RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

most anti-rdf are real money traders and blizzard didn’t bring rdf because of technical issue’s that’s the fun fact about this whole subject.

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When rdf came out in wrath , was there an option to make your own group also ?

If so, why not just let people that want to queue queue and people that want to build their own group do that ?

Just have both parties gain badges or whatever the incentive was .


This is poor logic…

All we gotta do is look at borrowed power… no one wanted it, but guess what? It was there.


ah yes how could i forget

won’t somebody PLEASE think of the gdkp sellers!!!

This topic has almost 1200 replies. Why would anyone bother posting about this stuff.

Because RDF is important and should be in the game and the majority want it.


why would you bother hitting almost every pro rdf post with your nonsense? just scroll on by.

No RDF Is the worse decision blizzard has made so far in classic


You mock Blizzard. But look at how their decision on RDF has sparked life into this community.

Someone clearly knows how to pull the peoples strings. You just don’t want to admit it.

their fake excuses and now silence on the matter is costing them subs. maybe not enough for them to notice yet but they may not care at this point. seems like brian just wants the game his tryhard pvp elitist jerks want.


Pretty much yes. RDF should be added. Everyone agrees. Anyone that says it should not be added, is lying.


Entirely wrong.

All of your ‘responses’ are just you saying ‘no’ without substantiation, and the rest are goalpost shifting, so I’ll do the same.

People play on their own accord in RELATION TO STRUCTURES, hence my careful use of the term ‘purely’ anarchic. You can’t think systematically, so you’ll never understand what I’m saying. Sad! And level on posted char absolutely indicates credibility. Skin in the game, Nassim Taleb, etc.

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Nice retort

So was theirs. /s

That is the question

if you are summoning lazy players you invited the wrong players, and rather find out those players are lazy before geting into the dungeon than having RDF send me straight into the dungeon with them without any warning, also RDF doesnt magically make people play tank or healer more so it doesnt help with that issue at all

Maybe they’re questing or grinding mats… this is why people like RDF, none of this whiny, “RUN TO THE STONE!!!” non-sense. Nothing to do with laziness… if you aren’t raiding, LFG serves no purpose because RDF would solve all those issues.


RDF takes plenary of effort. Pugging is never easy and your comment is very insensitive.

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Lol, oh well.

You speaking for me now? Slow that roll, homeslice. I raided ICC the first time around, and while I certainly tried and used RDF when it came out, and even use both LFG and LFR in the past on retail, doesn’t mean I can’t also acknowledge the toll they took on the game socially. The real reason classic was such a success upon release was playing with the peeps again. I dipped in and out which is why I haven’t even hit max level on a toon yet, my ADHD has me with a bunch of alts and I also have server jumped based on friends leaving the game, but I’m enjoying Wrath now.

Just don’t try to include me in your little statement. It isn’t valid.