RDF wasn't "at the end of Wrath"

I know absolutely no one who even cared it existed.

Either way removing it is dumb because wrath content is so mindless any way, its like Post nerf Molten core, you can AE the whole thing down without any skills.

Ha, genuine laugh.

Must have been on one of them edgelord servers :stuck_out_tongue:

One of the best things about it was you didn’t have a daily set of times to get your frost badges, it was 7 per week, you could do them any time you wanted.


could say the same for the people who love it… I betcha most of them never played wrath thinking LFD was in at the start of the game.

Nah, we just had a very healthy population of players who did PVE

This is just pure revisinist now. They absolutely were not difficult for pugs made outside of group finder. I’m going to assume you didn’t actually play Cata.

Do you not know how to read the graph?

WoW’s sub count trends downward after the introduction of LFD. To suggest otherwise is misreading the graph.

The first patch of Cata occurs after the introduction of LFD, so I’m glad you have finally admitted that after LFD, the sub count starts to decline. Glad we cleared that up.

Can you quote where I pinned anything of LFD? Making an observation about the data is not assigning blame to anything. Please actually read what I say before responding to it.

you wrong lol bye bb

I mean, Wyrmrest accord was in it’s heyday, was still a cool new feature.

Convincing counterpoint, I’m sure that will help Blizzard see why LFD is a necessity for Wrath Classic. Take care!

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You have no point so… yeah, id say so too. Thanks, bud. <3

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I mean, I never personally had a problem with them, it was just the complaint on the forums, and i did them via LFD.

Pontiac stopped making cars after my great gran died, does that mean they stopped because she died /shrug.


This is correct.

That was the primary driving force in people leaving cata early on.


Clearly, Vanilla introduction of Battlegrounds killed the game, because the slump occurred after battlegrounds were released.


Correlation is not causation.


im sure there were people who liked it on my old server, not saying that there were none, I just personally knew none that did is all.

Don’t conflate this as me saying LFD should not be include, that’s not my point; my point is that you need to make a more powerful argument that’s convincing enough to sway blizzard’s hubris.

Pretty sure p2 classic killed classic pvp servers though :stuck_out_tongue:

And I love that about Wrath dungeons.

And you know what else was a complaint on the forums? LFD. Which is why it’s being removed for Classic Wrath.

Is anyone saying that Pontiac stopped marking cars because your great gran died, or is that you strawmanning?

Another strawman. Please quote where I said the introduction of LFD killed the game, because the slump occurred after LFD was released. I’ll wait.

Nothing wrong with that, its just a more Diablo style of gaming.

Imagine a world where we finally agree on a topic.

What a time to be alive

You’re literally just stating a fact like it means something specific. Subs went down after they introduced LFD yes.

Subs also went down after they released the game, sure they went up first, but they also went down.