Ready to give up

I agree 1,000%. I have done both of those when the content was released, so it isn’t like I don’t have it and want it for myself.

It just makes sense, COMMON SENSE to let people purchase flying going on 3-5 years after the content was released.


Pathfinding and gated races were both huge mistakes, designed only to milk more money and time out of the player base.


No it should not be added to mop and before, because that is not how it worked… yes it can be both ways, legion and wod that is how it worked, so if you want to do that content you should experience it the closest way it was when it was current.

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Because idk if you know… but there is MANY different people in the playerbase… It is very obvious you have not been around long if you think EVERYONE wanted and still wants flying. The entire classic community are players who hate flying, world pvpers, hate flying, people who miss the exploration and danger of vanilla hate flying. There is a huge part of the community who hate flying, as do the devs, as it drasticly limits the world.

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I mean… not really? When BFA came out i already had all the races unlocked, and i unlocked darkiron/maghar within a week and a half of launch, and i moved so i missed alot of daily quests.

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  1. Idk if you know but ion has been playing wow since its vanilla alpha, he has video guides all over the internet of old raid content, tons lost to time or no audio cause… old… But you can easily search up “elitist jerks, zul aman run guide” and there hs is guiding his fellow players how to do the raid.

2.“That’s a ridiculous example, the core element of a MMORPG is selecting the CLASS you want to play to experience the game with. Level up, become more powerful, etc…”
yet it was fine when wotlk, and legion locked their classes behind level requirments? a new player joins wow, wants to play a cool death knight! and has to level to 55 on a class they care nothing about so THEY THEN can play.

  1. also lol, you seriously use a trailer? but then dont even look at the website which the trailer tells you to go to for more info, where the website says “you must unlock the races”

Aww man where does it say you need to REACH LEVEL 55 TO UNLOCK DK such a bait n switch! and where are those new dances btw?

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Dont you love it? when playing the game, and having to unlock things because “Milking money from the playerbase” i guess we should enter raids and instantly get ilvl 420? cause if not its only milking us for our money right? forcing us to fight the bosses and do the fights! what a bunch of money milkers!

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Oh and btw i love how you take the VERY FIRST line of the link. but then literally cut off the very next sentence that explains. Venture forth as one of the new playable Allied Races in Battle for Azeroth. Earn the respect of the Nightborne, Lightforged draenei, and other noble allies, and you’ll unlock the ability to create new prestige characters of that race.

and on the main page you lovingly skipped here is the link. you skipped the very obvious text.

Explore Azeroth as new playable Allied Races. Earn their favor, then embark on a quest to unlock each race, adding their strength to your faction. Reach level 110 with a new Allied Race character to earn a distinctive Heritage Armor set.

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I played from Vanilla through Wrath exclusively on a PvP server (Archimonde) and nobody I knew at the time hated flying. Matter of fact, players in our guild were excited to see it added to the game and at the time, PvPers embraced it. It allowed one to get to locations under attack in WorldDefense quicker and ambush unsuspecting players.

We worked like crazy to get to 70 just to get flight. It was only much later we started to see these memes that flying had hurt world PvP which was weird because it had initially prospered with flight in TBC. The real culprits were instanced battlegrounds, the implementation of CRZ and then the removal of the WorldDefense channel. Flight has been this long thrashed scapegoat merely because it’s a visible aspect out in the world. You see a player fly by and think, hey that was an HK, not realizing that players had ridden by all the time that you had never seen.

The fact is, flight only became an issue in Warlords because the developers made it one. And it’s no coincidence that flight’s removal occurred simultaneously with Warlord’s lack of endgame content and the move to hard time-gates on all manners of content.

We had flight for four expansions over eight years and the game didn’t fall apart.


Could not agree with you more OP, I wish they would stop putting time gated rep requirements on things like new races and flight. It’s my only complaint with the game and has been for awhile now. Enough with them Blizzard! If your goal is to get people to invest more time in the game, I personally play the game less now specifically because of time gated rep grinds.

One other side effect of this that I haven’t seen people mention in this thread yet, but I’m noticing is becoming more of a problem in this game. Because of time gated rep grinds, I’ve noticed people feel a lot more pressure to pick one character and only focus on them because playing alts means you will take longer to unlock things like flying and new races. As a result, you see people stressing out a lot more about “what class should I main? I don’t want to make the wrong decision and have to start all over again!”, myself included. And this completely negates the point to adding new races to the game. A lot of people aren’t even bothering to play their allied race alts because they know it’s not worth giving up all the progress they’ve made on their mains.

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I know I am very late to reply to your post, but I agree. I am in one and a decent one I may say, but my work hours kind of restrict me from finding a guild that raids the content I want that fits my schedule. It’s all good though. I do still see the content through PUGS. Just gotta work harder through PUGS.

Honestly, from my experience, allied races are a scam.

I played alliance in legion and unlocked all the legion races but had to level a horde toon to get the horde allied races… but all I had to do was hit 110 as I already met the requirements on my account. So I did it, and boom - 4 new races to play.

Well, Blizz got wise to this “shortcut”. In BfA it’s just worse. You have to level a faction-specific toon, then get exalted with the faction-specific group! So Mag’har and Dark Irons are now gated even worse than the allied races of Legion. And what’s more… the Kul’Tiran and Zandalari aren’t even done yet… but that’s not stopping Blizzard from stretching out your time played.

Now, once all this reputation grind is said and done… you still have to level 100 levels before you can enjoy this new allied race for end game content. Yes yes, we all know that it only takes 5 days to get to max level (and whatever any other white knighted excuse exists on the forums) but the short of this is…

Blizzard - you’re only punishing your most dedicated players. It’s like you’re double dipping in the artificial lengthening of “enjoyment” of playing the game by forcing the rep grind and the leveling up. And triple or quadruple dipping by making requirements across multiple groups which are separate in each faction. BfA isn’t nearly as rich as Legion was for content, so what are you left to do but add awful grinds? x2, x3, x4 times!

No one should be defending this. I stopped visiting the forums because of this but it’s Sunday… so enjoy.


Ok? He didn’t join the team till before Wrath release. I don’t know what point you’re trying to make with him playing WoW since vanilla, I have as well. At what point he started playing WoW is unrelated to the matter we’re talking about.

Another bad example on your part.

Returning players already have characters past lvl55 so they could of leveled a DK if they wanted to, a new player could level a class to lvl55 and then start lvl’ing a DK since DK’s also start at lvl55. The difference being is that DK’s aren’t locked behind time gated content to access such as grinding rep.

That first sentence is bait “Venture forth as one of the new playable Allied Races in Battle for Azeroth,” “earn the respect” isn’t clear since at the end they add “to create new prestige characters of that race” which to me sounds like play as one of the new allied races and earn their favor. After doing so unlock these “prestigious races.” Prestigious to me meaning a different race of Void Elves per say.

I mean really the way they write both “Venture forth as one of the new playable Allied Races in Battle for Azeroth” and “Explore Azeroth as new playable Allied Races” is contradictory since at first they say “play as one of the new allied races” and then the next sentence is “earn their favor.”

Why not just say “lvl to 110, do the rep grind and then the story quest to unlock these allied races.”

It’s written tactfully so that you buy it and then they shove time gating :poop: down your throat which you either swallow or spit out.

Seems like you swallowed, if you enjoy :poop: though who am I to judge.


ITT: A plethora of Bli$$ard shills who actually believe that Pathfinding, Allied Races, and the current gearing system isn’t time gated just to keep you subbed and playing.


And of course that has nothing to do with Blizz shifting to a retention model for WoW instead of growth because they know they aren’t getting new players, its just a question of how many they can keep throughout each expansion =p

lmao you mad bro? If the game triggers you that much go find some other mediocre pile to play. Oh wait, there isn’t. This is still the best option out there

Thanks for your advice random.

Oh no I’ve been called a random! Now I can’t sleep. (lmao)

Think it’s stupid that just to play dark iron I have to make an alliance character that I don’t want to play to grind rep for a month just to play a character I want too. Reputation should carry over to the rival faction’s corresponding rep such as honorbound and 7th legion.


What will be worse is that after we have done all the rep, all the requirements, and all the leveling, that they will just do away with it. And then anyone can have that sh#t instant. Its the ultimate slap in the face.