RE: Mythic Raiding Needs To Change

My only issue with Mythic raiding is if I miss one boss on Mythic, but did a later boss; I can’t pug the missed boss. Or help out friends who are stuck on a boss because I’m locked with my raid team.

Otherwise I have few issues with mythic raiding. I like that it’s difficult but not impossible.

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They went out of their way to make Sepulcher as hard as they could, we basically had 4 end level bosses in 1 single raid.

Is clear they change their mind for Dragonflight, I would say raiding mythic has been considerably easier this expansion and they also been pretty good nerfing on time instead of waiting too long.

lmao heroic is useless. the difficulty level that most casual guild set as their goal to clear? normal is used for early gear and quite frankly that s ok. there is nothing wrong with that and it is a nice gap closer for heroic. mythic as difficulty level isnt an issue. i think it should be a challenge to complete and the people who do actually get through it should feel accomplished in doing so. it shouldnt be free.

There will be complaints no matter which way they go.

Legendaries are truly “legendary” and only 1-2 people per raid group get them (Vanilla through Cataclysm). Then everyone complains that they are only accessible to elite raiders.

Everyone gets a legendary through the campaign and story quests (MoP through BFA, except Legion). Then everyone complains about “welfare legendaries” and “catering to casuals.”

Numerous dropped legendaries that everyone eventually gets, but randomly (Legion). Still welfare complaints but now with the added bonus of “my bis legendary won’t drop and I’m being excluded from raids because of RNG.” Also “if everything is legendary then nothing is.”

One legendary per raid tier but randomly drops only in raid content (SL and DF). By now we are all familiar with the complaints of “horrid design” and “RNG sucks” and “my class is balanced around something I can’t get and it’s not fair.”

I’m not commenting on whether these complaints are valid or invalid. Just saying there’s no system for legendaries that will please everyone. At least not one they’ve found yet.


Yeah but they said they wouldn’t make fights like Anduin anymore yet here we are. No sooner than the very next expansion lmfao.

this is a fair take. i think a big part of it is the psychology of the player base has changed since the early legos and has become much more competitive making it feel much worse if you dont have it.

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I wouldn’t say is quite the same, Anduin was a mid raid boss and Tindral is second to last, it would have been fine for Tindral to be as hard as it currently is or maybe even before the last hp nerf.

I think also that it’s pretty much impossible for Legendary items to feel like anything more than just “strong items with orange text,” in large part because the thing that made Legendary items of the past so rare and unique is the fact that there were fewer ways of getting information about them.

Most players had no idea how to get Thunderfury or Sulfuras, and because an incredibly small number of players were actively clearing the raids at all, there existence was bordering on rumor. Today, we know everything about a Legendary as soon as someone gets it, or it’s datamined.

We can’t really bring back the feeling of seeing Thunderfury for the first time ever again because that’s just a memory trapped in 2005.

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Could sworn he was towards the end but it doesn’t matter. I don’t think people care wherever these wall bosses are placed. They’re just tired of them period. That’s what Im getting from some atleast

Yeah just look at the stats. Heroic raiding is declining in population at a faster rate than Mythic raiding. It’s just far easier to gear through M+ outside of trinkets for some classes.

Is not really a wall, a wall implies that the stuff after it is considerably easier and Fryaak wasn’t an easy boss either.

that is your personal take that people only raid for gear. you it could be the fact that most guild have accomplished their goals at this point of clearing heroic and now are off playing other games. you are making a massive assumption that people only do it for gear.

People still raid in this game lol?

I mean, I don’t think it’s wrong to say that the majority of subs are probably people who only clear LFR if that. There’s a lot of people who sub, see the sights and then leave having no interest in any real participation of any of the endgame pillars.

But Fyrakk is easier lmao. Well, it definitely was before those nerfs.

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Demonstrably true. Look at raider io, scroll hall of fame. I’m using Echo as an example since they are first on the list. Tindral: 399 pulls Fyrakk: 340. There is a similar trend down the line. Some guilds even have hundreds of more pulls on tindral than fyrakk lmao.

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Not by a lot, I would say they were about the same before any nerfs with Tindral being a bit harder mostly because of the lag.

Currently with good dps you can ignore a good chunk of phase 3 on Fryaak so it is probably a lot easier.

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AMAZING, because I was pretty confident that next week I’d get the boss down with no issues.

Pull count is a guideline but not an absolute measurement of difficulty.

Tindral causes a ton of prog wipes every early into the pull so pull count goes up since you get more pulls per raid when you wipe 1:30 into a fight and not 7:30 (or 9 hours into the fight for Sylvanas).


The thing about Tindral, is that your first 50-100 wipes are going to be less than 1 minute into the fight, sometimes even just 15-20 seconds.

And you will continue to have those sort of wipes trough out your whole progression.

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