RE: Mythic Raiding Needs To Change

Love watching 2-3 people that killed him pre-nerf still die to the 1st set of beams.

Personally, the biggest reason I see for not mythic raiding is the fixed raid size. I do understand the reasons - no one needs to reply by explaining about tuning, etc. - but I’ve never liked the social dynamic of having to sit players rather than including everyone.

The guild I’m in is a family. We screen applicants for compatibility before extending invites, but once you’re in you’re in. And everyone’s invited to guild activities like raiding. We don’t do mythic at all, but we’ve been continuously active since Vanilla and been AotC every season.

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Guildy A knows he gets legendary first

Guildy A gets legendary

Guildy A gets poached by a better guild or has the bargaining power to apply/get accepted to a much better guild

Guildy A quits

Guildies B through Y, especially any guildies that could’ve gotten Shadowmourne or Dragonwrath, all get incredibly pissed off

The average WoW player is incredibly incompetent. Like, ludicrously so.


It’s not a fail for blizzard to believe that a lot of players are just dumb. A lot of players are quite dumb.

The fail is how hard blizzard caters to the crowd that willfully refuses to improve.


The tuning excuse shouldn’t even be a thing anymore. What was the last Mythic raid that didn’t see 15%, 25% 
 50% buffs/nerfs. Mythic tuning has been atrocious for years even keeping the player number static at 20. I don’t see the harm in giving flex Mythic a try. In fact
 Season 4 would be the perfect time to try it.

All your examples are from last expansion, they did an excellent job with raid balanced this expansion.

There are only 2 big outliers, Zkarn because of an exploit and questionable timing on the fix and Tindral on being 1 of the hardest fights ever.

This last season I would even say the first 6 bosses were too easy

If they ever did try it, so would we, and I imagine we’d clear at least some of the bosses every season. I mean, as it is we finish AotC about halfway through each season, then do alt runs for a bit, then take a break till next season. Opening up flex-mythic would give us more to do for longer.

Going to reply on my Wrath Classic toon w/ Valanyr in hands.

So, legendries format has changed. A lot.

That’s kinda the idea behind modern design.

In Wrath specifically, Valanyr and Shadowmourne are a very very lengthy journey.
While Valy didn’t have any quest line, the lore around Shadowmourne is pretty epic if you choose to spend a few minutes reading through the quest text.

It’s also a group effort. Sure, you can pug it. But you still don’t get it done alone.
But, in the guild setting especially, once you get it, once the WHOLE GUILD EARNS IT, it does feel epic.

It’s LEGENDARY because it took LEGENDARY amount of effort to accomplish. It’s deeper than just picking a person to wield it. All remaining 24 people have to agree upon it. Have to work together to acquire it.

I’'ve been seeing those legendary bows drops on r/wow. Like 12 of them drop at the same time. Nothing special about it.

Legendaries in modern WoW feel like a requirement. You must get it or you fall behind.

Legendaries in Wrath feel like a bonus. Like that extra couple % of raw power. But it’s a bonus. Not a mandatory thing.

Running with SM or Valanyr, or even Thunderfury, feels like an earned privilege. And accomplishment, but not just for you, also for your guild/community.

That’s what sets them apart.

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Raszageth should get a dishonorable mention as well.

This fight was literally unplayable as a Priest unless you had a pocket Evoker until four or five rounds of nerfs.

Sure you can triple down on that because there’s no way we’d have actual data either way, but ignoring extremely common feedback is also just burying your head in the sand. Everything that poses a challenge gets blasted for people as “blizz catering to the 1%”, especially if it’s easy to get into like torghast, visions, world content, and queued content. There’s a reason all that stuff has been nerfed into oblivion.


There is heroic and normal for those people, if they change mythic to allow most people to clear it, they are really just renaming heroic and getting rid of mythic raids.

The last boss get a pass from me, is suppose to be hard and some class specific requirements are fine imo.

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I feel like there are other, far better ways to require specific classes than “if you’re playing this class you literally cannot play the game unless someone else is playing this other class.”

Like, I don’t mind Raszageth essentially requiring a Gateway. I didn’t mind Sire requiring a Gateway or SLG being nearly impossible without a Gateway. I only mind grip fights (Fyrakk, Soulrender, Anduin, and Lords) when they incentivize Gorefiend’s Grasp specifically (since only Blood gets that now for some stupid reason). Hell, I don’t even think Jailer requiring Mortal Strike was specifically my problem with that fight (and I had a LOT of problems with that fight, trust me).

But it feels extremely terrible for a small handful of specs (including an entire class) to be completely incapable of doing a boss without an Evoker quite literally carrying them through P1. And it feels ten times worse when they explicitly refused to give Priests Vault of Heavens (reverse grip; you get yoinked towards a player) before proceeding to create a boss that specifically would’ve been fine as a Priest had it existed.

But you can understand why this is terrible game design in a modern context. You know full well that players who don’t have a Legendary are a numerical disadvantage than those that do. There are also extremely strong incentives for players who, upon receiving the legendary their group worked very hard for them to get, to attempt to get into much higher ranked guild.

I will never argue that the Fy’ralath or Nasz’uro are legendary feeling in the traditional sense, but that’s also because that is a social construct that has more or less melted away. No one actually cares about obtaining a Legendary in the ways we did in 2005-2010, instead, everyone wants the Legendary because settling for anything else is just gimping yourself.

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But this also applies to every bis item, legendary or not.

Is my moonkin at a numerical disadvantage because I don’t have a myth track Mirror: yes. Do I let it ruin my gameplay, and whine endlessly about it: no.

I think Fyr’alath would have been a lot less controversial if the item was originally released with current tuning, but it wasn’t a legendary, and was instead a regular purple, very rare drop from fyrakk.

This is why we need Dinars every tier.

Another glaring issue is, unfortunately, that many of the classes who are eligible to loot this item, are balanced around it as well.

Imo, the final bosses in mythic raids are the wrong kind of hard. The hardest part for most CE guilds is the roster boss, and not regressing when inevitably you have to swap someone with 0 pulls in for someone who has 200 pulls cause they are gone for a week.

Most of my time doing mythic end bosses was just waiting for the worst players in the raid to figure it out, or wait for the pull where they don’t get mechanics. It’s not very fun or rewarding. Then on top of that with 20 man it feels like your individual contribution doesn’t matter nearly as much as it does in 10 man or 8 man high end raiding.

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I actually talked to Scarrizard (the guy who did the design work on Dinars) about that at blizzcon, and he responded that it’s not a bad thing that not everyone has every item.

Most of the time people claim this, it doesn’t end up being supported by data. At worst, gaining the legendary bumps a B-tier spec up to A-tier this season (at least in raid).

When people complained about the hunter bow in S1, it was bumping BM from 2nd or 3rd best ST to nerf worthy OP ST.

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Like I’ve been saying. The pool of players who have the ability and drive to actually get CE is too small and getting smaller. We’re all fishing out of the same bucket.

It breeds frustration and burnout. That pool has to get bigger (lower difficulty) or the group has to be spread out more (lower raid size). Otherwise, mythic raiding is quickly going to be limited to HoF guilds only.

I mean, even good guilds had +400 wipes on Tindral and Fryaak, not because of those reason. They were just hard bosses.

On good guilds is more like each person causes 1-2 wipes over the course of the night, of course some still screw up more than other, but believe me if the same person was wiping us 3 times in a row they would be outside the raid for the rest of the night before a fourth mistake.