Ready to give up

I love how you purposely cherry pick information, and again skip the Explore Azeroth as new playable Allied Races. Earn their favor, then embark on a quest to unlock each race, adding their strength to your faction. Reach level 110 with a new Allied Race character to earn a distinctive Heritage Armor set.

end of story, you are what i hate to say but is true, fake news. Stop cherry picking stuff to skip things that prove you wrong, it is very clear, and from every post, every nterrview, everything that they said every single time since blizzcon “you will need to unlock them” especially since the void elves and others came RIGHT AWAY and were already hit with the rep and stuff. which takes no time at all, all these reps take far less then a month to earn.

Common core makes numbers hard, reading comprehension is at an all time low since cave painting, pigs can fly, and winter is already here, it must be the end :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, dead on buddy


I see it now, you can’t read so me trying to reason with you is pointless.

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You always feel the need to jump down someones throat if they disagree? Pathetic

Seems like you’re afraid of not seeing anyone. If you’re out questing, you hardly see anyone now, unless it’s an invasion. Not everyone wants to group up and see people. There are a lot of people who would prefer to not see anyone at all.

If you don’t want flying, don’t fly. They introduced flying at max level in B.C. and it should have never changed. Just because you are afraid of not seeing people doesn’t mean everyone is afraid of not seeing people. Let people play how they want to play.


I can read, and you purposely skirted around have blizz literally said on their website " Earn their favor, then embark on a quest to unlock each race"

No, I highlighted those parts and explained it but you still don’t get it or you purposely overlook it to be ignorant.

Yes there was, Elisabeth Stephanie Guillot, wrote a thesis called the WoW factor: Leadership in World of Warcraft as Sociotechnical

No, you keep cutting them out, its horrid how bad you are at this, its literally pathetic.
Explore Azeroth as new playable Allied Races. Earn their favor, then embark on a quest to unlock each race, adding their strength to your faction. Reach level 110 with a new Allied Race character to earn a distinctive Heritage Armor set.

You keep cutting out the highlighted part

Notice how your post here completely cuts out entire sentences of the posts.

That first sentence is bait “ Venture forth as one of the new playable Allied Races in Battle for Azeroth ,” “ earn the respect ” isn’t clear since at the end they add “ to create new prestige characters of that race ” which to me sounds like play as one of the new allied races and earn their favor. After doing so unlock these “ prestigious races .” Prestigious to me meaning a different race of Void Elves per say.

I mean really the way they write both “ Venture forth as one of the new playable Allied Races in Battle for Azeroth ” and “ Explore Azeroth as new playable Allied Races ” is contradictory since at first they say “ play as one of the new allied races ” and then the next sentence is “ earn their favor .”

Why not just say “ lvl to 110, do the rep grind and then the story quest to unlock these allied races .”

It’s written tactfully so that you buy it and then they shove time gating :poop: down your throat which you either swallow or spit out.

Seems like you swallowed, if you enjoy :poop: though who am I to judge.
Lets see if we can pair ANY OF THAT to

" Earn their favor, then embark on a quest to unlock each race, adding their strength to your faction."

Also dont think you know what contradictory is if you think “Drink a coke! Just buy one now at 99 cents” is contradictory, cause at first it has no price… but then it does?

no…it CANT be both ways, tho we can expect some of you here to try to justify and excuse the inconsistent CRAP that this actually is.

PF should exist in CURRENT content ONLY…PERIOD.
PF should be used to make us learn the land.
After that it is POINTLESS and SADISTIC.


I still maintain that the past system was better. Buy an expansion, play the new race(s). I’ve unlocked several myself but I still think it was silly to have to do weeks worth of old, obsolete content for it. I don’t mind doing a couple things in old expansion areas for a day to do it but more than a few days is when it starts to get a little silly.


Yes, yes it can be both ways. During wotlk you got flying at 77, or with the help of a book 68. Cata you got it at level 60. Pandaria you got it at level 90 after you were max level. Burning crusade you got it at level 60, then upgraded at 70. That sure does sound “inconsistent” almost like every expansion has different rules on when and what unlocked flying.

Well i mean if you want an old mount, or an old crafted item like a jeeves, you would need to do old content.

Back in Cata and Mists I liked doing achievements, but then I came to a halt because I realized the self satisfaction pretty much means nothing at the end. And ya the flight requirements are dumb in my opinion. Within 6 months of the expansion since release people usually get every rep to exalted and complete exploring all the zones. Why we don’t get flight by now is beyond me.


No…it cant and your incessant nonsense otherwise is just that…nonsense.
Did the player base toss fits and threaten to quit over flying PRIOR to pathfinder? Not in any substantial way that ive been able to see.

Pathfinder was an answer to a problem BLIZZARD CREATED that NEVER NEEDED to exist.
There is NO CONSISTENCY in max level and gold in MoP and prior…then threats of removing flight entirely with the fit tossed in response called pathfinder.

I dont care how much you rationalize friend. youre simply wrong, end of story.


I agree and I have done the old mount thing (Waterstrider) but man, that was 3 dailies which I had done very fast. Riding around repeating world quests, especially for multiple races… yikes. The only exception was unlocking Void Elves and Lightforged, which were all in the same proximity.

I love world pvp, and I love flying, try again. Flying actually makes world pvp better because you can get to those wpvp battles quicker. I played on a pvp server up until MoP when it died out. We did a lot of world pvp in Wrath, and BC WITH FLYING. Flying didn’t destroy wpvp lfd, and sharding and the players themselves did.