RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Your inference isn’t my implication. Sorry, pal.

if the lfg tool catered to anyone but elitist gatekeepers sure, but it doesnt help get lower level content, it doesnt help getting mid level content, and for an awful lot of people who have been called liars by the anti rdf LFG shills… they cant hardly get runs with lfg in northrend.

Then go play retail if you like it so much. Blizzard has not said anything about even thinking about bringing it in. I don’t care either way. As long as Looking for Raid never makes it to the game I will be cool about it.

I can play both, considering I have plenty of characters on both. If you don’t care, then there’s no reason to needlessly act like a jerk.

Wotlk introduced RDF. No reason it can’t return.


I know it was introduced it in WotLK. All I am saying is there is no point in groaning about it. Now if you put together a well-thought-out message to Blizzard as to how it will improve gameplay and quality of life in-game, then absolutely I would be on board with your statement. Not one to support a groan.

this topic is the message to blizzard on how the removal of RDF doesn’t protect or improve social experience in there game.

the tool was already known to do both of these things, while the retail LFG tool they replaced it with does a worse job at both gameplay and quality of life in comparison.

blizzard didn’t remove it due to anything related to gameplay or quality of life, as stated in their initial announcement to remove it, and later with the lead developer’s interview.

i’m not one to support blizzard’s removal of original features and replacing them with garbage alternatives just simply to stir up divisive and toxic interactions between those who agree and disagree on blizzard’s actions, LFG as a replacement didn’t protect, repair or improve the social experience, it didn’t improve gameplay, and it didn’t improve quality of life.

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Then make a well-thought-out comment toward Blizzard if you be so inclined. I agree that removing RDF was a bad play on Blizzard’s part and giving the community a trash product that is Looking for Group. I personally would not mind if they put in RDF. Do you think you could manage such a task?

in classic wow, actiblizzard creates avenues for botters to thrive in pve and pvp, allows exploiters free passes, allows boosters to ruin arena, allows mass false reporting with automated account mutes or suspensions, allows RMT, etc.

i highly doubt they will admit their lack of competence and/or their ill intent in how they are handling this version of the game, let alone go back on a decision they knew was a wrong move based on a false premise.

with that said and knowing how actiblizzard treats wow classic, i don’t really care what they do, i’m just here for cata classic; whatever else they wanna add to their incompetence isn’t gonna stop me from seeing the decline once cata drops with whatever clown takes they have in store for that expansion.

Yes RDF is better !

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Make your own damn group it’s not hard. Love that all these privileged baby’s are giving up because of RDF go play retail they have all the lich king gear and mogs.

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Switch alts isn’t going to make it sound like you’re the majority.

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If this is true, then RDF is not the best way to do that. Forming your own group is the best and most efficient way to reach those goals.

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Uh… You know most popular MMOs out have some type of matchmaking/LFG system, right?

Your ideas on what MMO game design is, is heavily outdated.


LFM Tank and Healer is functionally no different than DPS LFG.

So no DPS can’t just make their own group since the same bottle neck is there and you are still just playing the RNG game you get lucky enough to get choosen.


So wait you’re telling me that even if RDF is in the game preforming your own group whether it’s from guildies, friends or chat is still the most efficient way to do dungeons?

But I thought there was no choice but to use RDF?


I think y’all need to either server swap or go back to retail. I swapped to Eranikus from Bene and on both servers I get insta invites the moment I Q up. I kid you not had 3 people try to invite me at the same time. If you are on a populated server there are more than enough people to find for a group, if item reserving bothers you look for a group without it. If you aren’t getting invited because you chose Pally or DK, well sorry but there are just too many of you. My group finding experience has been FASTER here than on retail. On retail I get stuck in massive Q’s because there are “too many dps”.

I have adored not having retail style lfg. People ACTUALLY have to talk to one another again, I’ve been making friends from it, and it makes it easier to find homies to focus on dungeon achievements with. Believe it or not, I found people to be nicer than on retail since they are actually dependent on their server mates again, they can’t afford to burn as many bridges. In retail everything is essentially solo, who cares if people hate you is the vibe I get.

I logged into retail last night and the first garbage I saw was people memeing on each other, being racist, yelling just idiotic stuff in chat. No one responds to you seriously anymore. Retail feels like flying solo surrounded by annoying high schoolers. It’s awful.

I highly disagree with you, from my personal experience this improved my social interactions in this game. Like I said, if you rolled an over saturated class and can’t get into a group that’s on you, I have to deal with it as Hunter on retail it is what it is. If you don’t like items being reserved, join a different group, ask a head of time if things are on reserve, if the item on reserve isn’t something you need then why do you care?

Gearing with this style of loot system is a million times faster than retail. I found myself on retail spending 3 months straight farming non stop for my freaking pants and never got them. The loot is few and far in between, the gear gaps are absurd, having to upgrade your ilvl 12x is ridiculous and the requirement of high arena rating or PVE rating makes it difficult to not get curb stomped for the average player. I will take this loot system over any other. Keep in mind too, if you don’t get invited because you aren’t good or your parses don’t match up RDF will not fix that, people don’t want to be forced to group with a hinderance, they will just vote kick you.

LOL no they don’t. The dungeons are very well known, unless you’re trying for an achieve(which you likely wouldn’t do in RDF anyways) there’s no need to discuss anything.

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If you’re not, then go screw yourself right? RDF fixes that. You shouldn’t have to shell out 25 dollars just to do content.

RDF fixes that too

RDF fixes that for the aforementioned classes. You are still free to make groups the old way with RDF in the game if it’s so much faster.

They really don’t. It’s hey and gg 99.9% of the time.

This happens in classic and has since day one. See barrens chat.

It’s actually on Blizzard because they can fix the problem. Right now. Literally.

RDF is better. Period.


People will gravitate to RDF, but not for the reasons outlined. The mindset of the people that want RDF is that everything needs to collapse to the lowest common denominator/path of least resistance. The line needs to be drawn in the sand somewhere. RDF is the line that should not be crossed.

Why not?

The people who want RDF are already pugging dungeons just as they would with RDF. Which ultimately leads to a worse experience for everyone.

With RDF you would be able to chat pug with people who want to chat pug and people who don’t care would be in RDF.