RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

They could offer free transfer in or out of said server, they could merge small realms to create larger and healthier ones, I don’t there might be others things as well.

I wasnt lying when i said this person has received the same answer a hundred different times yet refuses to acknowledge or accept a single one lol

and other example.

TL;DR. Can’t I just teleport to the end of your post?

Will it make you feel like you’re right if I do? I say this as my keyboard is covering in tears of sadness. It’s like you’re here with me peering into my lonely soul!

Either way, slow down and let the spell-checker do the work for you.


These players are trolls and want this game to die. No matter what you do our say it’s always your fault. EXAMPLE.
They will tell you it’s your fault you’re on a low pop server, so move. The person moves and goes to high pop, if they can’t play because queues, they tell them to move to a low pop, it’s their fault. They move, now they can’t find a group, so they said go to a high pop. Go to high pop, still can’t find groups so they leave the chat. It’s predictable.


show some examples to support your claim and i will happily consider your stance :slight_smile:

it’s probably because he knew what he was saying was a load of bull, removing RDF because they prioritize social interaction and experience

yet still not mature enough to counter with your own examples, quite cute. i’m sure one day you parents will be proud of your first counter-argument. i wont stop you on your journey so keep on trolling until you make it i guess :smiley:

to be honest, waiting for your guild or friends to log on is not an enjoyable experience, being able to get into a group without waiting for other people at anytime sounds much more enjoyable, and when your friends/guildies do log on then you can actually run a more meaningful socially interactive group, i mean do you expect people to hop on discord over RDF? i sure never did.

RDF was never meant for social interactions neither were pug dungeons, so blizzard wow classic team removing a feature that improved group activity doesn’t make sense for the reason of prioritizing social interactions and experience.

none of these are examples of how no RDF improve social interactions and experience, you can miss me with your reaching some more :slight_smile:

explain to me how no RDF is more socially interactive than having RDF. maybe you could clear up why that is the reasoning blizzard classic wow team removed it.

the solution is obviously RDF, people dont want to admit they are wrong.

that is funny you mention that, it seems like some people mistake simply chatting in-game for building a social network between other people, i guess cod lobby is a pretty social game then.

facebook would probably be the best bet for all these people screaming “but my social experience” and forget games alltogether if they can’t play without the need to make friends. i get it you want more people to play with but you can’t force people to be your friend lmao.

such projection for people disagreeing with you, i find it entertaining.

exactly that.


For social interactions? Yep. And always will be. On the plus side it will always be to your credit when you actually start trying to form a solid friend circle.

Because it is

A temporary problem that goes away and is gone? Might come back but hey it will go away again? What a dumb point lol.

Yeah, we keep telling you why but you refuse to try lmfao. Get better.

Been explained thousands of times. You disregarded it thousands of times because it wasnt the answer you wanted. Im not going to spoonfeed you like youre an uncooperative toddler just for you to refuse it again.

The only answer you want is absolute compliance with your personal desires. Youre throwing a babyrage temper tantrum on an internet forum because mommy and daddy conditioned you that thats how you get your way.

I weep for the future of mankind.

I think snowy is using every troll trope in this thread. It’s like he read a quora article on how to stir a forum up.


Imagine getting rekt and rustled by a quora article.

No wonder you have no group to draw from lol 2 ez 2 rustle

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There is a middle point between making tons of friends, and actually looking for transactional robotic interactions in an mmorpg. I mean go play dragon age or something like that if you are in to playing RPGs with bots.

saying it has been explained it isnt an example, i’m still waiting.

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It’s funny watching them break down mentally in real time.


My guild leader was extremely social. Constantly befriending people, making alliances between guilds. He was one of your type. When he threw in the towel and sanctioned the move to a more populated server, it wasn’t for lack of trying. I may not be very social, but he WAS. He tried all the things you recommend and in the end, it wasn’t enough. You think we won’t get there in wrath?

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the examples were given. You just ignored them. You’re not special enough to write thngs out over and over. Now its time to just laugh.

Right? Can we be friends. I think we would make an amazing Shoots and ladders duo.

You can wait until you die of old age

I. Do. Not. Care.

The answer you keep gettinf isnt the answer you want so you pretend you never got it expecting the answer to change.

At this point im just going to report you for trolling and ignore you.


If you have a problem with trolls maybe you should move to a different forum.

(Sorry, I couldn’t resist. :woozy_face:)