Ready to give up

I myself have left wow cuz of these time gated extra ridiculous. Requirements to unlock allied races .I want to play the race that I like without these requirements .I started playing the game when bc released and I have officially stopped playing the game as of yesterday .
Edit: plus the endless pursuit of gear that becomes obsolete within two months .you complete a set of armor and gear by doing mythic and raids and you come to know that now it means nothing and you should go back to doing it all over again ,nah not fun for me .flying you cannot unlock atm .


kultiran were not announced until BFA had already launched. Zandalari while yes said it woudl be at launch, nearly 8 months before BFA launched they said they changed their mind and moved it to be a post launch allied race.

Stop with the lying that kultirans were a promised race a year ago

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Well, they had to. It was actually fun and helped people see content they would otherwise ignore. Can’t have people enjoying the game too much, it breaks the “daily active user” model.


Nothing is hard or confusing about what is needed for flying, unlocking races, etc. The problem with many of us who have been in the game for long time are being constrained by time. I have played WoW since 2005 and I stopped playing for 7 months during WoD because it just wasn’t fun and all my friends quit and I quit again for this xpac. Reason why is time, 14 years ago I was hardcore WoW, I revolved my job whatever else I was doing at the time around WoW. Now I can’t do that anymore. Because of this I have found I can’t keep up with all the gated things in the game.

Nothing is hard to do its just a time sink that a lot of people are finding out they can no longer commit to. When flying is released it will suck for the people who don’t have the time to rep grind, the allied races are an easier rep grind but still takes time. If you are a person who skips around when questing you will have put yourself in a spot where you gotta go back and grind quest at 120 for rep. Back in the day I hit max level it was time to get ready for raiding. I usually dropped all questing and focused on gearing my main. Now in order to have access to things in the game you have to sink the time into that you may not have. Nothing is hard, just a big time sink which makes it hard to play the game the way you want to play it. I just wish that the developers would realize that gating EVERYTHING isn’t fun, gear? sure, access to special items like mounts? yep, access to new races? NO. You gotta ramp down the gating. Even if it is easy it still takes time. Have some awareness that the 20 something from the start of the game is now pushing 40 or past it dealing with a job and family and may only get 2 hours a night or maybe a total of 5 hours per week to play now.


Sure twist my words and act like some asinine teleportation option is the same as having something that worked fine for 8 years. Seriously what a stupid comparison.


Yea, it stinks waiting… more so that in order to play some of these new races you need to go back to the last xpac to play OLD content.

I can understand Blizzard side to a point, but don’t offer NEW CONTENT where you need to go back to OLDER CONTENT to contiune what ever needs to be done.

Or maybe they’re confused why Allied Races advertised for this expansion require achievements from the last. Surely engaging for the folks to have to go do old Legion content for that.


TIL Finding an achievement is the equivalent of earning a doctorate.

I assume you’re also the person Ion was talking about who can’t find the PvP vendors.


I agree.

Rep grinding has always been one of my least favorite parts of the game. I’ve mostly avoided it for most of the 13 or so years I’ve been playing.

Locking the races I want to be playing behind rep doesn’t make me enjoy it more, Blizz. Dooooesn’t make me enjoy it more.


It is unbelievable that your response is that a “delay is the best gameplay”. Why do blues always lie and give us spin? Just say you delayed it so that you could bring up your flagging sub when then numbers start to dip. You wonder why you have such a salty player base? Constant lies, spin, evasions and not even 1/2 truths answers. It gets awfully old after a while. Stop spouting bulldookie and maybe the playerbase will believe a word you say.


Of course new races are a feature of an expansion. Literally any MMO that’s ever included a new race in an expac has listed that on the box. It’s not “a side effect”, it’s a deliberate choice because new races are (relatively speaking) easy content to produce and people love getting new customization options.

Though I agree that in this particular instance they shouldn’t have advertised it. There’s a reason new races are an expansion staple in the genre; it brings people in, and the fact that it brings people in is why they’re unlocked when you buy the bloody thing.


Another big issue, that is glaring obvious and obnoxious is the fact you keep us from obvious allied races in-game like the Vulpera and Zandalari just so you can lure us back in after we have unsubscribed due to the lack/quality of content you’re delivering.
This is frustrating, through and through. I don’t want to resub just to play a race I have wanted to for months after seeing it and knowing it’ll be playable, I want to resub because content is attractive, and having a new skin isn’t content, but you folks at Blizzard act like it is simply to time gate stuff, this is unnaceptable.

Edit: Btw, seriously, why aren’t Vulpera with the horde yet? They obviously are horde, it takes almost no effort to add them as AR, yet the obvious delaying in order to turn “aquiring it” into content is painful


with all the CRZ you rarely ever even see anyone from the same server so i don’t see the defense in that.

as far as flying goes, well my plan is to level a Zandalari troll from the ground up, get loremaster achievements and basically get through as much content as i can (I will be turning off leveling so i can experience the quests/dungeons in every zone/expansion), I will not be diving into the next expansion, i have learned my lesson. I will purchase the next expansion once they have sorted the bugs out, possibly even until flying is released there. BFA really was released way to early, it had (and in fact still has) so many bugs and gameplay issues that were reported and simply ignored.

I still like wow, I am not quitting, but I am also going to be much tighter with my wallet until they go back to the same quality standards they previously held. I also am not happy with how they treat flying, basically they will give us flight and then immediately release a zone that has no flight just like they did with legion. I am not a rabbid “I MUST FLY NOW” sort of person, but it’s a smack in the mouth from the devs who obviously don’t respect or care about the community any more. so yeah, your still gonna get my sub but you will have to wait until I feel your next expansion is ready before I commit my funds again. Trust is lost.

and god help you if I find a decent private server, and if there isn’t a drastic increase in quality control that may be the next option (and its frankly a path I actually don’t want to go down).


Thanks for taking the time to express your frustration, and the details of it. Imagine how many players bought BfA for the same reasons you did, only to just bail.

I wish Blizzard would listen.


Such a nonsensical “argument”. Asking for numbers that are impossible to have, even for Blizzard, and posing like “I’m-better-than-you” with that condescending “yeah, I thought so” bit at the end as if those numbers do exist and support whatever “argument” you think you have.

Except all you did was shoot yourself on the foot by making yourself sound foolish and, in my opinion, quite dumb.

You might as well have stated the reason people signed up for WoW more during TBC than in BFA is because the TBC box art was mostly green, while there’s very little green in the BFA box art.


Or, something that I saw on the forums awhile ago, allow people to “buy” old pathfinder with Timewalking tokens, makes it so that there is a small time investment atleast for it still

I understand people having an argument for having flying available at cap, but for free as well? you cant have the best of both world. Either you wait for flying (which is 99.999% likely to happen as I don’t see Blizz going back on their “F You” to the players that complained during WoD) OR you can have it the way that flying was prior to WoD, that being at cap but for a large cash investment.
What’s the saying? You can’t have your cake and eat it too

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The Legion allied races were Legion content, hence the Legion related unlock requirements. You chose to leave, that’s on you. The allied races offered during Legion as a perk for pre-ordering were nothing but filler content, something to do while waiting for BFA to drop. Had you played through Legion, as many did, would’ve had most of the requirements done when the allied races were made available.

Achievement is honestly not an issue as you can sell me on having to unlock a race via a quest line. The rep requirements are just an absolute major issue. You are getting to the point where more then half of your playable classes are behind Achievement and EXALTED rep grinds.

TBC would have failed if you had put Belfs behind requiring Exalted Silvermoon on a main you did not want to play.

The entire system is completely broken. Long term this system is not sustainable and the number of people playing these classes should prove my point.

You put all this time and effort into creating the model and animations just to have them played by 3% of the playerbase as main at most.

I can personally tell you right now if Belfs had this requirement I never would have played this game in TBC and would have went somewhere else. There is zero thought given to attracting new players with these races.

You also put them on the box as playable races then lie to people making them seem easy to start when in reality they are not and take months to unlock then more time to get to max level then more time just to get caught up to current content.


I know of no other mmo that puts unlocking races behind an endless grind or a lengthy process . The gearing system now means you have to constantly do the same content again and again or be left behind and once you are done your gear means nothing after two months . I was 17 years old when this game launched .now I am 32 years old .i come back from work to enjoy myself in a game .not to come back to a game that feels like a part time job .
Atleast for this expansion I have given up on this game
And if next expansion is same like this one then it is goodbye from my side .
“Shame on you ,if you fool me once ,shame on me if you fool me twice “