RDF - Your Experience

Yup, flying around mining and waiting for the queue to pop up is refreshing. Then when you’re finished with the dung, you are right back where you started and can queue again. No more having to fly to the dungeon entrance is a massive QOL improvement.


pretty much waht i do when i run as ret. tanking i dont do much cause q is instant.

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Same on my disc. She waits usually less than a minute. My dps usually takes 15 mins but it’s waaaay faster than before. Used to be double that on a good day.

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Ah ok – that might be where I got confused… Thanks!

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Sure I can. It’s now the default way to find most groups, and it removes any of the effort/thought you may have put into group making before. It wasn’t really an important point, but it all goes to say that just waiting for an algorithm to form my groups feels weird and unintuitive. I couldn’t possibly deny the convenience of it, but I overall dislike it.

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I didn’t realize that you had to baby sit it and do it in the city.
Hmmm…the things you learn on here.

No you can’t, not if the same argument doesn’t apply to LFG. If anything, RDF gives you even less reason to sit in dal waiting


okay… that’s you. I usually just farm resources or do dailies on the RDF queue. I couldn’;t do that effeciently before with the old way because I was always the one who was willing to fly to the stone. Now I don’t have to waste 5 minutes flying back and forth.
This is a QOL improvement. That’s the bottom line.
It’s on you if you can’t find a better way to spend your time waiting on the queue :man_shrugging:

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Got kicked out last night from a gamma HoS, from a weak tank, that thought my heals were the problem.

I didn’t really mind it, thanx to RDF.

And if we prefer it that way?

You knew RDF was supposed to be in at some point in Wrath. Your classic Andy demographic doesn’t hold sway here anymore.

Well, it’s good to hear that you guys are enjoying it. It’s slightly sad for me because I feel like something I loved about the experience is lost now, but at least it’s not for nothing.

I’m talking about my experience, in a thread literally called “Your Experience”. :thinking: Sorry, but you guys aren’t going to win an argument trying to get me to think that I’m “incorrect” to personally dislike the change.

Might just be muscle memory for you guys at this point, but the dungeon finder debate is over. :rofl:


What is the point of this reply other than to be toxic? Just curious?


Right, and I’m saying my experience vastly differs from yours. I’m not trying to “win an argument” just pushing back on the notion that RDF has been universally awful.
I’m sorry your experience with it hasn’t been great. But from my experience, nothing has been worse than the old dungeon finder… it’s mostly dps not knowing the mechanics and that has been the case since the start of wotlk classic. That’s literally the only negative I’ve seen and it’s no different from before. At least now there’s a huge QOL improvement.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I love how all the anti-RDFers gaslight me with toxicity accusations for saying any little thing these days.

inb4 I don’t know what gaslighting means.

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I’m not talking about your experience, I’m talking about your claim

and especially

and then turning right around and saying that it’s normal to just sit in dalaran waiting for a group with a tool that literally does the work for you so you’re free to do whatever you want in the meantime

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If you’d go and search you’d see I have always stated I was neither for nor against RDF but good try though.

Next time you should check your facts first – it will help you look less like a sock puppet.

You want me to search your post history to corroborate that you have never trolled me in any fashion?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I honestly could care less what you do to be up front and honest. You’re toxic, plain and simple.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

A toxic healer wouldn’t carry the weak tanks I have been carrying like the one that kicked me out yesterday.

Soon as I left, one of the Mankriks that was there whispered me and told me that the group fell apart at my removal.

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That blows chunks and hate that happened…

  1. A bad tank can kill a group
  2. A bad healer can kill a group
  3. A bad dps can be overcome.

sounds like you got option #2 :frowning:

That’s cool, I know everyone has different experiences.

However mine has gotten better. Instead of using the group finder and having to tell someone my gear score, doing the dungeon and then not remembering who I ran it with. I now que for rdf without having someone asking me my gearscore, do other things in the world, and then don’t remember who I ran with.