RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

I get it, it’s all a question of preferences and opinions.

And I mean disrespect because I’m not a coward liar. Your opinion sucks.

Cant you make friends to run it with you?

For claritys sake, yes i am purposefully using the smug, snarky smarmy reply that premade runners used as a convenient excuse for them to continue ruining PvP. I am doing so knowingly because i have zero desire to take you seriously.

Youre part of an inorganic babyrage temper tantrum that the rest of us are sick of and disgusted with. Youll eventually resort to doing things which can get you banned purely out of desperation to continue getting attention. The sooner we push you to that, the better.

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sorry but your argument does nothing for people who are leveling or on a low pop server. I spent the last few days trying to get a ZF run together to do all the quests I had and I sat there and spammed LFG, I messaged people on the bulletin board and never got a group, ended up having a lvl 70 buddy quickly run me through.

it doesn’t take social skills to type LFM “insert dungeon here” but it does waste a lot of time when there aren’t enough people interested.

RDF just makes group finding efficient… and the best part about the tool is You dont need to use it. you can still make a group walk to the dungeon and talk about the weather while you wait. worst case scenario you do 1 or 2 less dungeons than a person using RDF.

I would rather spend my time playing the game than typing in LFG. I dont mind chatting in the group during the dungeon but the pre stuff is just a waste


Coward liar? You are the exact kind of person I’m trying to avoid in game. Thanks for proving my point.


Litcherally one.

So what. If only that player had friends to reach out to on their alts that they were levelling together or a levelling guild to reach into and draw from that could help out etc etc etc.

Again. These are all things you have been told a hundred times. Sit down already and quit asking the same questions

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That really is the solution. After all, you’re pretty much asking for x-realm play because your faction is dead. Clearly, you’re not staying on Bene for the community since the numbers do not exist.

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You are on a horde side dead realm. No need to impose RDF on healthy servers because of those that are messed up. Blizzard need to find other solutions to deal with server population issues.

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Please explain how that would help. If you’re a new player on the server and hit level 13 and want to run RFC. You have one player who is able to do RFC.

It’s shocking how folks are defending Blizzard’s mismanagement with mega servers and dead factions lol.


Yes that’s you mr “I mean no disrespect” followed by disrespect. Git gud. ANd believe me.You don’t need to avodi anyone. There’s a reason youre alone. And it isnt a personal choice.

Awwww. You assume I’m alone. How cute.

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The classic community loves to RP as good people, they show who they are really fast.


Why would I have to assume when you showcase chris-channery of the highest level

Not defending it. They need and should do something about it. Just not RDf. It’s not the right option.

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Cry about it lmao. “They-they wont hold my hand and they retalliate when im being asinine and outright stupid”

Let me kiss your booboo

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They’re usually one differing opinion from going scorched earth. This guy who keeps pestering me is living proof.


i was the only one in this specific 5 level range that was online during this one time i did /who

that means i am forever the only player that will ever be in this specific 5 level range which will follow me as i level up

i am forever alone in this barren, dead world. RDF will magically fix this by matching me with the people around my level that want to do RFC that i just implied dont actually exist via a /who screencap

I want you to get up and walk away from your keyboard. Think about what you just did for a while.


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oOH MY GOD lmao. You’re one tear away from filing an assault charge on me arent you?

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Then what is the right option?

How can players on lower populated factions enjoy group content? Telling them to leave their server shouldn’t be a reply.

“Spend money or give up your progress” shouldn’t be the solution a company, who has the technology to solve the issue, should answer with.


i aint reading all that