RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

It makes sense now. Every wants things faster, more convenient, more casual, no waiting, no working with others to build your own team, just click a button and go. Instant dungeons, instant raids, instant epics, instant loots. Everyone wants instant gratification, ok it makes sense now. It’s what people wanted back in 09/10 and it’s what people want now. You guys will love Classic Cata, MoP, WoD is going to be even better even better. :wink::wink:
If only people knew how we got back to Classic in the first place :joy:

We do…

And we played through classic, and abandoned it as a ghost town because that is all it was good for.

And classic is still there… Inconvenient as always with the lack of QoL.

But alas, this isn’t classic, this is Lich King. You calling it classic is just as ignorant as you accusing us of trying to retail it up.


I’ll contribute.

Roses are Red.
Violets are Blue.
RDF rocks.
Now join the queue.


Please tell me how we got back to Classic?

A combination of demographics wanted it back. Yours and mine included.

But I know that in the minds of classic Andies like you, all other demographics are non-existent.


Bruh, you’re literally posting in the “Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion” forums under the “WOW Classic” section of the forums. All of your addons are in a folder labeled classic in your program files. The icon to launch the game on the battle.net launcher says “classic” on it. Saying this isn’t classic makes you the ignorant one.

lol no. It seems like you don’t know.

Because there were a specific number of events that happened that caused them to release Classic. And it seems you don’t actually know.

And I really want to let you know lol

The ignorance stems from using the term “classic” as a blanket term to refer to any narrative the Andies wish to push.

As you are doing as we speak.


What is RDF?

And you see you continue to be ignorant as we speak.

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just wanting to see if you knew the specific events that led up to Classic being released. No ignorance there.

I’ve been following the forums since I quit in WoD.

I’ve witnessed all these “specific events” more or less.

The number one reason classic came back is because enough people wanted it, which is tied into these “specific events” you speak of.

I agree with this. I am lvling an alt from lvl 1 and I am currently lvl 29 in DF ques for over 3 hours right now. I have 2 quests I can do in there but can’t find anyone to que with or go with. This system is horrible for lvling alts. There is no social benefit from being limited to just your server and if your server is not populated then you are sol. It sucks and does not promote alt lvling.

lol dang bro….you really don’t know :joy:

You’re so ignorant that you can’t see anything else past your own point of view.

How do you expect to continue an argument under these terms?

sigh. May as well tell you since you don’t know and just keep accusing me of not seeing anything past my own point of view….even though I was part of why Classic came back.

You see!!

You can’t stop being ignorant at all.

You’re about to take credit for the return of classic, as if all other demographics had no part to play in it.

And you’re about to list some specific event that I likely knew about, but don’t remember at the moment.

Go ahead and list this event and display your ignorance some more. I’d love to highlight for all to see.

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I think I can guess where your deluded mind is going…

Don’t stop typing, I’m just trying to jump the gun on what it is you think I don’t know what you are talking about…

“you think you do, but you don’t”?

The nostalrius debacle?..

Even if all those things aren’t what you are getting at, they still contributed to the return of classic, alongside whatever this “specific event” it is you are trying to mention.

Nice, I can see you’re good at googling lol.

Rofl. Rofl. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I didn’t need google, just a second to remember.