RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

except theres alot of casual folks that love and loved wrath and just like to use it as an escape for a short period of time in the evenings, and rdf is a great tool for them to use, they arent chasing gs or bis or server first stuff. they are just getting on the enjoy the game. and taking half the game away from them because the wishes of a few who swear that rdf would for some reason destroy their game when they arent forced to use it… well thats just silly. and the socialization reason is just an absolute ridiculous stance considering the current population of wow isnt interested in forced socialization.

Then they aren’t interested in doing grouped content. That’s fine. Too bad. If you can’t make a group, you don’t get to do things that require one. Quite literally, learn2play.

Oh, you claim majority. lolz. Have proof not assumption for that?

As a retail player, I’m pretty happy that everyone wants RDF on the forums. Makes my life easier if it comes out, and more like retail! if not, eh who cares just use LFG it’s not the end of the world

The game was designed with RDF for Wrath though, so having RDF would be playing

how the game was designed.

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I think it’s actually faster to get a group as a dps without RDF, if you’re willing to be assertive using the group finder tool. If you’re using RDF you could be waiting up to a half hour or longer at times as a dps.

As for social interactions, I agree that a lack of RDF isn’t increasing social interactions. I think that’s more related to difficulty of the content. If you can zerg through a dungeon and AoE everything down there’s really not much of a need to communicate with your group. If it was more difficult and required some coordination then obviously you’ll need to communicate at least a little bit.

I think the current tool is fine if they improve it and keep it as an option alongside having RDF. But making it the only option is a huge mistake. Most people want RDF and they’re simply making the game worse by removing it so they can preserve social interactions that largely don’t exist.

No. They don’t. Confirmation bias, bud.

Reality doesn’t care about your tears.

Every poll has RDF winning by a landslide. Most non-troll posters on the forums are pro-RDF. Most people in-game are pro-RDF. If you don’t like it, maybe you should go play SoM.

Every poll that the only people who see and respond to are those whining about it? Yea, bud. It’s confirmation bias. You may as well watch Fox News to get your opinions on immigration.


The people who care about RDF (most players) were outraged when Blizzard decided not to add it, so they made their voices heard. It’s not our fault that anti-RDF is maybe 20% of the playerbase, tops.

And I’m not sure why you need to bring politics into it, is it because you can’t accept that you’re both wrong and in the small minority? Seems like it.


You’re employing the same fallacy. Learn how to critically think for a moment instead of jerking yourself off to botted, biased polling.

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You should critically think about why your position is so unpopular with the majority of players and stop calling everyone that disagrees with you biased.


You’re touched, mate.

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If touched is a turn of phrase that means correct, then that’s true.


No, it means someone who is displaying signs of insanity by thinking confirmation bias is a good thing.

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No it just means someone is acting unusual or is somewhat crazy, nothing about confirmation bias. You should read a dictionary.

If you think someone is insane because they’re proven right with actual evidence then you might be the touched one. If you have to cover your eyes and ears to pretend you’re right then that’s just not healthy.


Wow, you don’t know what context is, either.

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Here I got you this since you probably don’t have a dictionary in your house:


I can queue for cross realm pvp battlegrounds and sit in orgrimmar all day, there is literally no reason I cannot do the same with dungeons. You cant say you care about the social experience when pvp is already in the same boat.