Flight Paths should be the best way (not counting portals) to traverse long distances.

These changes would make everything more valuable for their respective roles.

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I could have had 6 years to prepare and I still wouldn’t want to participate in this gating to enjoy a game. If the grind were enjoyable it would be a different story, but its not.


it’s not a grind if u do a little at a time and actually play the game

We got 8 because the dev team has streamlined the creation process for new characters. From a lore and game play perspective the new races are not different than the races that have been added in Cataclysm and ever since.

The difference this time is that instead of playing through the recruitment scenario when we create a character of one of the 8 new races we are being forced to do it on existing max level characters in current content. A new player isn’t allowed to say “oh, Zandalari Troll looks awesome! I want to be a dino druid!” and have immediate access to play the race they want. And if I hadn’t come back in Legion and completed the requirements to get the 4 pre-launch races in Legion content I wouldn’t be terribly motivated to do it now. In fact, for me personally that kind of access restriction is something of a deterrent to engaging in the content the way the developers want me to.

I want to engage in the content because it is interesting and enjoyable on its own merits, not because completing that content is required to earn access to other content I thought I was purchasing.

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Oh no! Time invested in an mmo! I really hope you’re not planning on playing classic, boy will you be shocked.

Classic gameplay is actually fun challenging and rewarding. There’s a difference. I’ll invest time all day into fun activities. In a game where solo play is encouraged more than grouping and BIS is never obtainable The grind is both boring and artificial.

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I played Classic when it was current content. I left after Onyxia’s Lair opened because I got tired of paying for a second job. I’m glad I never made it to max level then because the atunement charts for raiding and DKP and a sparse amount of gear drops for 40 player raid bosses and loot ninja horror stories… yeah, I’ll take the Nope train to Forget-that-Stuff-town.

The time I invest in games has to be meaningful and enjoyable. I don’t find grinding reputations to earn access to advertised content (playable races) to be enjoyable or meaningful.

Grinding rep to earn access to mounts, transmogs, pets, and toys? Yeah, I’ll do that because I feel like those are meaningful rewards that weren’t advertised to me as a feature of the expansion and thanks to the collection system they are (mostly) available to all of my characters.


Dude. The achievements lists are growing per expansion with WORTHLESS achievements that aren’t even ACHIEVING anything. They should really be classified as something else, or just feats of “strength”… definitely need a better word for that one.

Honestly, when I’m bored and have nothing else to do I like to do achievements. But the majority of them I cannot do. Because it isn’t possible for me via race/class/profession/whatever and limited by alts (why have achievements that you HAVE to do on alts, but only count for that char?) etc.

ALL achievements should be ACCOUNT bound, not character specific. and an OPTION should be available to people who want to have their reps across multiple chars as well. I get that you want people to play repetitive content to keep them online for numbers. I get that some people want to be immersed in the CHARACTER rather than the ACCOUNT. So make it an option. There are so many things I want to do in this game, but I can’t because of these daunting restrictions.


No one should ever have to leave a game they are playing to go to an outside source in order to be able to play said game. While it is nice sites like Wowhead are a thing the fact boils down to they should not need to be a thing. I never had to look to an outside resource to play any arcade game and a pc game is just a home version of what used to be arcade games. (Not saying this is the case with WoW, but the point is the same).

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wow has literally been like that since vanilla…

Theres figuring stuff out as in challenge or solving a mystery and then theres doing chores. Wow is more about chores.

And if everyone is completely honest here theres very few players that figure out anything in This game…quests…wowhead or YouTube. Done. Even raids…99% of all raiders just watch videos or read up on encounters…ie. standing on the shoulders of others who actually did the figuring out. Oh and on top of that they brag when they complete the raid. Yay we basically just read the instructions of others and applied it 900 times until we got the result we wanted…aren’t we awesome yay !. There’s nothinf wrong there except the folks rhat brag about it…that’s what im poking fun at incase sarcasm eludes you.