Ready to give up

Can we go back to core races given? Please guys? After Kultiran & Zandalari I’m all allied raced out. #AlliedRaceExhaustion


The reason PF and rep grinds for current or any future allied races are hear to stay is…

“PF is stupid. I did it anyway, but yeah, it sucked.”


Figuring stuff out in WoW often leads to challenging yourself and asking others for help, which usually leads to making friends. It’s all part of the evil plan to get you to enjoy your life.

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i actually downloaded the PTR client so i could look at Zandalari Troll animations because i was worried that after all the work and waiting i may not like it.

have been trying for days to log into ptr, have even run updates on it but it wont log in, just gives me the error “no realms available”, after searching google and forums for answers what i have found is that its common and you won’t get any help from Blizz. Patience is starting to run thin…

as much as I love wow, have been playing on various accounts since its inception but yeah, kinda starting to really feel like i am having to overlook alot of issues to play a game that is quite old, not really getting better and still costing me $15 a month to play.

again i do want to reinforce my love to this incredible game that has been a big part of my life for a long time, but yeah i do feel like there are more obstacles lately that seem to be in there for no other reason than blizz just…well being a bit spiteful really. They may only be minor things but nonetheless they are there. eg flying, i know what blizz are gonna do, just look up and you can see they did not design bfa with flying in mind in the same way they did with BC, wrath and MoP, they will unlock part two of pathfinder and then move us to a zone that has no flying. That is being done purely out of spite and I feel like its gonna be the final straw for alot of players. not myself personally but its certainly not going to bring back numbers and that will affect the next expansion.

this rant has gone on far longer than i planned, apologies

TLDR: its just a bit of a rant really

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Thotbot. Pretty certain that was around during Vanilla.

I was thinking here a bit ago when I made the chi-ji kite with inscription for the wife to have on her account.
BOTH kites say “wrong faction” when I try to summon them with any horde character.
If thats how its supposed to work its like…ok…why not one for horde and one for alliance :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Its almost like they hire kids to toss darts at a Bad Idea Dart Board and go with whatever the dart hits. If it lands on the ground, well we’ll just do something even more stupid than the crap on the board.

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The only reason I keep playing is I love lots of old content and it is only $15 a month. I paid $23 for a pizza a couple nights ago. I figure as long as its less than a pizza then Im ok with the price. It is the annoyance factor that’ll end up causing me to just go back to solo, offline games again, Im betting.

We’re all dying to toss money at these clowns and its like they WANT us to walk and take our business elsewhere.
Ironic thing is that they arent the only business right now who seem to be bent on irritating customers into leaving.


I totally understand where you are coming from. To relate to your opinion, ill give you my opinion. I came into this expansions having not played since the first half of WoD. It was interesting how much had changed amd yes getting into this expansion was an incredibly rocky road that didnt really smooth out until i was level 120. I didnt really know what to do and unless wowhead was around, id be totally lost. Theres no real way to know whats required for what stuff and yea i didnt know i needed pathfinder (or what it even was) until a while after i turned 120 and i talked to my friend about getting flying. Not one thing in the game told me im going to need to grind faction reps and that i should have been doing this the whole time i had been out completing emissary quests instead of just passing the other factions quests by…

If there is an achievement requirement for something/anything we have to let the public know that this is a mandatory thing and really show them this.

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I don’t find the requirements for either to be unreasonable or difficult.

Where I do have issues with it is the wait time.

As far as flight goes I think pretty much everyone has seen the world on the ground probably a couple times or more at this point. But whatever as far as fight goes.

It does bother me that the 2 allied races aren’t out yet. A big part of playing either of them for me would be to main one of them this expansion. Yet it appears the expansion will be at or nearly half over before they are released. That disappoints me.

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Y’all whine too much, to be honest. It’s an MMO; completing quests and gaining reputation have been staples of WoW since the very first day of release. Allied Races are special races that start at level 20 and tie into plot advancements; they’re a reward for playing, not unlike a new mount or a piece of high-level gear.

It’s really not that bad to unlock them.

If people haven’t figured it out yet as to why Blizzard utilizes wowhead as a roadmap the reason is twofold on the one hand it makes blizzard’s job much easier just like the .lua frees up encounter mechanic design. Secondly it steers traffic to wowhead and there is more than just a vested interest between blizzard and wowhead.

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Though i see this as just more complaigning - completely waranted

I can see how confusing things would be for someone comming into the game

Well apparently Zandalar Forever doesn’t pull from other characters like Loremaster of Zandalar does, so I’m going to have to do all that work I did again on one character. All the questlines in all of the zones, plus the other two questing achieves for Zandalar Forever.

I’ll tell you what… that’s not confusing, but it’s lame.

Here’s what I mean:

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I like the old way of doing new races better.

I’ve already stated a few dozen times that I’d gladly pay $$$ to have my level 60 or 70 MM/SV tree back as a toolkit in retail WoW, same legacy GCD implementations.

Ion’s vision is Ion’s vision though.

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Like BC?

  1. Log in
  2. Choose Race and class
  3. Level new character

Pretty much.


In all likelihood they were getting their info from people who were either trolling them, had forgotten the process they had gone through, or were unaware of subsequent changes that had taken place.

A lot of people have really short memories, apparently. I’ve seen some pretty outrageous claims on how someone did Draenor pathfinder in a few hours, which is a lie.

They could do something crazy, like, I dunno, disable flying for War Mode? Then those of us that actually LIKE PvE could have our flying. It would be the ONE decent thing PvE players got out of this war mode garbage.


One thing that GRINDS my gears (see what I did there) is the fact that I didn’t play WoD and Legion because I didn’t like how they were designed. The areas felt clunky and hard to traverse, the way classes played didn’t feel right, it just didn’t really pique my interest. Now in BFA I am finally having fun playing for the first time in years and I dread leveling alts through the old zones because I have to walk around on foot through content I already didn’t like and the only way out is grinding reputations in zones that are already in my opinion clunky to traverse on foot and don’t feel very great to quest in with world quests that take forever to complete. I have done all the questing necessary for Pathfinder but the rep grind is what is holding me back from revisiting those zones. BFA Made it a bit easier to grind rep in my opinion and the zones were better designed for emissary quests.