RE: Mythic Raiding Needs To Change

It’s not a bad thing if everyone does have every item either

So 400 pulls in, someone makes 3 mistakes in one night, you are subbing in someone who has 0 pulls on the boss? Interesting strategy.

No no. I get it.

This is a fair argument. Modern design philosophies are very different from 2010’s. And Classic proved that not all design pillars of that period aged well.

And I’m not say that one is better than the other one.

I was just elaborating on why Lego’s at that time period felt more “legendary”, per CC’s comment, than modern. Because everyone got Legendary today. And every needs to have it.

While yes, Smourne does give an advantage, not a game breaking one, but an advantage nonetheless, the expectations of having it is different.

You know what I mean?
If you have Shadowmourne in Wrath today, people know you’re a good player (or a rich swiper) as the entire guild has agreed on giving it to you. So not everyone is even eligible for it in the first place.
Meanwhile today, everyone is expected to have it.

There is no uniqueness to it any longer. You’re basically given it.

And there are too many guilds.

Players need to be distributed among less teams.

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He’s also the guy that thinks unholy dks should be a single target execute spec. :person_shrugging:

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I disagree with that. because not having the Super Powerful Class Defining Item feels awful.

this is a game, we shouldn’t be feeling awful about it.

the Dinar system was excellent.


This isn’t the 2000s and early 2010s anymore though. There is nothing that’s stopping the guy who gets the legendary from transferring to a higher profile guild once they got their legendary. This leaves every other raider in the guild that was a candidate for it pissed at the GM if they even would stay in the first place. Raiding is a main thing now, a lot of average joes back then used to be leveling or more casual players in general. Raiding is pretty normal now. People can afford to be picky with their guilds and the amount of drama would just feel bad and not worth it.

We are talking about a playerbase who uses the phrase “being punished” for anything at all that happens to them.


Or, Guildy B gets mad from the outset because he feels he’s more deserving than Guiidy A, who happens to be best friends with the GM and most of the officer corps.

Guildy B incites a mutiny and takes half the guild with him.

All of this is true but it’s a truth from a different era. Blizzard doesn’t do much to actively support guilds anymore. They still exist but a lot of raid groups consist of multiple guilds nowadays. Not all of them, but there’s no real incentive to necessarily raid or do M+ with people who are in the same guild anymore.

Point is, simply going back to that model of acquiring legendaries isn’t going to work unless Blizzard also encourages going back to that kind of social structure. In the current day, I’m not sure that would even be accepted by the player base.

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Why does everyone owe it to you to try to git gud at a form of entertainment to get your respect? To literally work at it no matter how long it takes, no matter what their aptitude for learning, no matter what their innate talents are?

Think of something you don’t do. It’s hard to imagine that there’s a person out there, even a self-proclaimed paragon like you, who does all their automobile work, services every appliance in the house that they have built with their own hands, makes all their clothes from fabric they have woven from fibers they spun themselves, cooks gourmet meals 3 times a day…

Get serious. This is entertainment for most players, not a calling, not the most important part of their identity that they base their self-worth on. Demanding that people should do whatever it takes to git gud to please some malignant stranger who has made it clear he’s going full misanthrope is nobody’s idea of entertainment.

Requiring specific classes isn’t unique to Mythic end bosses.

Rasz is easily one of the best Mythic end bosses they’ve cook up, because it remained very challenging while requiring zero WAs.


100%. Even not on Mythic she was probably my favorite fight this expansion. She’s probably the only dragon raid boss that I felt like actually fought like a dragon.


I’m very inclined to disagree with you on this one. I was not a Raszageth enjoyer whatsoever, but I also wasn’t a big fan of the whole “I literally cannot play the game if one of our two Evokers is out” dynamic the earlier versions of that fight brought to the table. There just wasn’t anything for me to learn on this boss if that happened; I’d just get blown off the platform and there wouldn’t be a single thing I could do about it. I hated that mechanic, but I’d have probably hated it way less if I were a DK or some other class.

I think Raszageth’s Evoker requirements were silly because of how they worked; I don’t mind the occasional grip boss or a boss you can’t do without a Gateway, but I naturally come from a place of bias against the boss as a Priest main because I genuinely felt like I had nearly no sense of agency on the 4th winds. That’s an extremely different dynamic from how some of these other bosses work/worked in my eyes.

I’ll give the boss credit where it’s due for not being WA hell (honestly, outside of Dathea that whole tier did a good job on this front) like Echo and Fyrakk are, though. Sark was also good about it, but I also really enjoyed that boss.

The whole expansion as a whole didn’t required that many WA. Dathea, Nealtharion, Smolderon and Fryaak were the only fights with some unique WA.

People like to exaggerated the use of addons, when in most cases is just a way to better track debuff and timers. Ironically is only when Blizzard goes out of their way to hide information when we had to use stronger WA.

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What about beefing up heroic raiding a small bit and moving mythic raiding to a gearless model where you get cosmetics, and weekly vault choice for mythic track loot? Then heroic becomes the standard, ilvl bloat is slowed down a bit and there would still be great reasons to do mythic raiding. This would also allow mythic plus and pvp and the soon to be delves to have an equal value for loot as mythic raiding.

Mythic already give you cosmetics and weekly vault choices, we would be losing gear for no real reason.

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That’s kinda counter-intuitive. Why would you want to move incentives away from mythic raiding even more?

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This will obliterate Mythic raiding overnight.

When stuff in this game exists purely for cosmetic purposes, people don’t engage with it nowadays.

Why not keep heroic as cosmetic only, since it’s more accessible to more players, and keep mythic for the high end gear and vault.

I don’t even look at the community council section. The concept of a separate section where Blizzard elevates their hand picked mouth pieces is not something I am interested in reading.

But if you are gonna post about it in GD….

At first, I thought this was a good idea. Having 12 bosses split into 3 raids of various sizes would make progressing Mythic more varied. Instead of hard locking onto one Raid, it could be split into two or three zones.

But then I got flashbacks of when I used to Raid more often, during BC. I remember flying all over the place on farm nights. I am the type that usually gets places first in game, so it was always a pain wrangling the Raid Group from place to place.

In theory it has more potential upsides than down sides… but in practice, it ends up with major downsides for raiders.

I like the idea, but I see where it would get a counter argument by some folks.

I don’t think it is a problem at all. Having 4 difficulties seems to be a good idea.

Super easy, easy, hard, super hard.

I want to squish it to 3 , in my mind, but I don’t know where we would cut it. We need LFR to be brain dead, and Mythic to be as challenging as possible. That leaves Normal and Heroic… but we can’t make Normal so hard that LFR folks won’t make the leap, and we can’t make Heroic so easy that it is an unsatisfying end game to many. So, 4 seems to work.