RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Yes, I got friends on my server, I also have friends who play on other servers. I’m not lazy like you to not create an alt on a different server to play with them.

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Its not about being lazy, its a matter what you chose to use your time on. I chose to build social connections on my realm. If you want to make social connections on a half dozen other realms thats your choice.

Then you do you. But stop gatekeeping on others request for Dungeon Finder.


You are still under the delusion of gatekeeping i see.

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Continuing the discussion from RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd":

BRING BACK LFG NOW, I am finding it hard to group with people who are wanting the same dungeon as me. I want you to bring the Auto LFG tool back as soon as possible, there was nothing wrong with it. At the moment I cannot even get guildies to run with me, either they are too high level now or not interested. For the people who don’t want it back, that’s ok, do what you have been doing but for the rest of us, it is destroying the fun in the game.


Just want to point out that im getting invited to groups as dps within 5 minutes of listing.

Yeah, it’s exactly that. I chose to use my time to make social connections in guild and where I live. I chose not to do it in pugs.


And there are some consequences to that. It reduces the total number of social connections you have in game, which makes it harder to group.

Your way of playing isnt wrong, it just has some drawbacks to it. Just as mine does. I have a hard time maintaining all the social connections i already have because i try to touch base with the people i have made good social connections with somewhat regularly to keep that social connection strong. So a consequence of how i play is the effort i have to put in to maintain my social connections.

RDF with no crossrealm is the easiest solution. Maybe let some servers be crossrealm because they probably need it.

Remove all forms of bonus rewards and i will support this.

Yeah, not really a fan of those either.

And your way of playing isn’t wrong. Give those of us who don’t like to socialize in pugs the rdf. You manually form your groups. You play your way, I’ll play mine. For me that increases the socialization in the game since I did more dungeons with guild members


I appreciate the wall of text, but I disagree and so does the development team. :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug:

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Remove the aspects of rdf that make it essentially mandatory to use like all the bonus rewards and i can agree to a same realm rdf.

I don’t care about the rewards. The new bribe bags that blizzard added are better than any original game rewards. That was a Cata addition and no one complained about that retail addition until it affected alchemy. But you still want to control how other people play. I see no reason to run to a dungeon when I never socialize on the way. If someone in a pug decides to socialize or pvp while I’m waiting at the stone I’d never group with them again. And while same realm rdf would work fine for me I care about other people. For all your claims about socializing it doesn’t seem like you do. I care about the people on the low pop realms. They need cross server rdf

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At the very minimum, they could enable rdf for 15-70 or 15-79 since some of the anti-rdf argument is “feeling forced to use it because of the daily rewards for endgame.”

Adding it in later hasn’t been ruled out just yet. It’s still on the table, but I don’t see any valid reason to not have it in now.


The problem isn’t the casual players that prefer to us RDF because they have limited playtime
( due to having a life outside the game ).
The problem is the elitists that have enough time to gatekeep the groups and refuse a casual player because they are undergeared because they don’t play 18 hours a day.
The LFG channel is now the same as any trade chat channel, yes I’ve even seen anal jokes on LFG channel already. How can you find a group and quest and gather and work on profs when you have 2-3 hours a day and it takes at least 15-30 minutes to find a group and get to the dungeon. Plus you need to sit staring at LFG chat missing half the posts coz of spam or refreshing Lfg tab to keep updated.
I’ve even seen people asking for gearscore already.
Blizzard needs to ignore the 5-10% of elitists and listen to the 90% casual players.


Yeah just ignore that person. It’s like listening to a serial killer lecture you about manners.


You’re on Bene. Your server has like, a million people.