RDF wasn't "at the end of Wrath"

Strawmans aren’t evidence. Neither is saying “You are wrong”. You can say that until you’re blue in the face but that doesn’t make it true.

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Speaking of strawman, I see a couple spots on the chart where subs went up, and they were after LFD, by your logic subs went up after LFD.


I mean, when I started playing classic their goal was to preserve the game, so our group always wanted Wrath for as it was.

To us, LFD in ICC phase is a compelling reason because it existed during ICC back in 2009

Yes, they did. They then went down for 10 years shortly after that.

Wrath as it existed is literally for us, it’s the entire reason why everyone I know and play with is playing the game.

LFD isn’t even the worst problem with “new wrath”

Attributing a small increase to lfd is rather silly. ICC came out. Probably the most desired raid in the game’s history. The culmination of an epic story.

Bah, now you got me doing it.

But you can never go back and play wrath as it existed, you can only play Wrath Classic, which, with LFD or not, will never be Wrath as it existed.

Exactly, so I think perhaps you should cut your losses and give up the whole “Wrath as it existed” thing. Even with #NoChanges, Classic was NOT the experience that existed in the past.

You would need a time-machine for that.

Actually, I play wrath daily. I was just looking for a good legal way to play wrath.

And I am fighting against any changes to dual spec which is a FAR more worrisome thing than LFD not being in for 1-2 phases.


You claimed wow had growth up to the point the the lfd was released. That’s false. wow had 5 quarters with no growth, basically dead lined, before the lfd was released. You claim after the lfd was released the numbers started to drop. That’s false. There were 3 quarters of no growth and 2 quarters of sub growth after the lfd was released.

You’re clearly still just trolling. Using logical fallacies as proof that LFD was the cause for declining WoW subs. There are far too many other factors and data to pin it on LFD. So many other things changed after Cata launch, like the entire world of Azeroth after Cataclysm launch

I enjoyed most of the revamp, but man some people were MAD MAD

Have you ever heard the phrase: “You’re missing the forest for the trees?” You would do well to study it.

Like I said, if you want to go quarter by quarter and split hairs, that’s on you. You’ve probably not actually worked with graphs in a business setting though, because we only care about overall trends.

The reason you can’t quote where I said this is because I never said it. Maybe try reading some of my conversation with Onikaroshi. I can’t think of any clearer way to explain it.

It’s 2022 we really arguing about if it’s ok to wait an hour for a dungeon or not?

Answer seems simple…


You realize Blizz said it won’t be in Wrath Classic at all, right? That could change, but for now it’s never being added.

Dual Spec?

Right, but there’s plenty of time to keep fighting for that, they could be changing Dual Spec any day now.

The over all trend is something happened with the release of wrath that caused subs to stagnate. I don’t know what it was but the trend clearly shows that it wasn’t the lfd.

Eh… https://www.engadget.com/2010-08-10-china-is-finally-getting-wrath-of-the-lich-king.html

China didn’t get wrath til 2010

Wow, much growth, many wow, from LFD.

Almost like I said, Wrath was the time when the input/output levels matched, and was the plateau of the game.

Likely because of what i posted above you