Reading the council threads

Not every issue should be related to why people left WoW as OP mentioned. Also, i still think that the CC members should do post about lore and story telling that’s a big concern from Community that Devs can’t measure really well compared to the failures around systems.

  • Lore/Story Telling

  • Profession (a lot of issues with their idea of improve professions with legendaries)

I think until we got a ptr for 10.0 the topics are going to be Miscellaneouse, I would like to see like legacy loot for BFA implemented before 10.0, Mind control removed from Nzoth if you don’t have the cape…etc , improvements to old features and ideas for next expansion.

But the core regarding systems, that’s already touched by content creators, forums in general, Devs don’t need a Council to know the big issues.

The council is an echo chamber created by Blizzard to eventually become the scapegoat when none of the changes the community wants is implemented.

PR stunt from day 1.

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In part this is true because if you want feedback a bigger sample will be better that a small one, that could lead to miss a lot of points, for the sample size it’ll work better with a conversation between both sides but Devs response it’s low compared to the post and this with like 1/2 of the members

So how many people have you ever heard say they left because of Res Sickness.

I’ve played since patch 1.9 with a couple breaks and not 1 time have I heard anyone say res sickness is why they left.

Exactly, as i mentioned not every post should be linked to the fact that people quit the game.

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Who doesn’t like NG+?

i always forget the council section exists until someone makes a thread like this

Guilty. I like the gameplay

That and the current team also stated that SL was the first from scratch expansion they made with no real planning on story… We see the guy who crafts your leggos looks more like the jailer and the maldraxas leader looks like the original jailer concwpt art as did the outline of him in the first expansion reveal trailer.

Not sure why they swapped it around but it makes it so weird…that and the jailer was a failuer of an interestinf and threatening villian as we learned or knew nothing about him.

If this is how blizzard makes new villians and story out of nothing…god help us we need a new creative team or Chris Metzen to come back on emergency support becauer the writers atm seem to be lost at sea without a life vest when it comes to proper writing of a villian.

The ending cinimatic came off as how an expansion shout start not end…its so backwards…


Yes! Exactly! It was the first thing I said after I saw that cinematic! Geebus, I could’ve outlined an entire story for them with just that flashback cinematic as a jumping point.


Because more than half of those things you stated I don’t care about.

And that’s just it. The things they think are fine are probably things you don’t like and vice versa

I’m also irritated they used the same villian movie again…arthas I’ll kill you all to unite the world to stop a threat.
Sargeras I’ll kill you all to stop this threat!
Old gods we must destroy this world to save it.
Jailer I just wanted to destroy it all to unite it all. Also barely any interaction with the jailer… Even deathwing was more in our face a threat then this giant nipple man.

In an expansion with 1000s of opportunities they failed in nearly all of them…what frustrated me most. So many lore characters no show.


It’s gonna be the same formula…don’t expect a huge overhaul or change to endgame.

You have to simp for blizz to get in. If you have any criticism you were never gonna get in.

I quit for a long time this expac and during BFA as well, because my friends (who also quit) and I just got tired of the stupid stuff that is absolutely not being addressed in your CC. There were literally hundreds of posts on this forum about people quitting with more than enough detail about why, and they all were in the same vein in complaints. Please don’t act disingenuous and pretend like it’s a mystery as to why the game is bleeding to death…

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The remaining few who come to these forums have a hope that the game will be taken out from the dumpster fire…battered spouse syndrome thinking that things will change that have meaning as we’ve been shoveled MAU content for quite a few years now… the super sweet CC was supposed to be the saving grace and this wonderful linkage between the players and the developers, but it’s looking more as a publicity stunt than an attempt at any real redemption.

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This is why the community council is a PR stunt. They’ve had feedback from a large population through GD, reddit and multiple other sources which they barely read then all of a sudden they create a restricted forum to again not read at all.

Then this is a failure on Blizzards behalf. Time and time again it feels like this is exactly what they’re doing. So if something is good it’s not a problem. But when it is a problem they either do very little or nothing at all about it. The result is bad for the players and Blizzard. It’s something they should change.

This is another major issue that creates so much grief for Blizzard and the players. Everything from game design and the story is conveyed to the community with generalizations and vagueness. It leaves just everyone to speculate with what’s going on. It creates divides that creates grief in the community. It creates a lot of grief and ill will towards Blizzard.

You say you have do idea of what input the Council has on anything. That isn’t a good thing if Blizzard isn’t letting you and all us of know what it is. Why should any us give any meaningful input to you or Blizzard? Why should you put in any effort? Are you just a PR facade to give lip service to show that Blizzard is trying to good for the community? Do you even now? Maybe that show be a topic for the Council to discuss and bring up with Blizzard.

I do appreciate your effort in trying to make WoW a better game for the community. So thank you.

Great to hear I’m going to pre order scarlet if you ever want to have a Pokémon battle let me know.

I haven’t raised competitively since like… Sun/Moon. I mostly breed pokemon nowadays. And shiny hunt. (My favorite was my chain of 13 Shiny Skitty in Shining Pearl lol)

Dynamax was just… bleh.

Maybe SV will be better for battling. We’ll see. The anime anniversary episode on April 1st suggests something is happening to Ash’s Sirfetch’d, and that Dracovish is interested in it, so it might suggest we’ll see the gen 9 gimmick on April 1st, as I imagine Sirfetch’d and/or Dracovish will experience it.

Makes sense too lol, Ash’s other pokemon all have a gimmick, his Pikachu/Gengar can Gigantimax, Lucario can Mega Evolve, and his Dragonite is going to be using Z-Moves based on previews. I’m speculating fusion might be gen 9’s gimmick, since the episode synopsis specifically mentions Sirfetch’d AND Dracovish. And for some reason Ash is training Sirfetch’d to fight a Mega Altaria for some reason? Lmao.

Plus, fusion would make sense because we know Ash’s Greninja is returning soon, so if they fuse and become a new pokemon, that opens up a slot in his team.

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I find it funny people going the CC is not talking about important issues , when what they really mean is the council isn’t talking about my issue.

THe only way they are going to talk about more then their personal issues is if Blizz actually gets more involved and does some of the pre-made threads like they do in Beta and the PTR.

I’m not faulting any of the player members because anyone that says they would do any different on the council then the current members are , are lying to themselves.

I’m also going to say I don’t agree with everything they personally would like but I do respect that what they do bring up they are passionate about.