RDF - Your Experience

They drop the new scourgestone currency that you use to buy 245 gear.

Don’t know what to tell you… having a blast spamming them as my healer. Literally less than a minute queue.


RDF kinda sucks. Got spider dungeons 3x and they can be a pain if you roll the wrong classes. Majority of players dont speak English either.

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Queue’d up on my NA 4.2k balance druid at 3:00 server time, took about 8 minutes for the queue to pop giving me enough time to do a few dailies. Got ToC5 Gamma, with a 4.8k tank, 4.9k lock, 5.1k fury, and a rdruid.

Cleared it without any wipes, though we had a few deaths. The lock died twice and the warrior died once, to the 70% buffed hammer of justice. I would have died too if I didn’t barkskin it (survived with like 3% hp).

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Yes it does. I queue up, go on about my business for a bit and then poof! There they are. Like magic…


Oh stop. We all knew Blizzard would release RDF with bugs. It’s Blizzard, after all. Of course we’d like it without bugs. :roll_eyes:


Australian players report the opposite. queue and nothing.

That’s not my take away.


Awesome, loving just being able to queue and do other things


at the end of it, im not happy about the space in levels bugged
bc im gonna be missing a lot of dungeons atm so im still gonna wait until they fix it. if i do hos one more time on my pld ima puke lol. im hoping tuesday but if not i guess ill deal. just don’t want my exp ruined just yet.

otherwise it works just as we wanted for the most part. just needs some touch ups.


Not entirely accurate. If you want to manually que for just the new dungeons then yes you are correct. However randoms don’t require attunement. You can do all three without doing the quests of you are doing randoms.

Do you speak English? Seems like the meaning of majority is lost on you.

Stop trolling. You still use it as a group to avoid the daily lockouts and grind endlessly. Dear lord.


It’s a few extra frost badges if you do the quest chain though.

Ran a few RDFs on my 75 prot pally.
Two times Old Kingdom, once Violet Hold.
Despite being noob heavy, it went pretty good, no wipes/deaths, people actually “let” me tank without running ahead and doing dumb stuff.

As an aside, I’m seeing so many melee dps stand shoulder to shoulder with me as the tank when fighting mobs and bosses.
I always thought one of the first things you learned as melee was to get behind the target if at all possible.
Maybe they just never played Rogue I dunno.

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Takes me about 10 secs if that, but takes over the full dungeon for people to read chat.

A bit of both, I’ve typed in chat letting people know about the buff when we get into the instance and then tell them again at the first boss,2nd,3rd,final. I don’t know if they can’t or won’t read chat, but I’ve been in full groups where 4 people are telling the 5th about the buff and they refuse to use it.

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Not a fan of the ‘Beacon of Light’ bug, that apparently has always been a thing.

Just see it a lot more now than I did in the old system.

Also, bring back LFG for Raids. I don’t want to spell correctly to filter raids.

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After a couple days using rdf my experience has been pretty much perfect. Queues have been maybe 10 minutes or so as dps, and my groups have been smashing the dungeons. I’m sure I’ll get a massive stinker of a group at some point but it’s been good so far.

With all the emblems, the ease of getting into dungeons, and now icc coming out I’m more excited about classic then I’ve ever been I think, reminds me of original wrath when I really started getting into pve content. It’s been a lot of fun so far!


Welcome to RDF where everyone thinks they have the skills, knowledge and gear to do anything.

This is why people were wanting certain levels of gear score…
Though gear score can’t fix skills it does fix under-geared people not being in content they should not be.

I came back to WoTLK to level some of my alts when I saw that RDF was back. I’m loving it. The queue times provide just enough time to knock out a quest or two, join a dungeon, knock out a quest or two, join a dungeon. It’s really helping with the questing fatigue that I face with alts.