RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

At the end of the day, they were wrong, and won’t admit it. Now a lot of servers have empty Dalarans, and low level characters aren’t doing dungeons because they just aren’t worth the trouble.


They don’t have an understanding of what it means to run dungeons; how it’s an activity that casuals should be able to get into easily with a queue as random BGs. Dungeon running is, or should be, for casuals that need to get their basic progression endeavors done, and for elites that want to tackle bigger challenges.

As it stands, the current vanilla status quo system favors the classic Andies more than the casuals, and thus the toxic, dead, casual-less dungeon running environment is bred as a result.

If they do understand all this and they know what it means to run dungeons, then they are purposefully allowing this environment to exist for whatever self-serving purposes they may harbor.

I’m sure money and greed are common motivators, but then they make decisions that seem counterintuitive to that. For example…

If the 70 boosts still have the 50 dollar price tag, what do they care about the 1 per account limitation?

What do they think that is actually doing to help the game, other than deny themselves money?

Whatever, they can do whatever they want with the game.


Yep. warmane and even ascension making good money and avoiding the blizzard lawyers . so they pondered things.

if people are gonna pay them…wonder how many would pay us to be “legit”. and hell we’d get the warmane players too to laught as they use years of pserver experience for worlds seconds acclaim. classic world’s firsts happened,you know, starting 17 years ago.

I only gave credit to crews who did fun things. Like kill onyxia in their underwear on a naked run.

Checks google, anyone got a naked kill of a raid boss? No? Okay, you have a true worlds first.

I agree. Really wish RDF was in the game. My entire guild is pretty much raid logging and I would like to dungeon level.


Sure, cause you totally keep your word:

1300 posts. well mines gonna get lost in the shuffle but ill add my 2 cents. I DO play this game solely for the dungeons. I despise vanilla and tbc. Vanilla is a terribly outdated game that feels like playing an old korean mmo. Its overly grindy, wastes your time due to poor optimization of quests, and most of the maps are hideous to look at. I do however LOVE the vanilla dungeons and running them with a group of people. I dont give a damn if that group comes from my server or not. Its a much better experience having other people by my side. This no rdf thing has completely ruined my playing experience. If i wanted to play a single player rpg, id go play dragonquest or the witcher or elden ring.


Wow, still no RDF. LOL tells you how much they listen to their playerbase.

Guarantee if the mass was saying THEY DO NOT want RDF they would add that crap in a heartbeat.


fixed it for ya

You’re delusional if you think the minority want RDF.

Even if you ignore the forums and look elsewhere, people want it.

Especially those that aren’t on megaservers.


Considering RFD was in the original release it would go perfectly with what Classic was supposed to be, no changes. Yet here you are qquing about things that they are changing saying stop the changing.


Dungeons feel so empty without rdf :cry:


WOTLK isn’t WOTLK without RDF… it’s WOTLK Lite. Instead of adding what actually is part of the game, they created a new system for it… that no one asked for.


Imagine wanting less people to play the MMO you’re playing. I swear a big percentage of the Classic community is insane.


empty like the realm “Maladath”? I just did a /who 80 (so all 80s on horde side) only 26 are on… that includes my mage being on…


100% agree w/ OP


Blizz killed classic. we need RDF Now!!!


Been saying this for a while, they’re toxic boomers who can’t think for themselves… it’s like a hive mind of dumb.



hey now…I think this is more confused 30 to 40 lol.

as a potential boomer I want this. I don’t deem copy paste “still looking for tank” every 5 minutes being social lol. the only social bit there is me in discord going back to better topics in there lol.


Probably, I use boomer more is the concept of an archaic thought process… thinking like a cave-man. Don’t really mean it in terms of age.

Lol. Yea a lot of people love to think it’s being social. I’ve never understood how that’s a social aspect of the game.


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