Reading the council threads

I actually had fun doing it with a friend and swap blasting eachother off key parts :laughing:

I see you know nothing about writing.

Yes he did. He felt guilty and sacrificed himself.

I would love to get an all new batch of Artifacts and not require them to be tied into some arbitrary Order Hall theme.

If even Asomgold is back to back rejected from the council… you know its pure bogus. If they let Asom in, then yea I will actually like it. Asom wants to help the Alliance.

What? no he didnt, he jumped in to by more time for them to close the gate, so he went in and started slaughtering demons on the other side to prevent them from getting in to buy more time.

At least broxxigar died. I remember hearing a tale of a single viking holding a bridge until eventually that Viking died but he took a lot of Vikings with him single handedly. Meanwhile we never should of fought argus and inflicted that much damage.


“I accept that I might die in battle - a glorious fate for an orc, shaman - but I am filled with dishonor for seeking it at the possible cost of those who fight against evil for their lives and those of others.” [2]

Broxigar (a.k.a Broxigar the Red , Broxigar the Red Axe , or simply Brox ) was a veteran orcwarrior whose comrades were slaughtered in battle and who sought his own death in battle because of his guilt.

He sacrificed his own life for the good of the future, but also out of guilt. Legendary for an orc? Sure. But still over the top and overly dramatic. It’s like a bad movie script.

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He sought to recalim his honor, a common orc theme. So he saw the opertunity to do that and save the world by jumping into the portal.

So if you wanna say thats his own terms sure i can give you that.

But if you are trying to criticize blizzard for being deep and meaningful writing that like picking apart a finger painting by a preschooler for not being real enough. Blizzard writing has sucked for a long time.
Wow has always been over the top and dramatic with their characters its wow, its meant to be a fantasy setting power fantasy its kinda part of the MO. If you want good narrative and writing you go for tolkin. WoW is like a greasy bigmac, its not good, but nthing hits like a big mac.

With that the problem now with wows writing is its gotten so bad its rotten. Broxigars sotry was good for what it was, unga bunga orc going out like a chad and a believable orc way. Just like how garrash deleted himself in the raid, that was awesome.

Thats why we should have gotten the axe, the axe was actually used by a warrior and was awesome, the sword was literally wielded by a human barbarian king whos entire MO was, “Hey i killed trolls good”

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Yes those were built up and felt legendary when completed .

Now since Legion , legendaries have become Orange is the new Purple.

Streamers already have access to BLizz. They always have .

The CC needs to be common players from all levels and types of game play .


I feel like we’re both trying to make excuses for bad writing. Knaak was never good at writing these books. But I agree the writing went from max cheesy in the old days to just outright terrible nowadays.

But you and I have different opinions on it. If you like the character, then that’s okay. I won’t argue with you on your likes. That’s unfair of me, so I apologize.

In the end, I think the issue is more the axe itself and how it didn’t fit with the Warrior class hall. Of course, I believe the warrior class hall was a travesty to all warriors.

Now this i agree upon.
WoW writting has always been like a guilty pleasure when it comes to “Quality” its like trash TV, its just fun to consume, but at least when it was trash, it had a structure to it, at least had proper story beats and a verity of those story beats.

Any more every wow story beast since BFA has been. “Wait and see.” to which i and many have reached the point of…We just dont care any more, and the entire narrative going hog wild out the window.

I’m not surprised. The council was an idiotic idea from the very beginning. I’m sure the people on it are good and doing their part, but Blizzard has shown that they could care less. IDGAF how many times they say they want to improve communications; I tend not to believe habitual liars.

I mean the council has always been a PR move and a joke from the beginning. I remember when it opened I went through the first 15 people that posted on the intro thread just to see who was chosen to speak on behalf of the WoW player base. 8 of them hadn’t logged into that specific character since 9.1 had launched a few months prior and 4 of them weren’t even renown 80. That was my official moment of realizing it’s people that were cherry picked to not give any actual critique of the state of WoW.



You mean you don’t like how a Noble Defender of Stormwind, Protector of the House of Wrynn, had to simp for a heathen Viking? Or how a Bloodthirsty Barbarian Warlord of the Horde had to bend the knee to one of the progenitors of humanity, his greatest mortal nemesis?

This is what I think too…
These devs are gonna do what they want to and the council seems like a PR stunt.
They missed a great chance to really fix the game and blew it

Im still shocked to find people that think it was anything other than a PR stunt. they basically abandoned it day one.

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I’m surprised people think a game that allows direct feedback exists, let alone function.

Do all the threads dey be makin appear? I was wonderin if maybe dey were filtered thru or somethin. It just wouldn’t surprise me. When I be thinkin about their Q&A, everythin be controlled.

Because there is no single reason why anyone quits the game, period.

What a stupid post lmao

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