Reading the council threads

People are only going to bring up issues that concern them and in turn the issues they talk about will and do concern others . The problem is they aren’t talking about your specific issue . So to you they aren’t bringing up actual issues over there .

Now maybe when they get more people in to the council there will be someone that has the same concerns as you .

To be fair, OP, theres no guarante theyll do anything the coucil says.

I expect more of the same unfortunately

Thing is, you ask people what they don’t like about the game, and they list things that have been in the game since the beginning.

The most likely reason people quit is this: They realize WoW isn’t a game they ever should have been playing in the first place.

Like just go look at the council forums right now.

What is cosmic flux used for?
Feed back on ZM
Feed back on Solo shuffle
looking ahead to 10.0
Renown boost to 80
The outdated concept of res sickness

Congratulations literally none of these are addressing he issues of wow.
Why is it the top threads are not things like:
Wows game play loop and the focus of ilvl grinding
The lack of evergreen expansion spanning content
Addressing gearing paths to no force given game play
The current state of the burst pvp meta
The lack of profession content and its importance

Things that actually revolve around the state of the game and how it cane be improved. not just mindless superficial non-sense.


Well the story and Lore was decent in the beginning. Not anymore

I think this is tremendously unfair, as 9.0 and 9.1 both had far more outdoor content than any other expansion in history.

And people HATED it. I had (and continue to have) fun in Korthia, the Maw, and the original 4 covenant zones. I think Zereth Mortis is a waste of space because it’s a pointless zone. But public opinion seems opposite of mine. Zereth Mortis is pointless because people complained about Korthia having too much content, so Blizzard did a 180 like they always do. But I think blaming the content team at Blizzard for this is way off the mark.

Has anyone even checked the EU version of the forums? They don’t even have a community council it’s like blizzard picked the US version of these forums for some reason.

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I mean…tin foil hat time?
Containment board, to appease the rabble to make it look like something is being done but is not.

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I know that your point is around everything added around covenants and anima but they decided to split that into 4 and the image of the systems was damaged by players chosing another covenant instead of the one that they like due to player power, same with the lore that was split between the 4 covenants with some questlines share between 2 covenants, at least for 9.0 content.

And nowhere did I say I wasn’t finding my own fun. So you twisted what I be condescending once again.

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uhhhhh throne of thunder, and mechagon would like to strongly disagree with you friend lol.

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CC are for both regions, EU members just created a US Character, it’s not only for America side, actually i wonder if they send invites to any LATAM player since not all try to use US Forums, i usually do even when my english is not that great but i try :slight_smile:

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Steward of the day isn’t content. It’s gift store garbage IMO. The current dev team doesn’t know how to make world content which is quests, world quests, and story. This is literally still a problem last I checked where you cannot get to 60 on quests alone unless they fixed it.

I mostly agree it’s got 3 world quests… that rotate every 8 hours or so? and a few side quests that are done quickly. It was the perfect opportunity for Brann Bronzebeard and the explorer’s league to pop up and do massive quest lines… and NOPE. Nor is there archeology… ruins ruins everywhere… and nothing to dig?

It’s not, we just disagree on what’s content. Because treasures and ‘Steward of the day’ are not content IMO. They are gift shop tchotchkes with all the value of the same.


That Blizzard completely botched how covenants were done doesn’t diminish that there’s a metric ton of stuff to do from Shadowlands 9.0 and 9.1.

(9.2, on the other hand, has the Genesis Mote grind and that’s about it)

They picked the U.S. forums because it is a game produced in the U.S.

THey did bring in EU players for it , those are most of the lvl 10 characters in the council .

I mean 9.1 did not have much either in terms of open world content
We got korthia, a zone smaller then Mechagon, with half the content.
Oh sorry i forgot, we got the maw assaults.

Me, too. I never really knew what it was, and wasn’t aware they had their own forum or whatever. Not surprisingly, I wandered over there to discover that I had at least one of them on forum ignore.

Kinda told me all I needed to know.

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You didn’t enjoy Legion? what :thinking:

Some of these problems go back a long way. The on-rails McQuesting for example first showed up in Cataclysm, even if more recent design choices exacerbated it.

Not to diminish these complaints, they’re legit, but it’s crazy how long some of them have gone unaddressed.

True but as you can see on multiple post that things that you consider a lot are not the same for another part of the playerbase, also i miss content like MoP isle of thunder or Suramara that had a questline unlocking areas and new things related to the raid, the world changing…

I usually do my feedback post on the ptr section

For example WQ 2.0??? Only longer, there´s not replaybility, i got ZM WQ that provide a gear 252 that i won´t use as soon as i get rep exalted, i won´t do more WQ because there’s not a good reward, it´s the same issue with Korthia again, I skipped on alts all the dailies related to relics because i didn´t need those.

there’s players that would like to do some content but the reward provided it´s bad.