Ready to give up

I didnt start this game until Legion was grinding down to an end.
I am NOT going back into WoD and grinding out PF for even one account, let alone two (and no Im not connecting my accounts for the person who suggested it before).
I just wont do WoD content…which sucks because some of my favorite dungeons and raids are in there. But I aint running to the entrances in OLD content. Aint happening.

PF to slow down CURRENT content I get. Makes sense.
Doesnt make sense for old content.

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5 of them. And BFA right now has 6, with 2 more coming soon, and another ATLEAST 2 after that.

so yeah 1 expansion has more races then the last 6 expansions combined…

I am fine with havign to play the game, to have acsess to more races then ever.

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Do timewalking, and then use the timewalking currency to buy rep from wod, boom. also out of all the things of wod, questing was really good, but why do you have such a hate bone for having to do content you hanvt done before?

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Oh I’m sure someone somewhere has written a doctoral thesis on World of Warcraft.


Because pathfinder was a fit of spite and entirely unnecessary.
they wanted to remove flight entirely. I read the material. The player base went nuts and they recanted and gave this ‘compromise’ (it isnt) called pathfinder that doesnt add a single thing of value to the game. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Its just another grind full of crap that players who WANT to do the grinds ALREADY DO as they are playing the game.

People like me who enjoy OTHER aspects of the game, yet STILL PLAY the same or MORE hours than most of you who have pathfinder do are forced into a way of playing that we DONT ENJOY>

do you play games to NOT enjoy yourself? I doubt it.
I promise that I play this game far more hours a day than most players do. My ‘job’ is making money on my websites thru ads and maintaining and adminstrating websites and forums for others. I have tons of free time to play. many days Im working and playing at the same time.

so this isnt a time thing for me. Its that I dont ENJOY playing the game in a manner that pathfinder requires.
We got flight for max level and gold prior to WoD and it was FINE.
There was ZERO NEED for pathfinder to be added into the game.


That’s all well and good but most if not all newer players and returning who buy the expansion to play the new races that are advertised don’t want to level up to max level, do the timegated requirements and then level up the race they wanted to play in the first place. At that point they lose interest and subs will continue to plummet for this aspect of bad game design. Talking about players who have some sense.


The allieds aside, Blizzard does have a way of making it so you lose interest in the game real quick. It staggers my mind how they managed to take a game that was a blast to play all the way thru MoP, then somehow managed to literally find a way to make a game UNfun.
I just cant figure out the ‘why’ of it all.


I like to blame Ion and the current Diablo dev team working on WoW for what we have now. Most if not all the core people who created WoW are gone, have moved on and with it the talent and creativity for this game.


Im playing a lot of Mists right now.
When I come out of my MoP shell and wander into BfA for whatever reason, I feel like weeping over the loss.
I’ll give them this much, they did try to remake what they lost in MoP with some of BfA. It has some personality that Legion couldnt touch. But it feels like they tried to hard in BfA to catch some former glory but just couldnt let go of the handle enough.

reminds me of a boy in love who thinks if he only tightens his grip on the girl that she’ll stay forever. The exact opposite is true.
Instead of pulling more players in, their death grip is running players off, apparently.


It is quite special how we have the forums here, half the community screaming about how amazing classic is, how traveling meant something, and it had no flying. While the other half screams about how amazing classic is, but demands flying be in the instant the new expansions go live.

  1. pathfinder means that people can experiance the content as it should be, then allowed to skip over stuff. Ice crown citidal is much more epic and appealing from the ground, then from flying over it at the skybox.

  2. the playerbase wanted flying removed, and tons of them still do, the devs wanted it removed, because it puts massive limitations on world content, ruins world pvp, and makes the game faster. Many people talk about how epic these long journy quests in vanilla were, and how cool it was to see people running and walking about, aswell as the exploration! all of that ruined with flying, you dont explore with flying, you dont see other people, and these long epic journy just become “alright i pressed numlock time to grab a drink”

  3. I play the game to enjoy myself, but flying is not required, i prefer being on the ground for the first few months. I would rather be IN THE WORLD instead of ABOVE IT looking at my map, waiting to simply go back down to the ground.

What you enjoy is not what everyone enjoys, The playbase both wants flying removed, and does not want it removed. They want things that flying make impossible, but also still want flying in the game. They want us to be stuck to the ground exploring, world pvping, and seeing eachother. all made impossible with flying.


You do know ion has been around since the very begining right? alos do you have a source on “most if not all are gone” can you link that, at all? if you mean “the 12 main guys” yes, like 7 of them have moved to other projects in blizz or oh my gosh, after working almost 30 years retired…

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well those new players should have learned to read, you can say the same thing about ANYTHING

“I saw a video about the game where a guy did a raid, but turns out i have to LEVEL and then PLAY THE GAME the get into the raid? what is this trash”

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So if the game was fun all the way till WoD, why did the sub numbers go down in cata and mop so much?

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Which is why…again…Ive said consistently I have no problem with PF in CURRENT content to help the pace be what it should be.
It should be removed from OLD content…WoD and Legion.
To argue against that is to say it should be ADDED to MoP and before.
Cant have it both ways. If we ‘need’ it for WoD and Legion now that they are old content then the same logic would apply to MoP and before.

We dont need PF in old content.
In current content as its being released in batches to make it so we have to get to know the world…I dont believe Ive ever said a word against that.
In OLD content, its not needed given that we can literally just skip over expansions anyway. My wife still has characters that havent touched WoD but are in BfA content.
Why in gods name would she now go grind WoD PF ?
She wouldnt waste the time since she is a newer player like I am who started in Legion and simply arent going to go grind out flight in old content.

PF…IF it is needed…belongs solely in the CURRENT expansion


so youre saying that the devs wanted flight removed…and the players wanted flight removed…and for some strange reason they changed their minds and kept flight around… :smirk:


and you can CHOOSE to run around on the ground while I am flying.
See what an easy fix that is?


The requirements to unlock new races is absolute sh*%


Ion joined before Wrath release and worked on Raids, Dungeons and Class Design under Tom Chilton’s guidance up till 2015 when he was promoted to assistant director and then in 2016 lead game designer where he then began to craft this game in his vision and imo bastardize the game.

It doesn’t bother me that the main guys who created WoW have moved on, what bothers me is in their replacement are devs who didn’t follow the same vision but created their own and not in a good way imo.

That’s a ridiculous example, the core element of a MMORPG is selecting the race you want to play to experience the game with. Level up, become more powerful, etc…

Except now you have to play a race you don’t want to play to max level and do time gated content to unlock the race you wanted to play in the first place that was an expansion feature to do end game content with such as raiding or whatever. We got hamstrung.

This trailer for BFA is a classic example of bait n’ switch

The wording of their advertisement for allied races is a trap “Venture forth as one of the new playable Allied Races in Battle for Azeroth

Honestly, while one thing Blizzard did really burnt my noodles because it was easy to see it was just to drag out the rep grind, getting like HMTauren isnt really too bad.

It takes like 2 hours to get the “aint no mountain high enough” thing.
That gives about a third of the rep you need.
Then its maybe a week or so of running WQs and such…and you can spam the third boss in Nethalions Lair all day long for 250 rep each kill.
Its about a week maybe from start to finish for the high mountain tauren. And its only a short bit of work each day. Not like it takes hours or anything.

the one race I wont bother with is the dwarves. I saw the wife about to throw her PC into the dumpster getting them so I figure with my tolerance…or lack thereof…that I probably shouldnt bother.

the void elves and LF draenai really just ‘happened’ for me because I was running around argus all day long for months so I have no clue how hard they actually are to get.

The Tauren are the only race I paid attention to and as I said, they werent too horrible, but I can see someone getting irritated nonetheless because why even have a grind for a new race if you want for it to be a selling point for your game?

I did the grind for 3 races on two accounts and it wouldnt bother me one bit for Blizzard to just let them be a race players can choose without doing the grinds.