Ready to give up

Remember how no other game in this genre has “rep grinds” or time gates or flying bars like this game does?

I Do.


except you do, idk what kinda BS blays is talking about, but i literally just did gnomeregan and got 3 levels…

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Dont like… All mmos have these…? also what is a “Flying bar”

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Remember when in TBC when you only got 2 races? literally garbage teir compared to our 10+ in BFA

yes you need to… actually play the game to unlock its content, no surprise… And the bonus of that is MORE races.

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Op, it’s not that hard honestly. I’ve banged out several 120’s all in the 380ilvl and gotten all my achievements needed for the first pathfinder. And I maybe play 2-3 hours every couple of days. It’s not difficult, it’s not confusing.

Also, you guys complaining about no flying… yikes. Get over it, we didn’t have flying in wrath till 77 and it cost over 5k, it wasn’t till Cata that world flying came into play. I’m GLAD that we don’t get flying right away, and I hope it continues.

You people seriously complain far to much.


At this point the restrictions to unlock VE, LF, HM Tauren, and NB should be removed.


Hey OP don’t let all these haters get you down, you’re not alone. There is a reason that Activision stock prices have tanked and WoW is the least popular it has been in its entire history. Old School Runescape is literally more popular than WoW right now.

Activision has dropped the ball on everything this expansion following the philosophy of “If it isn’t broke lets fix it until its broke”.


I can see the writing on the wall. With this much crying, I can tell you’re going to cave, Blizz.

When you do, please give a nice title to the people that did it and didn’t whine until they got their way. Thanks.

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Like how all the welfare epics are handed out?
What’s the reward in doing some easy quest to receive an epic that might titanforge to heroic raid ilvl?

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Races and classes are not the same as gear. I use the race and class to engage everything in the game. Having the classes at a junk state, and locking races behind achievements, has a hugely negative impact on how people interact with the world.

The welfare epics or TF or anything gear related should be a different discussion entirely.



If everything were related to story, there would be a lot missing from WoW today. They don’t want flying in their game right away. They want a requirement for something you really really want. so be it.

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Yes, but I was responding to a player.


i enjoy no flight, makes world pvp more enjoyable.

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I mean you can always get high enough ilvl wise and faceroll through. Not hard. Do a little a day and then switch to doing what you love best. Forcing yourself isn’t something you should do. Just man up and do a little at a time. Then bomb your done. And never have to worry about questing for a good chunk of the expansion.

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it seems that the popular solution is just " play wowhead"

is that the game?

get a quest, go to wowhead, or in vanilla go to thottbott ?


They are “catchup” mechanics… its part of the system so your alts aren’t stuck at the 325 ilvl lol. Did you miss that Q & A? They have a bunch of catchup things they put in to help the players alts. Also in 8.1.5 theyre doing more catchup mechanics to implement smoother gameplay FOR those alts. It isn’t necessarily welfare epics buddy, with the acception of the 400 ilvl gear quest because alliance just sucks in wpvp and numbers were out of wack. It was an incentive. In this case to what I responded too the OP, it was him crying that achievements and unlocking feautures aren’t handed to him. He doesn’t want to grind for the loot, hes a casual. Just because he is lazy doesn’t mean things should be handed away for free, you have to put in work to get it. Literally a life lesson right there lol

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Its down because of people like you… you just want things handed to you? Things aren’t broke buddy, however things DO need refinement. With every expansion wince wows’ birth they need to come up with new things to keep it all interesting and intriguing. Yes they did things that didn’t quite hit the mark but with a 14 year lifespan and counting what do you expect. Wow nowadays I agree, is leaned more towards the casual fanbase but that doesn’t mean you are entitled to everything and every reward that comes with it. Work for it, period

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Doing a few WQs and a Warfront or two is working for it.


But that’s a requirement. You NEED to do that work to get the reward. Thank you for proving me right, I like u

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Catchup is a bandaid word to cover up the fact that they are welfare epics handed to you compared to what epics meant in the past and how you earned them.

Also, in the past we had BEs, Draenei, Worgen, Pandaren, Goblins all expansion features that were playable during release so that we could do the content we wanted to do to improve our character.

Saying all these races are expansion features now and locking them behind a time gated rep grind and much more when they weren’t before is bad design imo.

The first thing a player does when playing a rpg is choose the race they want to experience the content therein, do you not see how ridiculous and repetitive it is to play a race you don’t want to play to max level. Do the required rep grind and all that and then level up the race you wanted to play in the first place to do end game content with or whatever?