Ready to give up

Heh, yea. The most retarded mechanic was deleting the quest icons above the quest giver heads if they don’t have their mana fix in Suramar. That one threw me for a loop trying to figure out where the hell the next quest chain part was.

Whoever designed that should have been fired.


I see more lvl 120’s in Suramar grinding rep then people in the correct level range. I do not understand how you actually level in Legion content right now with so many 120’s trying to farm the rep needed to unlock these races.

We insta kill everything there so they have zero chance to complete quest.

If you’re just leveling, you won’t set foot in Suramar even once, as you’ll be 110 by the time you’re on the third leveling zone, and Suramar only unlocks at 110.


Pathfinder will prolly be removed eventually, I don’t see why not. Pvp vendors removed cause people couldn’t find them. Pathfinder must be impossible for some people. Others overreact to it. :roll_eyes:

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Pathfinder is pretty damn stupid when you return in BFA and find out you need to do it for not one BUT THREE EXPANSIONS worth of content.

You better believe it turns into a pretty stupid system then on a extreme level. Every single race being locked behind an achievement/rep grind is starting to add up.

Now I am expected to go faceroll content that is not remotely challenging for rep i do not care about and rewards that are USELESS to me to then be told to go grind that character to 120

Oh and btw my Heart of Azeroth is not account wide so screw you go grind those reps again and also grind that again oh and btw stay current with the game.

Pathfinder and Race unlocking has some of the most blatant fundamental flaws in MMO game design I have ever seen. Even NCSoft has never done something so stupid.


got to google or go to offsite to be up to date with WoW. some people just want to play a game not make feel like homework/work.

New races should have been in the game at start of expansion.
flying should not be locked behind achievments.


You should have seen me finishing up my quest lines for Suramar to get pathfinder. I looked like a cartographer with pads spread out all over my table.


You’re phrasing that as if it’s a lot or some insurmountable task. You need to explore the zones, complete the war campaign and main stories for your faction zones, earn Revered with the Factions, and do 100 WQs. It’s actually not that much.

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Do people already forget that we had flying unlocked at max level (for a small sum) in BC, Wrath, Cata and MoP? Do people already forget that those expansion were designed with flying in mind at max level and had areas that you could only get to with a flying mount? Flying was never an issue or problem until WoD when Blizzard (specifically Ion) decided to make it a problem.

Allied Races, a main expansion feature being locked behind forced grinds is idiotic and only serves to drive up player time in game. Is it hard to unlock no, can you unlock by just doing daily activities, sure. Is it fun, no. Does it suck for someone coming in late or if its old content now, absolutely. I do not recall ever having to go out of my way to grind out crap to unlock Goblins, Worgens or Panderians. Yet another stupid Dev decision by Ion and his team.


the most I ever looked up in EQ were loot stats. Other than that, I had to actually print maps from EQ Atlas to follow a physical copy.

As far as progression goes? Sure, there was some info out there. But you could pretty much do everything in game without the need for research.

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I have just started playing Tera on ps4 .granted the population is a bit less on it but I am enjoying my time in it .
I really don’t understand where blizz is taking wow to.
First they messed up Diablo franchise .everyone knows what they did with it .so I won’t repeat it . Now wow is being handled extremely carelessly .
Every decision that developer takes is dividing the community even more .
The biasedness in rewarding a particular faction .
Sometimes it tilts towards horde and sometimes towards alliance .
It almost feels like the people handling the game don’t know what they are doing .


I didn’t have to do 3x expansions worth of content to unlock allied races though. I did a fraction of Legion, and then just played BfA normally. Youre exaggerating because your base point is weak.

14 Races available immediately, another 6(soon to be 8) available and optional through playing the game.

Allied races are the rewards. Are they useless?

All of the information needed to acquire them is available in game. There are quest chains and map markers for beginning quests and completing them. The game couldn’t hold your hand any more than it already does w/o playing itself, and is a long-time complaint from players who want to feel like they’re playing an RPG where exploring is rewarded rather than a game-on-rails.


Because reading online guides is a new thing. Even before internet there were guide books. New age gamers want things so easy they can’t even read a guide that someone else wrote by taking their time to do all the research. :\


“I do have to do 3 expansions worth of content to unlock races”


Do people not see how bad this system is in the long term? This is almost like Azerite where they never think passed the 1st month or how people describe the mentality behind WoD development.


You keep mentioning 3 expansions. Can you name the 3rd?


Ok the year is 2022 we are 2 expansion into the future. Every single race added to the game from now until then is added behind Achievements and Rep grinds.

Some guy who sees that race and wants to play it is told the following:

  1. You need to level another character you do not want to play to max level
  2. You then need to go all the way back to dead content by this point and grind rep for months
  3. You then need to grind out the achievement
  4. Then you need to grind out the quest line to unlock that race
  5. CONGRATULATIONS!! Proceed to step 6
  6. Now start at level 1 and grind to max level again
  7. Now you can do the current content that you actually wanted to do in the FIRST PLACE!!!
  8. Want to play an alt of one of the other locked races. Repeat step 2-7

Now lets compare that to this Belf

  1. Login
  2. Select Belf
  3. DONE

Suddenly, 1 expansion is the new trend despite there being more examples where just buying the expansion grants the new races. Also, 1 expansion = 3, or 4? Who knows, I mean you sound %100 sure this is the concrete new standard despite it only being introduced last year.

With your logic, you may as well say that you need to do EVERY expansion’s worth of content because leveling up exists.

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That’s a bit more than an exaggeration, Blizz has consistently added content throughout expansions that is specific to that xpac that adds a unique element to it for those that wish to put in the time (Class mounts, artifact skins, challenge mode armor, challenge mode mounts in MoP, to an extent T3 gear since it was removed)

No one knows if we will have Allied races in xpacs after BFA

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Ok use me as an example. I left in 2010 and came back on December 15th to see what was up. I like to roll alts.

Void Elf and Nightfallen look pretty cool since I like elfs. I see the quest and achievement but have no idea what they are referring to.

So I go look it up and my jaw drops. Not only do I need to stop what I am doing in current content to go grind rep but I need to go grind an achievement.

Reminder this entire time on this guy I am build up heart of azeroth points and gear because you can only grind so much rep in a day.

  • You quoted only part of his opening sentence, capturing the 3 expansions – but he was talking specifically about Pathfinder (and those 3 would be WoD, Legion, and BFA) and not ARs.
  • Then you take that poorly quoted part and apply it to ARs to counter his argument (about Pathfinder content).

And you derailed his train of thought so well now he’s arguing against your misdirected points and not his own! Well done haha.