RE: Mythic Raiding Needs To Change

I mean they can imagine them for sure, but the dev time needed to build the models and the raid environment, design the fights, animate everything, write and record the voice acting for the lore, make new gear and gear models, and also test all of this, is significant even if it’s just 2-3 bosses.

thats all fine and dandy but in the current setting they do two different things. if you were to make normal qued content right now and get rid of lfr then that would be horrible. if you get rid of normal then guess what now casual guild will just say i guess people just need to que for that until we get enough gear for heroic. so see yall till then.

I’m not saying get rid of one or the other, I’m saying combine them. Maybe tone down some of the Normal mechanics, add determination stacks, etc. There really isn’t a need for a difficulty that assumes half the raid is AFK.

So turn normal into LFR.

Well, then LFR heroes need to stop AFKing bosses. Blizzard assumes there will be AFKs in LFR because people try to AFK LFR.

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except there really is a need lol. some people just cant handle raiding normally so its a great option for them to feel included in the story and lore. there is literally no advantage it taking one or the other out. yes combining them would mean getting rid of a difficulty so you are in fact removing an option from the game. which from my point of veiw is always a negative. if you dont need lfr then dont do it. if you dont need normal, then dont do it. it literally doesnt hurt you in anyway.

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Make the CE mount drop for everyone like the Aotc mount.

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Have you ever jumped into an LFR and just…observed the players there? We’re talking about real flesh and blood players who are doing the most inane things you can imagine. Players who spend 40% of the fight just running around pressing no buttons because they are experiencing severe sensory overload, players who are playing dps specs with shields on, players who are meleeing on casters. These are real people who just fundamentally have no idea what is going on.

What you think of as AFKing is what some people consider trying their best.


I disagree. I think a small package of content works better for modern gaming. You posted logistical issues, and I agree that should be factored into it. However, this was solved with HG;WT, but clearly Blizzard doesn’t want to add that back. I think Capital City portals do wonders for this, and it would be a viable solution to travel times.

Mythic nerfs are pretty straight-forward. Balancing a 3-month progression on a single boss for lower-tiered guilds against those who clear it in under 2 weeks with tens of thousands of dollars in financial backing simple isn’t possible. We saw most guilds get to Smolderon, down it, then quit until Tindral got nerfed. The guilds that were still pulling Tindral, only a handful of them had a chance to defeat that encounter. No one wants to “wait for nerfs” and if tuning is too hard for non-pro gamers, then there’s no point in playing.

The RWF is a cool event, and I sincerely enjoy it. But the game is too damn hard – and the RWF is part of the reason why. Designing a couple bosses for 200 players out of 5mil or whatever is just a terrible investment. Classic/SoD might be a joke in difficulty, but it’s a far, far healthier game.

I agree with this. (As per my comment earlier, I think Mythic at the very top end is too difficult. It was also a logistical nightmare, especially due to the no-cross-realm requirement. Cross-Realm Mythic should simply ALWAYS be the case.

Fully agree with this. At the same time, WoW being seasonal just means everything is a theme park. I haven’t been back to BFA since it ended, didn’t even bother with Pathfinder. I figured Blizzard would just give it to everyone eventually because new players still exist.

Throwing my hat in here: Poaching players with legendary items, obtained through a guild effort, was a huge issue. In Cata, we lost our Rogue Daggers to a better guild who was progressing on Spine of Deathwing. We were only 1 bosses behind, and we demolished that 1 boss (Blackhorn) with insane prog pulls each night. Missing those daggers felt like we got cheated out of our pre-nerf Spine kill.

I disagree here. You could just do /s %t ; On Mythic, you were expected to use tools. But it was an extremely generous timer on other difficulties. (AddOns/WAs like this are mega annoying though, I’ll admit to that.)

The UI will never be good enough. But at the same time, I still respect your opinion the UI has a long way to go (I agree with it).

Mythic raiding sucks because either 1. You are a no life goomer raiding 16 hours a week or 2. You suck

These people exist in other games too. People need to understand that it’s ok to die on a fight, it’s ok to wipe and it’s ok to learn. Dying to a mechanic a couple times then learning it and doing it correctly next time is far more rewarding than doing a boss that has no meaningful mechanics at all. As other people have said, FF14 does a great job with this.

then go play it. im so sick and tired of people going BUt MUh fF14 DOeS iT THis WAY. like thats cool they do it that way if you love it so much stick with them otherwise quit trying to change wow into it. the difficulty settings are fine the way they are and cover the bases for the widest amount of the community.

i love to paly hell divers and they have 9 different settings should i lambast wow for not doing it like them?

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Obviously they aren’t, which is the entire point of this thread.

While I agree with you, I actually think this would be a good thing for LFR specifically.

Season 1 and 2 were fine balance wise, is just really Tindral that was just too hard, probably harder than even Fryaak.

You cant say mythic is too hard just because of one boss.

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in what way are they not ok? they literally have a setting for every skill level in their player base. from free to tryhard i really dont get what is being complained about at this point.

Mythic raiding is dying because of multiple reasons in the original post, Normal and Heroic are mostly useless outside of getting early tier and trinkets because of M+ gearing, and LFR exists because Blizzard does a horrible job of teaching their players how to actually play the game so they need a difficulty where it’s impossible to lose.

S1 and S2 were good, yes. What makes a boss “too hard” is your inability to out-gear it. Mistakes happen, and that’s okay. But when 1 mistake wipes the raid, it’s frustrating. Halondrus, Anduin, Jailer were like that too. Castle Nathria was pretty good, SLG aside. Sanctum had a few miserable fights, like Painsmith and Fatescribe.

Mechanically, Mythic is generally okay, but the outliers can be incredibly frustrating. And when they’re a penultimate (ex: Tindral), final (ex: Fyrakk), or gatekeeper (ex: Anduin/Halondrus), they can be more stressful than fun.

For context, I no longer do progression raiding. I like raiding, but I feel like the game became a job – so I don’t play competitively anymore.

please leave aug alone. for the love of all that is holy

I disagree. esp on Tindral. the nerfs are needed. the boss is extremely overturned and more casual mythic guild will never kill it without more nerfs. i am currently progging on tindral in a more casual guild. it is a slog. there is a reason this boss is a guild killer. mythic fyrakk is EASIER than this boss.

I see nothing wrong with this, tbh.

I agree with this 100%. doing these mechs when blizzard barred WAs more is/was miserable

god, leave aug alone.
I’ve had enough lol

the one thing I have with this post, its coming from someone who more-or-less “hardcores” mythic raiding. not a lot of this does anything for the more casual guilds.

We’ve had this occur in every tier in SL. Tindral isn’t a one off. Well kind of.

Tindral was the first time I saw legit top-tier guilds say “we’ll just practice and wait for the nerf.” That was a yikes moment.