5 races that were expansion features can be played now actually, it could be 10+ more if they didn’t add in time gating. If you just have to do the quest line to unlock them sure but that’s not currently the case.
If you enjoy banging your head against the wall though by all means continue.
Interesting question, but this isn’t a zero sum game, meaning, those aren’t the only possible answers.
It’s not either/or.
It would be very easy to remove a lot of the requirements for allied races in old content, but that obviously isn’t on the table or a priority, and people keep leaving. (Who wants to play a character to play a character, really?)
I’m not sure your reading comprehension is up to standard there buddy. The implementation of Allied races is absolutely beyond ridiculous and nothing but a time gated illusion of content. People have no problems working for something if the rewards are worth the effort but with BFA everything is garbage wrapped in a time gate hidden inside a rotten diaper stuffed into a empty shell of boring repetitive garbage.
I want nothing handed to me I just want artificial time gated illusions of content to be called out for what they are.
Nightbourne look cool go get these achievements and exalted reps…
Umm ok so get this achievement and little window says do this stuff…
umm ok I guess goto Suramar and talk to someone!?!? to do something that ends up with that achievement somehow?!?!
Ok then get exalted with Nightfallen…ok how long does that take without invasions in Suramar ever it seems… only so many world quest to do…
In a month or two I finally do all of this then get told go do this quest line before you can unlock Nightbourne…
ok do that quest line what now…go finally start a character at lvl 20 then grind to 120
Steps 2-5 seem completely out of place. One MAJOR ADVANTAGE WoW has over every other MMO that has ever come out was the fun in playing alts. This is killing that especially if you want to pick up WoW as a new player and get told all this silliness just to play the class you want.
yep, sadly the most time effective way to join wow nowadays is only during the last tier of an expansion when everything is actually released
they are just so aggressive now with virtually any tactic to get players to come back, to stay longer. Except tactics that involve ‘providing more content’
These super small, cheap-o, boring zones, you mean? The ones we got instead of big, beautiful expansive new areas?
No flying is bad, but the tiny new zones are worse. They are transparently designed to cost less and take longer to maneuver through. They are a prime example of Blizzard designing to manipulate play to their metrics, not designing for fun game-play.
So you want to talk about players having to work for things yet in your entire wow career you’ve done no work for anything. You have like 2300 achievement points which I’m pretty sure you get just for creating a character and leveling it.
Your missing the point. This system pushes people out of where they should be into things that they should not be. When you can do warfronts and get an ilvl equal to what a m+5-7 offers, that completely removes any progression you could realistically make. You will have a harder time trying to get into the m+ 5-7 to get gear upgrades because you don’t have experience in the m+2-4 range.
You would still see plenty of peeps out in the world, you just wouldn’t be able to gang them. All anyone needs for WPVP is war mode to not have flying. I for one would welcome that because at least 50% in the die hard non flyers could frakk off and leave me to fly in peace, while they are all sharded off into Warmode.
You will… This was my second acc made back in I believe after WOD, I used to have an account from classic and other expansions. Since I made this acc, haven’t had much time to put in actual work but I do know what im talking about. Soooo relax with your petty saltiness. Your wrong about the matter, id hope not to see you in classic hahaha #CY@
@OP, you listed a lot of the reasons why I’ve become apathetic towards playing WoW. Too much gating behind tedious quests/achievements instead of meaningful content.
Not what im saying, Me and my step dad use to share an account waaaaay back on his bnet that I had played on. Midway towards the end of WOD was when I wanted to get my own account for bnet so yes, this is my second account. And I do have a hot as $hit gf, she lives 10 minutes from me lmao, good one tho
I wish they would use this type of “time- gating” for things that achieve character power like high power pieces of gear.
Not for core gameplay features like flying & races. These are things that were previously available TBC through MOP without all the hassle we have now (minus some gold farming for the flying that is).
I don’t want to have to go through a bunch of tedious grinds every expansion to release flying, and the new allied race of the week. I don’t really enjoy rep grinds since I’m more of a pvper. I want my core gameplay features unrestricted.
EDIT: The way they have flying restricted nowadays, would be like having to re-obtain your EPIC Mount back when TBC launched because it was a new expansion and you “forgot” how to ride your horse when you traveled through the twisting nether. Silly isn’t it?
We unlocked our Ground Mounts and Flying Mounts MANY expansions ago, and we shouldn’t have to re-earn flying every damn expansion. The “Cold weather flying” stuff in WOTLK and later was tolerable, but the amount of hoops we have to jump through now is just plain stupid.
So you’re taking credit for the work your step-dad did and then complaining that people don’t deserve things unless they work for it. Gotcha.
I mean you literally have the bare minimum achievements on this “new” account so you’ve also done nothing since WoD.
You sound like a welfare queen complaining about being offered a job but not wanting to actually have to do it. “Everyone needs to work for their achievements. No not me, I mean everyone else.”
Im saying that he and I played on one account, he quit after classic I continued. Its called growing up and acquiring things in life other than wow. I know my stuff tho, it isn’t likei just play for giggles. Im serious when I have the time available. Mainly a pvper anyway so you can’t come at my neck. Your literally a degenerate lol, don’t come at my neck pce