Reading the council threads

Sure there was. I had three different quest hubs to choose from in Hyjal. Two different paths in Uldum. Two different paths in Deepholm. Same with Twilight Highlands.

Streamlining quests to not run back and forth over and over isn’t the same as on rails questing.

Daggers rouges got was relevent for a long time, the priest dagger was relevant to all of BFA, pallies got literally ashbringer

Warriors got a 2h sword from a dude that was good at killing trolls

Wanna know what orignally arms was going to get? The axe of cinarius. thats right, we were going to get broxigars axe, until blizzard cut it. for reasons.

And the reason is so stupid. They thought it was a druid weapon. What that’s just a lame excuse.

yep, they thought oh it did not really work for warrios. WHAT?
The axe that literally wounded sargars and gave him pause, weilded by a literally who orc that was such a chad, even the night elves built a statue of him because of his chadness.

They removed it because they have basically completely retconned Broxigar AFAIK. So acknowledging him further wouldn’t have furthered that.

The real reason should have been his entire involvement in War of the Ancients was stupid, because it was a terribad time travel story written by Knaak.

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But they gave it to his niece…

This, they had it available and usable, but they just said…NAHHHH

But they completely cut his story out of the official lore AFAIK. /shrug

And things were locked behind some of those routes, making them non-optional.

WotLK had a lot of the streamlining without locking things up as badly, as did WoD. They kind of backslid with BfA and Shadowlands.

But he appears in a flashback with illidan shown by Xera? What did they seriously remove this? EDIT: They did not remove it Hunter of Night - Quest - World of Warcraft (

No? broxigar is still in lore.
I just checked it, yeah he still did what he did, jumped into the portal and killed a mountain of demons, and sargarus himself had to come down to kill him, but he still wounded him any way.

Bruh. So we lost Chadigar but we have to deal with Mr. Clean ruining all of the WoW lore? This deal keeps getting worse by the minute.

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The CC isn’t going to fix the issues that exist within the game. That’s not really its purpose. At best, it’s feedback from a select group of players and those players probably don’t have any kind of development experience.

It’s a nice idea, but it’s essentially a more streamlined GD forum.


I wish they had. He was a god mode character not much different than Me’dan, imo. And completely horribly written by Knaak.

Nothing was locked. You did the intro to the zone quests and you were then open to explore. Like many areas.

LOL what? There was zero streamlining. My butt was constantly going back and for and back and forth across those damn zones just to turn stuff inand pick stuff up and go back across the zone again. It wasted so much freaking time.

Yeah…except they killed him at the end.
Cant really be a god mode character if you die.


Anyone who wounds Sargeras and is shown that chad is absolutely god moded. His death was a blessing to us all.

But the issue you run into with the weapon, regardless of the character himself, is that they shoved warriors into Odyn’s realm. The axe didn’t really fit.

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Depends on how you die.

If a god mode character dies on their own terms/sacrificially it just makes it worse in a way.

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Imagine if they tried that today.



He basically nicked his leg, which was the equivalent of sargarus stepping on a lego and going ouch.
You cant be a god mode character if you are written to die off.

Well sure, but he did not really die on his own terms he died protected azeroth, dont really think thats “Your terms” Thats you going “Welp…this is gonna suck but gotta do it.” that was basically someone else saying hey brox, its time to die, and him going ok here i come unga bunga smash.

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