RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Look. Things changed. Players used to be little kids and time meant nothing. They played wow and actually believed they were there. They started growing up and were not able to keep up with real people. They have no idea why things changed so they grasp anything that is different and blame that. They are convinced and every time they see another person repeat it, it reinforces it. They will connect any dots to get to the conclusion they want. When 3 things happen at the same time and a change also happens. They will pick whichever of the 3 they feel like amd blame that. You cant beat stupid.

Ppl will quit. It will happen. Eventually when its to late, they will add it. By then the players will have given up and not be interested. Then they will blame adding rdf as the problem again.

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Yes players will use the better tool for what they’re trying to do, that is not a problem.

For people who just want to smash a dungeon RDF is simply the better tool so of course the people who are doing that will use it.

There are of course things RDF is not better for and people will not use it for those things. So yes people will still manually form groups when appropriate, they will just have the option to use RDF when it is in fact the better tool.

Now if you’re saying that RDF will be widely used it’s because people are largely already doing exactly what they would do anyways in RDF. Which is of course exactly what we see chat pugging or using the LFG Tool which yields an end experience almost identical to RDF. And for the cases where it doesn’t those are cases where people wouldn’t use RDF even if it was in the game because see above.


It’s the elitist, tryhard neckbeards that ruin everything for everyone else. All they do is whine and complain like little toddlers until they get their way because they are convinced that they are the most important players in the game.

In reality, no one cares that they log 23.5 hours a day. They are so starved for social interaction that they think the answer to their real world social problems is to remove a tool that helped WAY MORE than it hindered because they think it will help them be more social. Well maybe if they got up from their chairs every so often and actually got outside, they wouldn’t be so socially starved. I’m convinced of this.

RDF does not hinder social experiences, and anyone who thinks so obviously lacks any form of actual brain power and critical thinking skills.

In reality, RDF helps SO MANY people (who tend to be casuals like me) get to actually experience the game that the devs have made. Not everyone has 23.5 hours to play a video game. I was looking forward to doing dungeons in Wrath through the RDF (because of how much time it saves), but when I found out they were removing it I got upset. I got upset because I do not want to soend the little amount of time that I have to play every day sitting in LFD, waiting for a healer or tank to HOPEFULLY pop up sometime soon. So, I will not be touching any PVE content because of it. (Obviously this diesnt apply to raids. I already knew that I just wouldn’t be able to partake in those).

It’s very similar to what the Raid Finder tool did for me in retail… it allowed me to actually see the raids that the devs spent so long making, and it allowed me to appreciate the work they did. I had time to queue in the Raid Finder tool, but not the time to sit around and wait for an entire group to be formed, just for people to leave right when we filled, so then we had to sit and find more, just for more people to leave right when we filled, just to repeat the process like 5 times before FINALLY everyone decided to stay.

It just annoys me greatly that as a casual player I literally just have to deal with not seeing an entire part of the game that I PAY FOR MONTHLY all because of a bunch of tryhard, sweaty neckbeards that have probably melded to their chairs by now, throwing tantrums like toddlers.

As if they couldn’t have continued to play the game in the way that they want to, regardless of the inclusion of RDF.

I hope you all can feel the frustration and malice in my post.

I just can’t stand it when the whiniest group of people get catered to in any situation, simply because they were the whiniest.


This reads exactly like how an incel complains about women.

If you can’t form a group, you don’t get to do grouped content. Sorry bud, that’s the genre. Play something else.


So you’re saying the secret to incels getting women is to hit on them in groups? I don’t think it’ll work, but I’d love to see the bunch of them get shot down in the wild.

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Easier, more simple. Not better. Learn the difference, please.

Sorry you can’t make friends.

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Hey, hold up everyone. Make sure to listen what this pro-LFR player has to say! LOL… never thought I’d see someone admit to that on the Classic forums. :smiley:

BTW, it’s beyond amusing that you’re calling anti-RDFers the whiniest group of people. You seem to ignore the fact that RDFers make multiple threads a day to whine about this topic.

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LOL you think chat pugging or using the LFG Tool is difficult…

But seriously the end result is the same RDF simply provides a better interface for pugging dungeons. So yeah it is objectively better for that use case.

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It clearly is if you’re incapable of doing it enough to cry about it incessantly.

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Nope I just prefer to use the better tool for the job, which in the case of pugging dungeons is RDF.

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It’s not better. It’s more simple and easier. That doesn’t mean better. You’re playing the wrong genre of game.

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Yes it is, an interface where I can just click join and it finds a group for me is objectively better than staring at chat or an add on or the lfg tool and playing roulette hoping I get a lucky invite.

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“Mario should really use a gun. Why doesn’t he just shoot the goombas. That’s objectively better.”

Go play something else.


Ever the wordsmith. Once again, a shining example of the total lack of eloquence of the the anti group. Just go away is all you guys have to lean back on once you get trounced in an argument.

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LoL no wonder they are so desperate that the blizzard not provide people a choice to avoid grouping with them.

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Make friends and go home are their core arguments. And they always jump straight into name calling when someone disagrees.

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Sorry you can’t make friends. Getting groups is pretty easy for me. Most of the time I don’t even look. People message me that I’ve played with and ask me to help or do something with them. You know, how the game was designed.

If you want a lobby queue matchmaking trashcan game, go play one.

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If you want a hardcore MMO RPG without QoL features go play one, WoW never was it.

Weird. Classic WotLK seems to fit what I’m looking for exactly as it is. Not quite what it was when it first launched, but that’s okay. RDF type features are precisely anti-MMO. Go play something else.

Actually I’d have preferred they did patch by patch releases through Classic. I wanted to have old gearing, pre-armor mounts, tier 2 dropping from MC initially, old specs. Unfortunately it wasn’t that. You know what I didn’t do? Cry constantly.

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One. Trick. Poster.