RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

How can you make such a ridiculous comment not even based in facts or reality and try to pass it off as fact? Oh, that’s right, the Pro-RDF crowd loves to slander the “anti-RDF” crowd as much as possible.

<----- this is my shocked face.

facts are facts despite you being aware of it or not :slight_smile: it’s imposbile to not realize the fact i said unless you’re naive.

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You have no facts on your side, but at least you have some impressive sad clown makeup. You take your contrived nonsense and try to pass it off as facts, and it is both sad and pathetic.

why so mad? everything i said did happen, is happening and it’s the truth :smiley: despite you hate the reality it is still a reality, so don’t be this mad it’s not good for you :wink:

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If “pro RDF” is the “minority” blizzard should give us a server. Then we will see just who is “minority”, wouldn’t we…


Watching people leave retail to play classic only to complain that classic isn’t as accessible as retail is really amazing to watch. Sorry you’re not going to ruin a 2nd chance at this game like you did the original version.

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I mean – do you not realize this is 100% about making players have a sub time that is longer (slower leveling) and nothing else?

like…it’s not that hard to figure out.

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You are here again, being a whiny, lying POS again. Begone.

such thing already failed, and tons of classic players left already, and that’s because the bots everywhere/boosts at every direction/real money trade taking over classic/many toxic selfish private server players/layers that divided the world/tons of fail changes…etc
sorry to shock you but classic is already ruined lol, wotlkc now doesn’t even have 1/100 of the subs it had during original.


I agree. Get you guys TF out of here.

Thereyou go blizzard, just read your “social” butterflies posts and how they talk to people, who disagree with them. That is why the feature doesn’t matter, it is the people. Who wants to be forced to deal with people like that?

Rather just have “gg” at the end of a dungeon run.

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What makes this Looking For Group an absolute hilarity is the fact in almost all the groups I have been in there is not a single player talking to each other including for invites. The social aspect, there is none yet a player has to fill out a 3-page interview sheet just to look/que for dungeons. Highly recommend giving the community Group Finder like it was released in Original.


All my groups talk all the time. It’s actually annoying. I wish we had RDF just to eliminate all the social chit chat.

except that many many folks have repeatedly expressed many positive experiences in rdf, including using it with guildies. helping faction members they didnt know get runs, getting runs at odd hours because of rdf. hell, i built a 300+ member guild off the back of RDF starting with a core of 4 friends.

it is only anti social to those that fear a loss of control of their groups, which they wouldnt lose. in OG wrath we manually built groups all the time WITH RDF in the game. as far as the people saying it will kill some guilds… yes probably. it will show folks there are some great people out there and they dont have to suffer in a head count guild where no one knows anyone.


If you’re running with a few guildies, you can easily use the current tool to pick up a hapless members of your faction WHO HAPPENS TO BE ON YOUR SERVER to run with and actually invite to your guild if they enjoyed the experience.

You can’t do that with x-server players.

What are you even going on about lol?

actually you can, if they are willing to transfer to the server you are on or start fresh. i built a guild of over 300 from a crew of 5 that i started with. using rdf was beneficial to me and my crew as it gave us the chance to meet people we would never have otherwise met without xrealm and we brought ALOT of good people over to nordrassil into our guild. so saying you cant would be typical of anti rdf players and their false claims.

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You built your guild from encouraging x-server players to spend $25/toon to transfer based on an RDF run?

no, i built my guild on giving people a choice. i never encouraged folks to spend money to transfer, that was their choice.

im a big fan of freedom of choice, but you seem to be against it because other folks being able to choose seems to make you upset.

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The point being that the opportunity to increase your guild and social network is dramatically improved by inviting same realm players.

Why you go on about x-realm players transferring to your guild based on an RDF run is bizarre because you don’t want to concede the OBVIOUS point.

Don’t be so dishonest when debating. It makes it easy to dismiss you completely.

Make no mistake, “social _____” is just code for gatekeeping.