Re-Sub Complete - Account Still Inactive

Yeah, I don’t think this is fixed for everyone because I’ve the issue too. But maybe it’ll fix itself over the course of a day since it sounds server-side.

I put in a ticket and I was told it was fixed. It’s not, unfortunately.

I’m with the same problem, please check it for me too.
Thank you indvance.

Check now folks.

Solved tyvm.

Im having the same problem right now. Have relogged twice and still nothing

Give it a go now, Aeria

It still says subscription expired

My apologies, Aeria - I should have checked something else first. Are you certain you are on the right account? This one doesn’t look active since 2018.

Yes this is the correct account. I made a payment for a sub and then it didn’t show up so I went back to make another payment and it said I already have an active account and wouldn’t let me make another payment.

This one, I’d put in a ticket. I’m not entirely sure it’s the same issue as everyone else had - just not seeing any activity here for a couple years.

Im having a similar issue. I have not played in a while, yesterday I bought a 30 day game time card (one time) it didnt work, showed my account was active, and wouldnt expire until feb 26th but the game itself was not recognizing. So i did a sub, got charged for the sub and it worked. So now i have bought 2 game times for one month. Tried to get a refund for the 30 day game time since it wasnt working (even had a gm in live chat trying to help me yesterday with the 30 day game time, nothing worked)… Now theyre telling me that the reason why my account is working is because of the 30 day game time card and not the sub, and i wasnt charged for the sub. That is FALSE. I was charged for both, the sub wasnt even a pre auth it cleared the bank this morning as in its complete. I dont like feeling i have been scammed out of extra money. I want to keep the sub however, but im feeling like the only thing to do is file a dispute with the bank for the 30 day game time card that didnt work.

I’d continue this one through tickets as your already are, Carasene.

What SHOULD happen with a sub and a card - time should be applied, and the sub just wouldn’t rebill till existing time expires.

Yes, i know thats how its supposed to work, it even said that before i finalized the sub. Thats just not what happened. It subbed immediately and started my account. The problem is falling back onto the 30 day game card. For whatever reason it failed to activate the game. I have a support ticket in with multiple responses back and forth with just generic answers from the GM’s… basically do not worry, you werent charged… Well, yes i was lol. I was hoping it would fall off if it was a preauth, but it didnt, it just cleared and completed. Really frustrating. Yes its only 16 bucks, but its the point of the matter.

Could have been yesterday - there was an issue with it not recognizing things.

You could also try live chat on this - should be open this afternoon.

So what it seems like is there may be a problem with tokens, may also be with the 30 day game cards… account shows active, but game client doesnt recognize. So obviously there is some problem there. So even though i had game time, when i did the sub it didnt actually recognize the game time. It seems like a no brainer to just refund the 30 day time since its obvious it didnt work lol.

I had this problem yesterday. But it was from a 30 day game time card. We tried everything. Resetting pass, GM tried updating from their side, even logged into my account to see my toons still inactive. We were unable to resolve. The only thing that made mine active was buying a sub on top of the game time. So now i have paid twice (thats a horse of a different color and still fighting it out through tickets lol) but something is going on with game client not recognizing account status. A friend of mine is having the same issue right now. 30 day game card, account is active, payment complete, but game client tells him its expired. I told him whatever you do, do not buy another one, or a sub on top of it lol. Things arent working like theyre “supposed to”.

There was an issue yesterday for a short while where you are exactly correct, it wasn’t updating. That should be fixed now - but those that had it happen take a little nudge. Your case is still a bit unique given the circumstances, however. That may have been the underlying issue but I suspect something else is also going on there.

I am still unable to log in. I renewed my subscription yesterday and I can’t still log in to the game, it says that my subscription expired. I tried logging out and logging in but nothing seems to work. Any help would be appreciated!

Perhaps try resetting your password? Sometimes that can refresh your account if you subscribed recently.

I am having issues trying to resub, apparently my auto pay turned off by itself and I was DC’d in the middle of a raid. I have cleared cache and removed saved card. When attempting to resub or add saved card it just errors out and says to try again. I also confirmed with my bank that it is not the card.
Please assist… I have no idea why the autopay sub stopped…