Re-open Classic era cloning

Clones are now not showing in Classic Era and all the names of the clones have been released for use again. Sad days. I had some hope when the clone still showed up they may reverse course but now I am very doubtful. Always backups I guess :woozy_face:


They should have just cloned all Classic era characters by default. Was it really worth destroying Classic era for a quick buck? I mean, of course I know the answer to that…


Problem with that would be the same issue I’m currently experiencing in Wrath lvling my first character. Dead leveling experience where my only option is questing by myself unable to do any dungeons in an MMO. Everyone would clone their lvl 60s and the server would be top heavy with an absurd barrier for any new players leveling.

Now if they added RDF or better yet cross realm RDF that’s a different story. Maybe have it only accessable up to a certain level where more of the population are active in if fear of a dead open world at 60 is the issue with others. Either that or Blizzard adds a serious questing XP buff, or drastically drops the price of a character boost to around $19.99-$29.99. $60 for a classic boost is absurd and disgustingly greedy for a fix to a problem Blizzard 100% knew would end up occuring and more than likely intended to occur just to sell those boosts.

Do one of those three things for the leveling experience and I’d absolutely support character cloning in SoM.

Adding my vote in here. I was devastated and immediately cancelled my sub after coming back. I’m playing around in SoM, using the XP boost to level a hunter(a class I never played before)… and deciding if I want to stay or not.

Just seems kinda rude to default to an upgrade, instead of having the default remain the same. I had my AQ geared character I spent many months of playtime on, even exalted with Bloodsail and a Frostsaber. That’s not something they can “boost” back. :frowning:


They didnt force you to fo anything. The fact is you missed the window which was open until the bc servers transitioned to wrath servers.

Quit blaming blizzard for your lack of caring about a character for over a year and then coming here demanding. The cloning was to keep ur character in classic while also moving it to bc not going from the current version of classic back.


I feel for yall but Blizz isnt under any burden to make any concessions here. They were very public about how it was going to be handled and the expiration dates they put on these things were announced well in advance. Its not their fault you weren’t around.

Losing characters and their items/gold sucks, no doubt about it, but if you like the game that much it shouldnt be too big a thing to just reroll anew.

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Just bumping again in the hope of something happening lol.


If I understand you correctly, you wanted to be able to clone TBC tunes back to Classic Era?

He’s talking about the copies that were made of every Classic toon back at the start of tbc prepatch. Players chose to either play on the Classic Era copy or the tbc copy for free and had the option to pay to play on both. That choice has now been retired with all who were left undecided forcibly activated onto tbc (now wrath). Some speculate that even tho the service is retired, the data for the Era copies still exisits . . .


Okay, I think I understand. I have a TBC Blood Elf Hunter that I’d LOVE to convert to another Classic Era race and transfer. I feel like there’s no chance of that happening. I’d even pay for it.

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Yeah, that’s unlikely. The cloning service snapshots of every toon were made just prior to the tbc prepatch launch so it would only be of the classic races. You’re looking for some kinda retroconversion.


yes, it is rude. obviously defaulting to era was the correct decision


Yeah, take breaks. A lot of us have.


Trash decision by Blizzard. Those taking a break werent even notified.


Bumping again lol. Just want to Clone my old toons so I can play classic era again. I did reroll but it just feels off without my mains.


Sorry bud, the “snap shot” of your toon has LONG been deleted. Small indie company needed the space on their servers.

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If there’s enough of a demand for it, maybe they will. I cloned my Alliance warrior when they went on sale, but didn’t clone my pally or horde 60s, which I might if I could.


Well idk that for sure idk how it all works. But when I log onto the account the toon is still there just said unavailable for cloning atm check back later.

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Yeah my hunter and rogue clones are gone. Kind of my fault as I didn’t want to give Bli$$ard any money but I feel a bit of regret not doing it when they were $5.


Had they bothered communicating via email/bnet it would have been less likely that we’d see these types of threads.

But they didnt…