RDF - Your Experience

They are. You have to complete them so you must manually queue for them and complete them in order.

Needs some sort of personal filter for ilvl… get a ton of 4k gs dps *(in gammas) looking for hard carries or tanks way undergeared and causing other players to swap tank or take 5x as long to clear

Had a dk tank full dps gear one tank trinket in hos gamma. Kept pulling large groups and getting one shot lol. Got mad when called out and said it’s just a dungeon gear doesn’t matter. We kicked him.


Negative can get them in randoms.

LOL – I’ve been using it with guildies and of course we have no issues – properly geared, discord, we’re enjoying ourselves, laughing and clearing 5 or 6 each evening.

Hmmm…my understanding was you had to do them 1st one and then walk thru the portals to #2 and #3 before you could queue them as a random… or something like that.

nah I was able to get my first quest done through rando queues, you just cant get into the 2nd/3rd ones without the questline I think

There were people in wrath that also just refused to listen. Like a dps frost DK in frost presence because “frost uses frost” and we just left him dead on the floor and moved on.

99% of the runs are positive. I dont think there was a single person saying that the human element wouldnt come into play like it already was. It just wasnt. Anywhere close to the level people were claiming. Out of the hundreds of random dungeons throughout Wrath I did i only remember 1 negative interaction.


Great, nothing bad to say.

I can say that with RDF I will now main Classic and not dabble in both retail. I was waiting for RDF and this made things 100% better for me.


LvL 72 H pally, nexus popped in less than 5 minutes as I was questing. wiped once, 2 people dropped, got more dps in a couple of minutes then finished the rest of the dungeon with zero problems.

Second one popped in like 3 minutes, OK zero deaths.


I really never understood why so many people were against rdf. You don’t like pugs? Don’t pug then, it still makes it easier to run dungeons with friends and guildies. I guess all these people just love running to the dungeon entrance, cause you know immersion or something…


I have to wonder if most of the people yelling about how awful RDF is just saw one or two deaths and immediately assumed the worst. It’s all I can think of with all posts I’m seeing about it, and yet all of my dungeons so far have been perfectly fine with just a few deaths here and there


I’m really glad we have RDF… with everyone raid logging and such it’s very nice to Que for 8-11mins and have a group formed for you. Even when folks drop it takes seconds to replace them… Good work Blizzard!


I’ve run about 20 dungeons with it in total, and so far it’s more or less what I was expecting. Very quick/convenient once you get through the queue, much less social interaction going on than I’m used to, several groups literally didn’t say a word even when I tried talking to them. Seems people who need on all the items from the last boss even if they don’t need them are more common.

It’s really weird going back to the “sit in city, wait for a popup, teleport to instance” way of things. Retail way of things where there’s no hands-on aspect of group forming beyond clicking a button and teleporting directly into the instance once the algorithm puts a group together. Overall I’m unhappy about WoW returning to this playstyle, but this will definitely make it easier to hit more dungeons while leveling, so I’m looking forward that.

I rate this new situation a 3/10, down from ~7/10 before.

*** Edited for clarity ***


As opposed to sitting in the city baby sitting LFG then flight pathing close to the dungeon?

Rather be able to go do anything else.


You never need to “babysit” LFG, maybe unless you’re playing on a tiny realm. You can either just list yourself/your group and wait, or you can occasionally press a macro that spams the LFG channel while you do other things. Either way, you’re free to put your attention on other stuff.

Only losers will sit and wait, and complain about it.

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And you are even more free to do other stuff now. Cant really use the “sit in dal” argument against RDF.


Same. Outside of the idiot dps who don’t move off of glaciate (which happened in the old system) and dps not stopping during the mirrored soul Devourer of Souls debuff that killed my disc pretty much instantly (they were all 5.2-5.5k gs), it’s been a cakewalk.

I’ve had the opposite, been enjoying traveling the world and waiting for queue but still being productive. Then after the dungeon is over picking up where i left off.

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