RE: Mythic Raiding Needs To Change

Maybe they were on the easier side, but I actually believe encounters like Shadowflame Amalgamation were perfectly tuned. Rashok was appropriately difficult too. In my opinion, the DPS requirements were easier than expected, but I think that was a better experience overall.

In my opinion, if Mythic Raids were cross-realm and cross-faction from the start, then PUGs should not be able to defeat non-endwing bosses. (using S3 as an example: Larodar, Nymue, Smolderon, Tindral, and Fyrakk should be out of reach.) But after a few resets of gear, it becomes more and more common to go deeper.

I donā€™t think Mythic should be balanced around the RWF guilds, at any point. Tindral and Fyrakk definitely were, and I do not want to see that again. (Even if it was an anomaly for this expansion, it should not become the norm.)

Iā€™m not asking for proof to be difficultā€“Iā€™d just love to know if this is accurate (beyond people telling me itā€™s accurate :D) because it would change my opinion possibly.

With the way extending works and the significant number of pulls/wipes the last few bosses take it feels like mythic isnā€™t really done for gear anyway. And itā€™s only 6 item levels above heroic in this season, with 486 crafted and 489s easily obtainable from mythic+.

Are people really putting in 400 pulls on Tindral to get a 489 Suncaller instead of a 483 one?

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And thatā€™s all well and good. If folks wanna just goof around in the open world or solo content like the Mage Tower/Torghast and do what ever they please, then I think thatā€™s completely fair.

The issue of course is when the ā€œIā€™m going to willfully refuse to improveā€ decide to engage in group content where their performance has a direct impact on other peopleā€™s enjoyment of the game. The moment you cross the threshold into playing with other people, you have to acquiesce to norms and behaviors that are established by the community, because you are now actively taking part in the community.

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I mean people like loot, not that atm itā€™s very interesting to raid mythic for loot but yes Iā€™d say to a certain point people are doing that. I kinda wish they scaled the 2 last bosses loot higher.

I 100% disagree. The mage tower has huge participation for cosmetic only rewards. Also go look at how many people killed Mythic Jaina during BFA. A majority of these kills were during the last patch after they added the skip, but so many people went and did a 2 patch old mythic raid for a chance at a cosmetic.

Then also, as the OP mentions, as a casual CE guild, once you get to the last 2 bosses you are already at 90-95% of your potential power for the tier. There are very few upgrades left in the raid, and even those are usually just a few ilvl bump over M+/Heroic.

Nope, all raids must be easier.
Loot pinata is the way.

What you fails to see that ā€œimpact on other peopleā€™s enjoyment of the gameā€
is all about numbers, if there would be 100 million people who wanted to participate in loot pinata MS would delete mythic, heroic and normal raiding tomorrow.

Iā€™m not really sure what youā€™re trying to argue for here. My argument is that in organized group content with pass/fail checks, individual performance/failure can cause the entire group to fail. This will certainly have a negative impact on how people feel about their time playing the game. No one likes feeling like they are wasting their time.

If you join a group, you have to acquiesce to their wants, which typically means victory. As such you need to do your part in contributing to that victory.

Remove gear from Mythic is code for, ā€œI want BIS gear from easy content.ā€


You can already get Mythic ilvl gear without ever going in a Mythic raid.

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Iā€™ve went back and forth on it but I really do think mythic raid difficulty needs to toned downā€¦

Iā€™ve been done with progging for awhile now just cause I canā€™t do the time sink anymore, there comes to a point where youā€™ve sunk so many hours in without a kill that it just gets too exhausting.

Just last tierā€™s Zskarn encapsulated this perfectly. Who honestly had fun progging that guy.

Thereā€™s a difference between trying and not. Sure, nobody owes it to anyone to try to get better, but nobody owes it to anyone to put up with people who donā€™t try. While LFR isnā€™t supposed to be a challenge, people who refuse to learn make it a challenge. Who wants to go into the easiest raid difficulty and wipe several times on the same boss because several people donā€™t want to even try to learn the fight?

Personally, Iā€™m going to be so much more patient with people who admit they donā€™t know the mechanics and ask for explanations and clarifications than people who donā€™t know and act like the only mechanic is ā€œdonā€™t stand in badā€ even when you explain the mechanics to them. Itā€™s not a matter of needing to ā€œgit gud,ā€ if you donā€™t want to learn raid fights, why be there? For a chance at veteran gear? Thereā€™s plenty of open world things you can do to get veteran gear and you can even get veteran from vault doing heroics.

I find raiding fun, so I donā€™t mind going into LFR for a CTA from time to time, but itā€™s hard to enjoy any form of group content when people are dragging their feet like they donā€™t want to be there. I donā€™t care too much for M+ but I still make sure I understand what is expected of me, what needs to be done, and do my best for the success of the group.


False. That boss wasnā€™t hard. The only actual difficult world bosses were in Vanilla (those dragons and the one in Silithus) and maybe whatā€™s his face by BT. After BC, the world bosses werenā€™t really hard.

You can look to EverQuest as to why open world bosses cant be hard ā†’ Just throw bodies at it until it dies. Oondasta was basically that (it was pretty cool pulling her to the graveyard and watching literally hundreds of corpses liter the ground).

Thatā€™s because the cosmetics are usually trash. People will go for cosmetics if they appeal to them.

Thatā€™s the thing. Oondasta wasnā€™t that hard. It had some basic mechanics that required players to know what to do, and hit pretty hard early on.

And yet if you were there in the first days of his launch you know that the Isle of Giants was littered with corpses, because despite the world boss not really being that difficult, it was TOO DIFFICULT for the majority of the player base.

So my point in addressing the original post is that you cannot make ā€œdifficultā€ world bosses because most players are fundamentally incapable of doing them.

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Uhh I think this was mostly because the server was lagging out, yeah?