RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Yes, it takes a painfully long time to form a group with LFG. The whole time you cannot quest or be out in the world you are forced to afk babysit the LFG tool.

Ouch, sorry for your misfortune.


Very true

Yup as Forrest Gump once said: Stupid is as Stupid does.

Blizzard is just out of touch.


I have been finding yet another major problem with the current LFG system. I am an Alliance player on an oceanic realm that has a 27-73 % ratio in favour of horde. Iā€™m finding that when I finally manage to get into a group and spend time getting to the dungeon entrance, there are a large number of Horde players ganking any Alliance players that approach. So I have to die 2-3 times before getting into the instance. There are only 2 other classic realms on oceanic, 1 is PvE, the other has close to the same ratios of players but is 3 times smaller in population. My choices are wait for RDF, or pay huge amounts of money to transfer all my characters to a US realm where we are on opposite time zones. Please help.


There is a lot of unbalanced populated servers, and Oceanic is no exception. Although I donā€™t have to experience any ganking due to I play on Remulos, but my server is pretty much Alliance favoured, so I canā€™t imagine what it is like for the Horde on my server.

It was a mistake for Blizzard to not add Dungeon Finder into Wrath Classic when it can solve more problems than the current LFG tool.

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Go join a group in wrath classic and see how social it is. Its not. Hard to chat to people when people are actually playing the game.


But you can make friends to play with later. You canā€™t with RDF because itā€™s cross-realm.

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Letā€™s not forget that these decisions were made before they patches out dungeon boosts. Spamming chats to buy or sell boosts was totally social.

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Join a guild for that.


I do have a guild, doesnā€™t invalidate knowing people from outside the guild.

And RDF doesnt stop you from knowing people outside of your guild either.


Reading comprehension hard

It must be if you are having this much trouble.


I have now found yet another reason we need RDF. As a DK Iā€™m trying to get a tank set together. I got into an LFD group only to be told that all the plate gear was reserved for the Pally tank or Warrior dps, I was told I couldnā€™t even roll on it. Thanks blizzard for this awesome social experience (sarcasm). Wow has almost lost this 15 year player.


WE WANT RDF. FFS. This is redic

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I only had to read half of the OP to summarize this for the TLDR crowd:

ā€œI donā€™t want to have to have a social experience, put in any effort, or play a crucial role. Why isnā€™t blizzard allowing me to be carried and have everything handed to me?ā€

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I have done over 40 heroics already and have had absolutely no social experience from any heroic.

The only effort added is me flying to summon stones for the 3 lazy people standing in Dalaran or Orgrimmar each group

Your role does not change with or without RDF

Why isnā€™t blizzard allowing me to be carried and have everything handed to me?

The difficulty does not change with or without RDF


I have recruited several people to my guild via running heroics

Putting in effort = find people and form your own group, talk to the people in your group and see if anyone wants to run other thing. Dungeon groups donā€™t have to be a one-and-done mentality like rdf gives

Playing a role that is hard to find (OP was a paladin, could literally fill any role) makes it easier to find groups. Playing that role WELL will get people adding you to their friends lists, and youā€™ll get invited to more groups in the future

When people donā€™t have to do any of the above, and let the rdf tool do everything for them, they generally slack off and let others do the work of the dungeon as well.

All in all, dungeons are WHAT YOU MAKE THEM. Donā€™t be antisocial, donā€™t be useless, and donā€™t be an a**hole and youā€™ll have people lining up to do dungeons with you. I logged in today and had 7 people whisper me wondering when Iā€™m going to run a world tour for heroics. Only 2 of those were in my guild and 5 were people I pugged with over the last 4 days.

This was zero effort. It wasnā€™t socializing either. Itā€™s people needing 10 heroics per day and saying the bare minimum to do it.

Literally finding groups in seconds as a Feral DPS. Role management is not currently an issue, be it RDF or LFD.

I have had countless slackers in my groups, ESPECIALLY when it comes to flying to the dungeon. Actually Iā€™d say 3/5 people just AFK in cities in every group and wait for me to summon them.

I have 10 heroics to do before I can go out in the world and play the game. Nobody wants to socialize. My socializing is on discord with my friends. This isnā€™t 2008, Iā€™m talking to people while playing, I donā€™t need to talk to my Heroic pug that insists that theyā€™re in Org with their Hearth down for the 10th time today.

Yeah I logged in today and 100 people messaged me asking when Iā€™m going to start Heroics

If you genuinely think that getting these groups together is ā€œPutting in effortā€ then dear lord MMOs have become cringy.

Itā€™s just a waste of time, I want to play Wrath. Not auto fly for the 10th time in a day for yet again another person AFKing in a city waiting for me to summon them.


Making your own groups, and playing well enough that people remember you and ask to come with you again is a hell of a lot more effort than rdf, but itā€™s worthwhile, especially in the long run


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s a lot of effort, but itā€™s a non-zero amount. And you ridiculing me calling this effort kinda proves my point that rdf is not needed, because it takes almost no effort to make your own groups


So when the anti rdf players say ignorant, dumb, stupid comments, how are we supposed to let them know they are ignorant, dumb and stupid?

Take any single reason they make up and you cam see why they need to be reminded of what they are.