RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

wrong, nothing i can say here except its your opinion and you have a right to it but dont try and pass it off as fact please.

The experiment was already run, and it lead to a much worse experience. That’s why the devs didn’t want to implement it into Classic.

rdf did NOT lead to a worse experience. even the devs say it was cata character mechanics that killed wows popularity. stop spreading misinformation.

and even the tool brian birmingham admitted that removing rdf was NOT a unanimous dev decision, that there were folks on the dev team that fought against its removal. jesus, go read an article or watch an interview.


Don’t invoke Jesus’ name for your whiney little demands. Grow up.

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is a statement of “jesus give me strength when dealing with people being willful idiots and knowingly spreading misinformation”

and you getting all offended over me asking for strength? how laughable that someone who has been as insulting and toxic as you are would pick that particular thing to throw in as an argument. smdh.

though i would point out you went there instead of arguing my points. thank you for admitting what you were doing by your attempt to deflect.


Not worth arguing your points, because they have no merit. You would see the game go right down the same path that everyone knows ultimately did more damage than benefited it. Thankfully, the lead dev knows better.

Well actually the experiment was run and RDF did not cause the change in social behavior.

We’ve had 3 years of classic with no RDF proving that.


really? and you know everyone? and youve personally spoken to everyone to know that this said everyone agrees with you? well im part of everyone and fully disagree with you.

The same type of people were around demanding the same things in vanilla. They will not be happy until classic is ruined too. So no, I’m not surprised that you’re here doing the same thing. I would hope that the devs have enough sense the second time around to resist the urge to cater to the path of least resistance.

The devs loved RDF. What devs are you talking about?


youre need to paint with a giant general brush just proves that even you know that your logic is faulty and your “facts” are no more than your own opinions.

If I’m wrong, where is RDF? Why isn’t it already in the game if so many people want it?

Wo what you’re saying is things like RDF and CRBG’s were actually popular back in the day by vanilla players and are not something that the fictional retail boogie mans wants.

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its not in the game because, as stated by brian birmingham, “we got feed back from a soft selected small group of players”… aka elitist jerks… his pvp guild. and he has since said “we didnt expect this massive uproar in favor of rdf, we are putting it back in the discussion.”

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Because the devs of today aren’t nearly as good as the devs back in the day.


Retail is garbage and I can’t stack groups in my favor with RDF. It’s clear you’re incompetent and didn’t read the whole post.

I am in favor of the current system because it’s efficient and easy. I can build the group that allows me to get what I need and social interaction is what you put into it. If I choose not to put anything into it that is my choice.

Dungeon Finder does not support my ability to go in and insure I get what I need. I can also build a group for the most efficiency in clearing the dungeon. I’m in favor of gatekeeping.

This argument “I don’t like the way you play, go to retail” is the most childish take. You have no control over the community, you do not dictate how others play. I communicate with people I know outside of the game and keep my circle tight to avoid players that like you that complain about how everyone plays the game.

Have you tried just playing the game and not worrying about what everyone else is doing that doesn’t affect you?


Blizzard will give you different answers depending on the day. At one point, according to Birmingham, it was because blizzard cares deeply about its players. All one has to do is look at their customer support to see how much they care.

Then there was the excuse that players would gear up too fast. It just wouldn’t be possible for players to run world tours daily and have prebis the day Naxx opened.

Birmingham is a damn genius.

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Yeah nah, I get instant invites as DPS. I’m living my best life right now not having to deal with bots and literal whos from servers I’ll never see again. People act courteous and respectful and every one of the groups I’ve been in has been a positive experience. Hell, people even tell each other ‘grats’ when they win a big piece of gear.

This is a completely different dynamic this time around and I’m glad Blizzard has stood their ground and ignored the vocal minority, on this ONE issue at least.


to me it seems like an effort to try and stall levelling as much as they can or purposefully cutting it so they can reward themselves a “win” and people will eat it up proclaiming that “omg theyre finally listening!”

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for some reason I don’t know if the socialness of your group depends on rdf / lfg or not lol

for some reason I have a feeling it has to do with the people in the group, could be wrong though

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