Reading the council threads

I remember being on Reddit and they were clowning the council idea not the members itself but blizzard for coming up with it. Especially since one of the issues in this game is the stigma of elitism. EDIT: But I have changed my tune if it fixes issues then I have no problem with the council existing.

This is what I am observing there. Seems like a bunch of fluff and personal pet peeves not real issues with the game being talked thru.


I mean yeah, the people themselves i dont have issues with, its jsut the idea is stupid because its just going to be an echo chamber of “We should do this because it would be fun!”
Or some degree of that with out actually looking at core issues with in wow.

If they wanna actually make headway, they would need to make multiple forums. The suggestion section and a section to actually discuss issues with in the game and create solutions for them.

The idea was that council members were basically representatives of wow players but the issue there is, they are not beholden to represent anyone.

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I did this time and wasnt picked. There are only so many slots over there and well it seems only a certain type of person was selected. I dunno what the criteria for selection was.

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Oh yeah by the way I tend to forget things, but I thought if I didn’t already let you know Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet is available for preorder on amazon. Since I do remember we were having a discussion about it

The council is just regular players, don’t attack them for Blizzard’s failings.

They don’t need some specially selected group to tell them why people quit. They have all that data and feedback already.
The CC is just a way to deflect blame and blaming the people on the council is just playing into that.


It’s too much to hope that Blizzard might be able to write a decent narrative with okay characters, isn’t it?

I feel the only characters they even do slightly well are the meme-y ones like Lady Moonberry.

Everyone else is stuck in this place where they either don’t have any personality beyond a few one-liners, or they talk too much and completely suck.

And the villains are all cardboard cutouts. “Mortal this. Mortal that. Blah blah doom.” It’s so tiring and generic.

I don’t know how much player choice is possible in an MMO. People already complain about phasing and getting locked out of content for choosing things, and there’s only so much you can do with questing given WoW’s nature and engine, but jeez, it’d be nice to even have ‘okay’ questing.

Not a single zone nor quest sticks out to me throughout all of Shadowlands. That’s how awful and forgettable the writing has been.

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There’s few Dev response, the video mentioned Q&As and calls that hasn´t happened yet, CC members are few, they added 1 wave with like 25-30 members, then added more but it seems that a lot of those members don´t have ideas.

The forums are full with Lore and story telling issues, 0 good post around that on CC forums, Professions almost the same, only Worldpvp mentioned a little bit and nobody took interest from the other members, there’s a lack of members focus on some areas.

It narrows the playerbase from a big sample into a small one, when they should be checking the overall playerbase with a different kind of user acceptance mechanic, it´s good for a constant communication from both sides with a small group but i don´t see that at all.

These are valid issues, that Devs usually ignore, the big topics like systems don´t require a Council at all, they already know , there’s metrics, content creators…etc with a big concern regarding the borrow power systems, those are easy to identify.

Player engagement with other small things are the ones that are left behind, like the love rocket issue that was mentioned for years and address until now that they’re paying attention to small things.


The coincil shoulda been full of players that have left the game who had a long history of playing it unitl Shadowlands …


Cause they recruited only high end raiders who don’t give damn about story and Lore

Just raid and dungeon


Then what of the recent new players who might have new insight?

The issue there is, they are not bringing forward anything new, they are just bringing things in that we already know, and have been asking for, for years.
At that point they just end up offering the same ideas from a different angle.

The problem we have here is that, we know what is wrong with wow, we know how to fix it, or have suggested multiple ways to fix the problems, but those fixes are not being done.

What the council SHOULD be doing is pushing hard on blizzard for the actual big fixes we need, not little ones, and not stop pushing until they are fixed. They need to be a heavy hand and voice, not a timid one.

Where that fails is the council is filled iwht a lot of fan boys and girls, and people who are just there for clout not for solving the problems.


It’s time for Applebeard to be elected to council member

Go gnome…represent us

So you tried to make an argument out of something that wasn’t an argument? :roll_eyes:

I’m sorry you feel the need to be condescending and toxic all the time.


I’m expecting the next expansion of “Instanced of Warcraft” to be more of the same: A hard focus on instanced content to the detriment of literally everything else.

The current dev team doesn’t seem to be interested in making a World of Warcraft. They like and are interested in primarily instanced content, primarily M+ and raiding; and it shows. They see the world as an obstacle to actually doing what they like. Thus the world and world content is secondary to what they want to do.

That is not to say that there won’t be things that suck for people that like instanced content. It’s very clear that there is no clear singular vision for the game and that is holding it back massively. There is no EP geeking out over pickpocketing, or doing chain world quests that you have to do in a specific order to even be available but unlocks something awesome. There is someone geeking out over dungeons and raids, over systems and borrowed power. But they are different people and it shows. They are also random devs and again… not the main EP or lead designer.

Thus expect 10.0 to be an absolute mess because it will be an art collage made by people that weren’t given any direction and not a cohesive painting. It’s still possible to produce something cohesive if there is enough of it but without that investment which ABK doesn’t seem inclined to make because it doesn’t contribute to e-sports… yeah not happening.

If blizz really wants to save this game they’ll pick someone to be the lead EP that is passionate about the whole of World of Warcraft and its player experience and not just parts of it.


Never I have too many issues to worry about a council. Plus I am too hotheaded and bias. The only thing I would accept being on the council for is the lore and ways to improve it

Everybody in forum is biased

Embrace what makes you human


We all play for fun (or at least we should, hopefully you’re not playing for the wrong reasons). It’s a legitimate bummer if you can’t find a way to enjoy your time playing the game. More people playing the game and having fun is generally a good thing.


That’s the main issue

I am also a jerk surprisingly. I make no secret that I have issues. So, I am not the best person again to be on the council.