Ready to give up

I have never been a fan of questing or rep grinds. In previous xpacs before this awful dev team took over I would usually quest to 3 levels within max level then dungeon my way to the end. I just get tired of questing, in other xpacs it wasn’t an issue now its a big issue. They are forcing players to quest when that may not be what they like about the game. It never mattered how you played before, however you wanted to approach the game it was your call and you weren’t punished for it.

The devs now are arrogant, they want to force you to see all the content they create. They don’t want you to choose how you play the game. They take things like flying, playing races and lock them behind quest chains and achievements. Its not right. If I’m paying every month then what should you care what content I choose to play? That is why this development team is terrible. Its because they are arrogant and have hijacked the game from what many of us loved.


Just started out with it myself. Enjoying it quite a bit so far. Something about it grabs me. Not sure exactly what it is yet, but its off to a good start.


Ya I understand the financial side of the issue. It does kinda show WoW has become less important to them.
As a Syfy movie fan, the best movies are the ones that take a chance with an original idea and top of line special effects. Sometimes they flop in the box office or they make a killing. Either way it gets a certain respect for the effort. Many become cult classics.

Sadly WoW was like a box office smash that gathered a cult following in the early years. Then started making flops that are riding off of the cult following.


Ion seems to be obsessed with ensuring the entire playerbase plays WoW the way he wants to play WoW, and he seems to change his mind on how he wants to play pretty regularly and thats why we seem to have this almost bipolar “progression” system


Agree. I wanted to do the new races. But, it’s a massive grind to do it.

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Lol I think a majority of information cached by google is from wow queries. Wow literally requires google.

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Quoted for truth. Honestly, anyone who tries to refute this sh!t is clearly a Bli$$ard shill.


Table-top MMO

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The game has always been this way, now it just easier to do it. Sites like Wowhead didn’t exist you had to research it all in Vanilla if you were stuck.

Look at the Hivemind, it’s a secret thing that takes a lot of work, so many had a lot of imput to figure that out. I feel complaining about having to actually put a little work in is just meh.

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And I don’t consider it “work” to have to find information that has been deliberately withheld from us, or even worse, having to figure out that information we have been given is intentionally misleading or totally false because they’re trolling us.

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I already gave up.

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Just a note.
Try a mythic+0 in the area you want the Rep for.
Last boss gives in the 100’s

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Idk man. I have been playing this game since before wrath, and with each expansion it seems to move more and more into the single player category then the mmo category.


And this is why I may never bother with the new races. They simply are not important enough for me to waste my time jumping through Blizzards endless hoops to gain access to them.


I agree the game is no longer fun .its a endless Cycle of grinding .you can’t even test the allied races before unlocking them .you might do the grind and after unlocking them you come to know you don’t like the race .
It is not just the developers but the gaming community of this game has also gone downhill .
Everything seems forced without telling or showing us how it is fun .

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What do you need to test in regards to the allied races right now though? So far all the allied races already exist in game, and you can jump on the ptr and test zand and kt.

I know i will never care about lf draeni because i don’t like the normal draeni models.

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A simple place where you can test a lvl 110allied race should not be a problem for developers to put in . Some people not only look at how their toons look but how they actually perform

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If you don’t see the difference between something like the hivemind mount, and a friggen playable race, which could draw friends and family back to the game, there is no hope to explain anything to you.


What do you mean by perform?

Mag’har orcs are normal orcs
Lf draeni are regular draeni
Void elf are blood elf
High mountain tauren are normal tauren
Nightborn are night elves
Dark iron dwarves are normal dwarves

They share the same animations with each other, so you can actually see how they perform at 110 with the trial system that is in game.


Remember when Burning Crusade came out and you could play Blood Elves and Draenei immediately and also fly when you hit 70 if you had the gold?

Fun times.