RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Update. Now absolutely no one to que with. This system is straight trash. I guess just quest your way to 80.

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And you know what

Asmon too deserves some of the credit, along with a few other streamers that kept pressuring and pushing for its return.

That’s why he will forever be my boy, even if he doesn’t use that intro anymore.

People ignored the big wall of no and kept asking for it. Then they went to private servers.

That’s how.


And this is yet another factor.

Random Dungeon Finder.

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Now I’ll throw you a bone. If you were part of nost, then I do have you to thank for too since that really drove them to finally get it done

But my goal was always Lich King, and I needed to go through classic and BC to get here.

And that’s as far as my thanks goes cuz now that we are here, you crossed the line with your classic Andy mentality and got my RDF rescinded.


In 2015. A Legacy server called Nostalrius was released, it was basically Classic and 1:1. It got nearly a million subs (it may have actually reached a million). It kept taking players from retail (including me) causing a sharp decline in WoW subs. Everyone was going to Nostalrius. For months the game was thriving and became the most prominent legacy server and they even had to create new servers to support the increasing player base.

Well Blizzard caught on to this and filed a lawsuit against Nost devs
.and it happened. The last day of Nost was scheduled and I think it was in either March or April of 2016. I remember being on when the server was shutting down and it was crazy. You can even YouTube these videos

Even though blizzard won the lawsuit and Nost shut down, it did catch the interest of Blizzard. One specific blizzard dev said “you think you do but you don’t”.
Well shortly after, a petition was created to bring back Classic servers, we all signed the petition, most people from Nost signed and it was sent over to Blizz. The next year, it was announced that Classic was going to be released. And they even hired some Nost devs I think to work on Classic.

Makes you wonder why people enjoyed Classic so much. Many were saying the game felt more social but I dunno. Maybe Nost 2.0 will come out in 2028.

how about you include the sentence that is before and after what you keep quoting to stop taking things out of context. All it does is label players that do so as trolls and misinforming when they do such things. It is common practice and professional to include the sentence that was before and after what is wanted to be quoted.

Im currently playing on dragonflight and yea the RFD there doesnt have socializing. now where you pick your teammates for whats mythic 0 there is interaction in chat. And granted we might not see each other again there was more positive interactions with ppl trading gear to others.

LOL no. Not even close. They sent Nost a C&D, and it wasn’t the first one either. Private servers get C&D’s on a regular basis and they use them for toilet paper. However, Viper and a few other Nost people decided it would be a good idea to open up discussions with Blizzard. They agreed to shut down their server if Blizzard would consider releasing a Vanilla version. They met with Blizzard, things were said, and the rest is history.

It’s often trotted out that Blizzard shut down Nostalrius but that isn’t what happened at all. Blizzard never filed suit or took any legal action against them at all.

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Ah yes. Ok I actually didn’t know that. I was always leaning on the side that Blizzard did take action because C&D and Lawsuits just go hand in hand. Luckily the outcome did remain the same and we did end up getting Classic.

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Wrath babies are a hoot.

Add rdf

Just add it


bring back RDF


The Wrath devs did
in 2009. The clowns in charge of Classic just need to put back what they removed.


At this point it seems they just don’t have the technical skill to even do it. They can’t even get the far simpler LFG Tool to work properly.

And H+ look like they will be super trollabled since one person can initiate them.


Oh, I’m aware. I was convinced it was a technical issue months ago. Their stated reasons seemed like total BS. Then they did a bunch of changes that are in direct opposition to their supposed Pillars. So it’s been lies all along.

I know I post a lot about RDF, but honestly I don’t care. I’ve already written off Wrath. Even if RDF was added, it wouldn’t make a difference. It obviously wouldn’t work with the Mythic dungeons they’re adding.

So, personally, once my sub runs out you won’t see me until potentially Cata. With the two conditions that RDF is on from the start, and they don’t add more Mythic dungeons like they’re doing with Wrath. But in the meantime I’ll keep poking fun at the anti-rdf trolls.


The base game for Cata isn’t really good enough to cover up for blizzard’s lack of care. It only has one short raid that even would make me care about it.


Yeah, but the way I look at it is
there’s less potential lost by their incompetence.


I’ve heard rumors that they had reduced the number of max layers coming into wrath, thus creating this situation in the first place.