Re-open Classic era cloning

Really would like it if they brought it back.

Def have an itch to go back to my Feral tank but don’t have it in me to to start over from the beginning for the 3rd time (classic/som) on another druid.


you’re all too late
you made a decision to abandon classic era for muh TBC
quit feeling entitled and reroll

Sorry bud, but it’s exactly how it works. When Vanilla was ending blizzard took the servers offline and took a ‘snapshot’ of your toon right before they released the TBC prepatch. This was what they used to transfer characters to Era servers or they stayed on TBC servers. If you opted into TBC, then you could pay for a clone and get the ‘snapshot’ on ERA servers. If you took ERA, you could get the ‘snapshot’ of your toon on TBC. That way no matter what happened in TBC prepatch, it would not effect era. When Blizzard decided to end the clone service, they DELETED these snapshots. They have no way to recover. The clone service will NEVER come back. Harsh, but this will stop you from holding your breath.

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I absolutely agree. I’m sorry, but it is ABSURD that we were expected to check in on wow news to make sure our classic characters weren’t deleted because they decided it was too much to copy them to both or leave the option for us. I’d like free game time if they feel deleting DAYS and DAYS of play time is acceptable. WTH is the reason to play on blizzard servers vs illegal ones if blizzard will just delete our stuff on a whim?

It would have entertained me much longer to play with my characters they deleted. Because they did that I won’t be resubbing once this month runs out because I am not leveling characters I had again. A ludicrous response given by GMs.


We’ve heard they didn’t have the data before they finally conceded to making wow classic 1.12 in the first place. A big company like this has backups or they are painfully negligent. in my opinion.


uh, they didn’t have backups. The had to completely redo classic. That’s why it wasn’t perfect. They had to watch peoples videos and stuff from back then to recreate the majority of it. They specifically said this.

I too would love to see the cloning service back as I had a long break and I’m looking to get back into it but don’t have the interest of releveling characters due to my time restrictions


I would suggest at least verifying what you post is correct before putting it out there so confidently.

They specifically did state that they had backups from 1.12 and on, nothing prior. Thus we started from the 1.12 patch, in the deep dive they explained this in pretty great detail about doing comparisons referencing the backup they had to match it up.

This “recreation” your referencing wasn’t like how you describe, they had to go back and fix a bunch of the old code to be able to work with the new engine properly (This was coded on the legion client).

Hope this helps.

The fact that folks can still see their era toons grayed out as unavailable lends to the argument that they weren’t truly deleted.

Who knows though, perhaps that’s only a transitory state while the game purges the inactive/unavailables in batches.


I would love to actually buy my clones now rofl


Wrong. They had archival backups. Meaning they did not have the code and had to stitch it all together. If you’re gonna act all high and mighty you might want to at least verify what you’re talking about. Clown.

“Once we had our starting point, we began taking stock of what we had in the source code and what we could make available, which included restoring the original development database from archival backups. After stitching various key pieces together, we had a locally rebuilt version of Patch 1.12 running internally. The team could create characters and do basic questing and leveling—and dying, which we did many times. For testing purposes. Obviously.”

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Are you actually not understanding or is this a troll? You posted the proof of my statement in your quotations.

That quote is referring to them creating a workable version of the game on the OLD engine, the source code had to be manually rewritten to work with the legion client it’s a rather simple concept.

it’s pretty sad that they had so much trouble finding vanilla classic in their archives :expressionless:

Even if what you say here is correct, we are saying “hey, they xfered my vanilla character to tbc/wotlk.” My character is there…untouched. They have all the data they need there. I haven’t played mine since they stole it from me and placed it in an expansion. Put it and all its items back on vanilla.


you can’t just like, go backwards from TBC to vanilla, bro. that would be like trying to put an egg into a cake after you baked it :expressionless:

We are saying that blizzard decided to move our characters to tbc without our permission or request.

To make this right you

  1. Never do it in the first place because they shouldn’t have.

Failing that
2. Put the character on both tbc and classic era

Failing that
3. Keep a backup to restore the character if people want them.

Failing that
4. Use the untouched character that we never asked to have moved nor consented to…and put everything it has on a character in classic to fix what you did wrong.

I know they don’t legally have to but this is stupid that they expect me to relevel and gear characters I never asked to move.

To your example, you can’t reform an egg from a cake but they absolutely CAN give me a character with all the items and level they moved because they have all the data on the character to give it to me on classic era. It isn’t easy, but they messed up and it takes WAY LESS time than me leveling several new characters and gearing them.

They chose for us to delete/move vanilla/classic era characters…they should make it right.


This is different, an egg can’t be added to a baked cake in a desirable way. This can be done. Would it take time? Sure, but they have our untouched characters on TBC/WOTLK (those of us that haven’t played them there). Ideally they have backups, but if not they can look at the items, level, race, and class and make those characters for us on classic era.

  1. They never should have moved the characters when we didn’t ask for it, they should have stayed where we made them, classic era.

Failing that
2. They should have put a character on both vanilla/classic AND tbc.

Failing that
3. They should have made backups incase people wanted them on classic era.

Failing that
4. They should make it right by rebuilding our characters with the info they have from the copies pushed to tbc. Especially if those characters are exactly as they were because they haven’t been played. It would take time but it is a LOT LESS than releveling and gearing those characters.

Of course they don’t have to legally do it, but it is the right thing to do for the customer. They made the issue after all.


Nice to see I’m not the only one who is more than annoyed about Blizz. My break was 3 years (baby pause).
Hey Blizzard - how about a PAID CHARACTER TRANSFER for characters who never logged into TBC/WotLK back to their old realm?


I’d even consider this


Would it have killed Blizz to just copy everyone’s toons to both Classic era and progression so people could play on both? And no, they shouldn’t have charged for it like they did. But whatever, water under the fridge at this point. I’m not even surprised by their bad decisions anymore.