Reading the council threads

We all want a voice. I get that. What is small to me, is big to you. Yet, perhaps both are tiny in the grand scheme

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


The on rails questing has been around since cata yes, but its been really bad in SL.

The cause is for some reason they went really really hard into putting named characters as center pieces of the story, this was something that started in cata, and exploded in BFA where it became saterday morning heros, were the PC was the background character, and its aweful, it needs to stop.

Funny enough the best questing in wow, was during the worst EXP, WoD. WoD zone quests were amazing.


I’m fine with an MSQ ( I did finish MSQ in FF14) but not having anything beyond that really… is a problem. I expect enough quests that it would literally take me a few weeks to finish a zone insofar as I’m not skipping cutscenes and dialog. But… blizz has just neglected all of that. It’s like serving a steak but forgetting the sides. The steak better be perfect if you’re serving it alone because it’s now the focus of everything. I think this is why legion stood out well, the MSQ for legion was just ok but all the class hall stories made it not matter because they helped elevate the whole thing (with a few exceptions… monk, priest, hunter…).


WoD leveling was indeed good, at least outside of that intro chain. The intro chain was fun the first couple of times but now I always skip it because it’s become grating.

Coincidentally WoD was also the last xpac where the main landmass wasn’t teacup-sized.

I did that Rondure Alcove jumping puzzle yesterday and enjoyed it. I had fun in open-world zone. It blew my mind. But that’s what can happen when that content is OPTIONAL and not something you must do, but something you CHOOSE to do if you’re in the mood for it. I’m also still doing the dailies for the Augment Rune, not because I need it, but because I want it.

It’s like vegetables. They can be quite good, but we all hated them when we were being forced to eat them before we got our piece of chocolate cake. Let me choose to eat vegetables and I’ll eat them from time to time (I just had an apple and some carrots with my coffee just now).


I too noticed the council isn’t addressing my personal concerns and wants for the game.

Hate to say it but the whole thing is a total failure, smh.

(I’ll behave and add the /s now just in case, I know some of you don’t appreciate my sarcasm~)

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Legion didn’t become enjoyable until QoL was introduced in 7.2 and 7.3.

I was capable of choosing zones back then. It was definitely not on rails.

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Class halls really did turn a mediocre xpac into a decent one. They weren’t perfect, but relative to other recent experiments they were a home run. It’s strange how it’s one of the only systems that didn’t get a true continuation (even if covenants are built on the same tech).


sorry for shouting


Until we get changes in game leadership nothing will change at all. It will still be aimed at the toxic esports crowd. There will still be barriers to entry to do arena and other organized pvp. It’s like the people making the game are in a walled garden and don’t realize how many obstacles to doing the content are in the game.


Speak for your self, warriors got the worst order all ever and i was glad to leave it behind.

Let me correct this, worst order hall, and the worst legendries and abilities.

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Artifact weapons were probably the only “borrowed power” I’ve liked throughout their entire experiment with the idea. They alone brought it above the level of mediocre.

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It is, and one could argue that the covenants were the ‘side dishes’ of this expac. But it really doesn’t feel that way. They felt more like afterthoughts than anything else. To continue the metaphor it feels like someone put a small potato in a very large box and then filled it up with lettuce (chests, treasures, steward of the day, korthia, ZM garbage) to try to not make us notice we were missing a ton of food1. Alternatively you could look at it like someone just opened a bag of candy on everything, sure it’s sweet initially but you’ll grow tired of it very very fast.

1and then got stingy with the condiments when we asked for the fixings for the potato


Choice of zones was possible yes, but within those zones there was almost no choice at all. Skipping quests quite often would result in being cut off from the remainder of the zone, and it was all linear with no choice of ordering.

It was a drastic departure from Vanilla, TBC, and WotLK where for the most part just about all quests and zones were entirely optional – with a handful of exceptions skipping them or changing their order wouldn’t lock you out of anything.

:man_shrugging: My arms/prot warrior got played as much or more than this mage back in Legion. I enjoyed the class and its hall quite a lot.

IMO it was the best because it was the first time it was used, and because of that, you actually felt like you were getting stronger as you powered it up.

Then after borrowed power never made your character feel stronger, it just made them feel less bad.

Thats fine, i just hated the warrior legendary stuff

Our orderall was a recycled dungeon, using rip off norse mythology, our legendaries were horrible, with them making up the arms one randomly, and the fury one being just a random pair of sword.
The prot was probably the most interesting, but at the end of the day it was just a scale of death wing, nothing really special.
We also had the worst power, prot warrios legendary effect was just garbage, here, you get 100% block while standing still…that thing you hardly ever can get away with.

I think honestly this is the overuse of phasing, something we still see in Icecrown to the point of painful. Interesting idea… bad result.

Ugh yeah the phasing in Icecrown was horrific. I get that it was first gen tech at that point, but still.

And yet lore wise… yours was actually the most relevant ironically. The rest were often one and done or completely irrelevant to later content. Whereas the warrior story looked at the story of Odyn and Helya which was directly related to the later lore.

None of which was interesting in shadowlands.