Ready to give up

You just told me my examples are outside the scope of reality, then followed that up by giving me examples of how my examples are already in game to some extent and aren’t a big deal.


Then enjoy your optional races and unlocking them all your life if that is ur thing


Oldheart said it very well and I cannot agree more.

Ryuk, It is not about flying is a choice or not. You simply do not like to waste your time from A to B, am I wrong? Why don’t you ask devs that you just teleport from A to B? I am literally curious to know your reasons and answers.

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Wrong. Even if you want to pretend it’s not, flight is about fun. How will forcing portals on everyone return that fun and immersion to the game that flight brought us?

The fact that you had to shoehorn that word “literally” in there sounds more like you are trying to justify a false claim and are in fact not curious in any way, since you have ignored the reasons why people want to fly and put words in their mouths instead.

If trash mobs are your thing, farm them to your heart’s content and ignore all true objectives. But claiming they’re more important than the actual objectives is dumb. You have my permission to do all your farming of random pointless valueless trash mobs in zones where your vision is blocked and you can’t see anything around you, if that’s what you consider “immersion”, too. I kind of like to see where I’m going, maybe you don’t.


I remember the addition of flight. I remember turning 70, and dropping thousands of gold to get the 280% mount in SMV. And the fun that came from flying because the world (Outland) was built with flying in mind – and some things that only flight allowed you to access (Doomlord Kazzak, Netherwing island, Tempest Keep etc).

WoLK also had areas that were built with flying in mind. And so on… however, there’s nothing in WoD, Broken Isles, or the BFA islands now that will be accessible with flight, that isn’t already accessible. The fun flight would provide now is a little more control in how you reach destinations, since the automated taxis are still stupidly directed, taking scenic views whenever possible. And however flight will affect outdoor pvp until someone brings you down with a net and you slowfall or plummet to your death.

I don’t care for Pathfinder, yet i have all 3 versions of it, but I can understand why it’s no longer necessary from a design standpoint – the world is no longer built with flight in mind. All pro-flight players should be able to agree to that, and come to the realization that flight is merely a privilege in a world that doesn’t require anything more than a ground mount to reach all necessary locations.


What happened to the Blue post. It’s gone, I wonder what they had to say and why it was removed. This is FISHY


the achievements can seem complicated if you start with the metas, but all you really need to do is get all the questlines and reputations done and you’ll pretty much have everything unlocked when it unlocks, it was the same deal in legion.

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There are posts from Bornakk at #62, #135, and #143.
The tracker in-thread is malfunctioning, takes you a couple of posts off from the Blizzard response.

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“”“More to come, Soon™.”"""

Like when you guys announced that the races would be available at launch but were still waiting. Even more playable races were hinted at as well but I doubt we will be seeing anything more than just Trolls and Kultiran. There is a blizzcon panel picture that shows this and yet none of this was delivered.


You are posting on a void elf. As far as the requirements for pathfinder it’s under exploration, and as easy to find as typing it in the search box under achievements.

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It is not nearly as hard as you portray it. In many ways it is too easy… too straightforward; it is an RPG after all.

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So much this. What the hell is wrong with Blizzard?


I feel you , OP. It can be pretty daunting having to research so many different things after taking a break or even in a new xpac. I think most of us just know it’s part of the genre so we’re used to it.

And, for all of those “maybe this game isn’t for you” people, remember that you don’t have to love, like or enjoy every aspect of something to enjoy the overall experience. WoW is 14 years old which means it can be a long slog to get caught up on what you need to know for any given xpac, achievement, quest chain, etc.

And no one says “oh boy a new mmorpg is coming out! I can’t wait to Google all of the quest objectives!”.



One of the helpful tips on the loading screen will direct you to “fansites” for information. Blizzard just helpin’ you out by sending you to the same place GMs go for their information (hint: it’s not

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Can someone please- for the love of Pete- show me where Blizz ever said that Vulpera were ever going to be playable?

There are lots of unplayable races in the game. Walrus people in LK content and Murlocs are just two examples of this.

Did I miss something? I have never seen it stated anywhere that Vulpera were going to be playable.

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Sadly, this thread and attitudes like it are indicative of why I stopped playing a few months ago. I’ll probably be back at some point, maybe, who knows.

I’ve been playing Final Fantasy XIV and the game makes sense, lines up in a good way, and has development that gives far more attention to player feedback.

Here, a common complaint, like this one, is often addressed with canned answers that are entirely predictable, such as, “Maybe this isn’t the game for you,” “Why are you playing an MMO then?” “You think you want it, but you don’t,” or the ever popular, “We can’t make everybody happy.”

Meanwhile, other games are more than happy to try to accommodate all players and playstyles and WoW is hemorrhaging subs. A few months ago, my server was a ghost town; I doubt that has changed much based on a quick review of recent game updates and changes.

The sad irony of it is that the same players who are parroting “Maybe an MMO is not for you,” are the same ones who will be playing by themselves in the foreseeable future if they aren’t already.

It will be a sad epitaph to a once proud game.


At least for me, I’d like it if there were separate quest icons that would indicate which ones are needed for the storyline chapter completion in each zone/expansion, especially with the nature of WoW’s branching quests, also having them visible in the map. Sure, there is third party website that lists all the quests required, but ideally, you shouldn’t have to look outside of the game.


Truer words have never been said. Current dev team doesn’t get it and it totally disconnected from the issues people are talking about. All they do is come in and ask a really bad question and never bother to read the answers.


Not to be too cynical, but… because it’s cheaper. :confused: It’s easier and less expensive to just gate everything and try to milk more out of less, right?


To show I went through the process after not playing wow for over 2 expansions.
Blizzard could not have made it any worse if they had tried.

This is how you launch an expansion with new races? Insulting. For a whole month I saw NOTHING of Boralus or BFA content because I was too busy grinding Legion crap while researching what heck I was supposed to do.

I expected to unlock the races after doing their respective questlines but nope. Lol. Had to farm those 75 rep rewards for every WQ.