Ready to give up

First day in school ?
Here, take my hand, i’ll show you.


I had the same problem with some older quest lines I was picking up again. No idea where they were left off, I ended up having to get the quest ID off of Wowhead for each quest in the chain and using a script to check each one to see if I completed them. Not fun at all, why isn’t this just an in-game tool of some kind?

Not to mention why are the quest chains get so convoluted in the first place? It’s not a fun experience to have to work out everything that’s needed to do a simple thing like flying.


Turns out you have to play the game to experience the content. Idk what to tell you. I’m not going to be granted rep with entire factions because I bought an expansion. I’m not going to be granted all those mounts I didn’t grind for while everyone else was, just because I bought an expansion. None of this is new.

Is BfA Alt unfriendly? Sure, I don’t care to grind AP either (but keep in mind it gets substantially easier to do every week). But that isn’t the original point.

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I have to buy the most current expansion to be able to play races that need to be unlocked in old expansion content.

People would have RAGEDDDD if you need to have Exalted with Silvermoon to unlock Belfs, Ebon Blade to unlock Death Knights or Panda factions.

If you apply this insanity to Demon Hunters imagine if they had used this same logic to tell people you need to go do Burning Crusade reps to unlock them for some god forsaken reason.


And the rage on this subject continues for yet another expansion.

I have yet to understand how after years of a well working system for WoW. They began gating the basics of a new expansion. Classes, races, flying, and of course access to new zones, dungeons, raids, etc. Was all a basic part of the purchase. Now some of those things are gated and it’s called content?
Why not just leave those basics the way they were and, actually add more to the game. Bigger zones, more dungeon and raid bosses, more quests, more loot options, more professions! Any of these would of made most happy, but no we get Pathfinder and gated races…


The requirements for Legion Pathfinder have changed repeatedly, so often people who are trying to help new players and returnees can tell other players what they did but are wrong. Requirements for Draenor pathfinder were mostly met by players who had already completed much of that content many months previously. Their advice is usually incorrect about how long it takes someone starting a garrison to get flight.

And their memories of what they had to do are also wrong when applied to new or returning players. Even now we hear pro-pathfinder fanatics tell people trying to get Legion pathfinder that they should be able to get it “just by playing normally”, as if ANYBODY would be playing the Legion and Warlords content leading to flight in those zones “normally” anymore.

That’s totally abnormal.

The correct info has been hidden. Most of what’s on the web is incorrect. You can’t even get help from other players.

Designing a required achievement like this so you can’t get help from other players and the true requirements are hidden is the problem.

It’s an impediment to people joining or coming back, a disincentive to play and stay. The longer pathfinder stays in the game, the more players will reach the point where they say, screw this, it’s not worth it.


Some of you are missing the point. The “flying mount” achievement is not in the lore… it’s not in the quest as gameplay… it has nothing to do with Azeroth… it takes you out of the game that you pull up an achievement page to see a check list to do. that’s bad design.

But we all know, it’s just a blunt wall that has no actual reason in the story besides “it wouldn’t be good for questing”… well then figure it out. Maybe Azerite Particles are in the air that causes Flying mounts to struggle to fly so the quest chain requires you to make them immune to it.


They think if you have to farm reputation to play them you’ll play longer. But, actually they lose playres because once they relies how long it actually takes? they just quit. And that’s it, they lose the will to play.

Not everyones been playing since release, nor has everyone been doing worldquests and mission table quests.
It’s stupid.


Absolutely. It’s like they have split personalities. They want people to play current content, because that’s how they define the success of current content, how many people are playing it.

But they want people to play more, so they design incentives that send people back into old content for extended periods of time and keep them from playing new content. A classic example is stealth nerfing drop rates of rare mounts, which force people wanting them spend endless time in old content instead of new.

And leveling, which despite the claims of happiness of a few players has pretty much been a disaster.

Then they see people are playing old content instead of new, so they nerf old content. Again. And even more people burn out and give up.

So what they’re doing is driving people away from the game with this obsession with forcing people to play longer, because they don’t understand how their players are actual people with feelings, not pixels on a monitor or numbers on a spreadsheet.


Don’t be disheartened! Just play the game and after some time you’ll unlock the new races. We all went through it :slight_smile:

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Leveling in BFA has been the worst I’ve seen. Endless mindless kill this collect that quests. Almost no voice over work. I leveled through MOP recently and I couldn’t believe how much character and voice over work was put into everything. It seemed every spot in the world had a story to it.

In BFA> it’s just a map they put together quickly it seems, and only a few key areas have any story, and even then it’s minimal.


So if BFA had more voiceovers it would be better leveling? Because MoP had the same tired kill this, collect these quests that have been around since vanilla. But you pointed out the inclusion of voiceovers in MoP versus the minimal in BFA, so same tired questing practices would be that much better with voiceovers?

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You and me both. It’s like they think they know what’s best for the game and keep implementing questionable changes LEFT AND RIGHT and they just haven’t been listening to their players. If they did listen to us more then the company and the game wouldn’t be in the huge pickle that it’s in right now.


It has always been this way. You do not need to research it, but it can expedite the process quite a lot. Going back to vanilla we had Thottbot that allowed to research x item and where we can go to best target that item. Achievements make it easier because what you have to do is literally in the achievement description. Research may expedite it, but is not required for organically achieving what you want to accomplish.


OP is the kind of person that Blizzard thinks all of us are- people not intelligent enough to handle PvP vendors or more detailed tooltips.


That’s not twisting your words. That’s taking your exact reasoning and applying it to extremes. Twisting your words would be saying that you said those things or implied those things, which I’m not doing. I’m simply highlighting that your stated reason is terrible as it can be applied just as easily to things that are obviously ridiculous.


Spending many months in Legion content playing what’s left of the game there is not anything players at this point would be doing normally.

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Pathfinder is a meta achievement, it consists of many other achievements. You do know that, so don’t patronize others on their usage of the word. A person who says Pathfinder takes many achievements is technically correct, contrary to your post.


So you use an example that is clearly out of the scope of reality and think you’re proving a point.

Players have a choice now to skip 110 levels of content by paying for it. We have flight paths everywhere, 3 hearths, and an instant teleport whistle. Getting around in BFA isn’t the problem. Holding flying hostage does nothing but frustrate many people. Flying should have been available at launch. Don’t like flying? Don’t fly. It’s literally that simple.


I wonder if these blue posts are trolling. They’re trying to fix a system that wasn’t broken. Haha!