RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Their new LFG tool is such a disaster already. SO MUCH gatekeeping. I know the “new” WOTLK dev team wasn’t around for actual WOTLK, but LFD was put in to stop this type of behavior.

The amount of “don’t need more than 4 stop whispering me” or “geared only xp farm” groups is out of control. The entire thing is just straight up embarrassing. It made me, and the majority of everyone else, have a very sour taste about this entire classic WOTLK experiment. It’s creating so much hostility between the community for zero reason.

I was very excited to play this expansion again but they’ve now reduced the entire thing to a “something to do until DF comes out” side piece. It’s so sad lol


I’ve honestly haven’t experienced much of the gatekeeping from people that I have read on the forums, but I dunno. One thing that I do find annoying is that it is now starting to take longer to find a group or put together a group to do a certain dungeon just to complete a few quest. (Though this is on Remulos, not sure if it is the same on other servers).

Not adding in Dungeon Finder was a huge mistake from Blizzard.


He’s just a troll. Picks whatever the current hot topic is and goes against whatever the majority of players want, just to push peoples’ buttons.

For what it’s worth, I was also against dual spec in TBCC. For the same reason I’m for RDF in Wrath Classic: authenticity. That’s actually being consistent in one’s stances. Not flip flopping around just to go against the grain and antagonize people.


On the topic though, wasn’t Dual Spec originally added in Wrath in 3.1? Or did it actually come in a lot earlier?

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It came with 3.1 and Ulduar.

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Ok. Well, then yeah, it is an understandable reason not to wanting Dual Spec in TBC Classic if it wasn’t in TBC to begin with.

But Dungeon Finder should’ve been added in with WotLK, but yet, the devs don’t care.


I feel like blizzard is completely ignoring the entire classic community. The overwhelming majority of players are demanding that RDF be added, just like it was in the original version, and they simply aren’t doing it. I thought for sure they would add it after the pre-patch, given how much people have been asking for it. But nope.



Both players and devs are setting others up to fail.
Blizzard: No RDF, so use the LFG to group up.
Players: No dungeon unless you’re geared.

Geared for literal entry level dungeon… :joy:

You can’t win. I never seen a game where not only the devs love your misery, so do the players. At least on League I just get player hate, how horrible for everyone to hate you lmao.
Just bring back RDF. You’re basically telling me I can’t alt level
in the Old World anymore and now not even the current expansion. What an insane asylum we’re in.


Personally, I don’t mind Dungeon Finder which was released in originally WotLK. The one thing I am absolutely against is hand-out epics and Looking For Raid, which I believe was the brainchild of Activision in Cataclysm.


Maybe dont break the rules?

Healed 5 dungeons yesterday and I was the only person other than 1 other to say/type a single word in chat (ggtyfp).

So much social interaction.


It wasnt QoL reasons i didn’t want dual spec. It was how it would change the meta and how raiding was done in general.

People being required to have dual spec in tbc because fight X needed 4 healers, fight Y needed 5 and 3 tanks, exc.

It would have drastically changed how the players approached raiding, the viability of a hybrid spec that could heal and do dps or tank and dps, exc. It took away the nitch of feral druid being able to tank or melee dps in one apec and do it well.

It wasnt about QoL, it was about class/spec balance for why i didnt want dual slec in tbc.

lol no it isn’t. Being lazy and bad at making friends is kind of cringe ngl. You and the other outcasts that liked your comment are just coping hard lmao

Two? Make more. Obviously quantity
is your problem if scheduling is an issue. Lazy.

technically you did! congratulations. but 3% effort outta 100 isn’t a lot is it.

hence the bad at making friends bit.

Nah. What i said was simply true. Your cope is cringey though.

That’s because Blizzard only listens to their “friends” in the streaming community, who are either troll who ninja loot from their community like the simps they are (Asmongold) or just gets carried and given free stuff directly from Blizzard (Bellular).

Blizzard stopped looking at the forums decades ago.


These forums are the most toxic thing i have ever witnessed I feel the need to watch cat videos or something after spending any amount of time here


Yikes dude


Well put. Not having it is pure insanity.


You’re right, that was my fault. I broke the rules, I face the consequences. But when I returned, I had to really start “all over.” Creating an alt on a different server how ever, is not starting “all over.”

You make friends on different servers, if you’re desperate to play with them, you create an alt and play with them on different servers.

But using, “can’t play with friends on different servers” is not a reason why Dungeon Finder should not be added.


Or, make friends on your server. That option is there you know.

Just quit.

The more people who quit, the less in queue.

I also get a bit cheerful seeing Blizzard stocks continue to fall and knowing Bobby may have to consider buying a smaller Yacht.